Collisions prompt crackdown from POLICE on page A3 carnes a fine of $180 and three demerit points upon conviction. Ihai intersection was chosen for the blitz because of the large num- ber of collisions there, Davis said, with some involving cars being rear- ended due to aggressive driving. "A lot of people are in a [ush these days," Davis said. "Thats bow accidents happen." Likely one reason for the iack of compliance at that intersection is there isn't mucb traffie coming west- bound along Main Street, Davis said. But even so, dangers of not stop- ping for that right-hand turn include potentially hitting a pedes- trian or rear-ending someone who does take the time to stop, he said. "if everyone followed the rules of ihe road, acciclcntx xx ouldol hap- pen. Drivers who received tickets were maie, female, young, old and everything in between, Davis said. 0f the more memorable respons- es, one driver from ont of town did- n't think the red light appiied to him because he wasn't [rom Milton, Davis said. Others seemed convinced that shey did stop and argued wiîb police. In addition to the red iight-rnn- ners, police also dîscovered a person drtving a transport îruck wîth only a G licence, two snspcnded drivers, a few wîth expircol liccnces, a vehîcle puliing a loaded traîler wiîh insprop- cr brakes and another trailer wiîh improper tires. Thcre was aiso a Gi driver - xxho arc required to havc an experi- enced driver with thcrn at ail times - driving nnaccompanied and wish a snspended licence. Su'pluoiîi' Iloîîîisi'l1 ((Iii 1w îovwlwd Waste disposai date changes A special bazardons and elce- tronit waste drop-off day in Campbellville originally scheduled for Jnly 25 bas been postponed to ibe faîl. Halton Region will now boot the event Satnrday Oct. 31 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in ibe parking lot of Mobawk Racetrack. For a list of acceptable materials for disposai, visit wwwlialton.calwaste and click on special events. ___ jz /' EXCI~USIVEkYy~MILTLONWkIAX ~ ~J~www_ Sq~j~ij~EDOIL CHANGES I~OR~ ~ Q % FINANCING AND CASH BACK ~j~$~S ~EASED~RI!~U~iiAUDl ~ ~TFi~RU~Eh[I FR5M 481060 MONrHS ERO ON A 2009 Mol s N.) (anvunhence .009 SUA RIO o Loaded wff h opUosal lest aras! MSRP...................~1 6,545 * 160 ttoep*Mtooorroos.AMFovoe4çp3 *t6sasievre.oiaeioois&moocoot~ Consumer Savings..............- ~3,546 * rkroiktws, Ooerkx5s mires vaffikeyiessonsy M1..N k'I~oe * NeaievjFrcotSoats . Fioontatç t -______________ ____________ _______ I -~ iD 10 SUA FORTE ~ L.ahd woth optiorial teatoras! MSRP...................$1 8,494 * 2.00 14 Engmne lSOhp * OAirbags Consumer Savions - ~969 * Air Coodioooing. Koyioos Eotry * Anti-whîpiash Front Headrents .4 wheoiABS Oioc Brakos ~I.I AM/FM/CO/Mp3 Storox W/Aux M Vawh.~I * Powr, WOdoeox, Door Louks B Heated Mrrors F07400 MMoIShoo, * Biuetooth * Stoorng WhreiAodo Cootrois * I * 8 Mxci, More' iDI O KIA SOLJL * " MSRP....................~16,495 *SO55PA *1.6L *5spd *A/C * 6 Air Bags * AM/FM/CD/MP3 Consumer Savings................~5O2 * Bluetooth * Hoated Front Seats Il * Steering WIieeI Control * Power Windows Door Locks & Mirrors S0752M ~ * & Much More! ~OO9 KIA RIO 5 HAT(HDA(K P U R CHAS E i009 KIA ~ORENITO %~ 1700 (ASH FINANCUNG Z500~Hoîs(DIJsT plus 0% plus 0% dW~N Purchasi Fînancing ABLE ON EVERY 2009 KIA#' Purchasi hnancrng 48 Mssths _________________________________________________________________________ 60 Msnths _________________ INTEGRITY ~OO9 KIA ~PORTA6E ADV,~N' CF ~'3 7011 EA~HDI~rnUN Rîght now, boy any flore K o ond we'Ii et you returfi WIflI plus il svîthout penalty shou d you ose your income Ps chaseFnascng vothîn the iirst year of tho purchose dote 48 Montho *~eoimAw I~~insI Ii~c~I U5478'flSS JUST NORTH 0F KIA MOTORS 55 Ontaria 5t. I~IorLh, Milton THE MILTON MAIL The Powerto Surprise11 .,Onss)o,înNx,,,ooydo,~, 5ACV,5,~M,~~)K ')p O 5 p Dpik.bxdel,,&f,)toydxp,055 Odd5,opp,,OO,,,,,u0~,d,,,u5s FDEPO~,ss.,&~,,soSp,,ut,,,,,.ts ,re,,o,,,s)b,,,Sts,,x,,o,,,,,,,, Ms)Oi~xps,,t),oisS15O5AC0p),sI, )4ldreeosp)bip*ucsy VctMrnxg,~5 O i O