O5PINION Recipe for Spectacular crashes, such warmi las the one that sent three the ro Syoung men to hospitai in prevet serious condition eariy iast accide à Wednesday morning, are samne tragic on many leveis - per- Ho haps the greatest being the motos act that they're preventabie. limit, Last week's single-vehicle lives crash on Guelph Line, just senge: south of Milton, involved a Sac driver iosing control on a 50 and y km/h stretch of road in con- with ditions that were, by ail seque accounts, normal, rush Speed is beiieved to have lescen piayed a rote in the horrible ty an crash that required two of driver three Dundas residents to be Ho airlifted to Hamilton hospi- the c tais and the third toi be trans- more ported by land ambulance, fragile People living close to the ly po scene of the carnage believe sake improved road signs - take it death ng of a sharp curve in ad - may have heiped nt the second serious ~nt in three years at the site. îwever, any time 'ssts exceed the speed they gamble with their ind those of their pas- rs. liy, too often, speed outh go hand in hand fatal or near-fatai con-i nces. Combining the )f speed with the ado- .t fantasy of invincibili- id an inexperienced is a recipe for dcath. pefully, heaning about onsequences exposes1 young people to how i life is and how quick- or judgment for the of' thrill seekîng can away Readers Write E-mail letters to itonial@niiltoncanadianchamnpon.om. Letters, which may be edit&l, must moclude the wnter's namne, addIroes aMd phone numbeý-r. Developers should pay for infrastructure DEAR EDITOR: I'm a iongtime resident of Milton who bought in and out of Milton twice in the last 30 years. It's a great community, despite the chal- lenges that growth bas brought us over the iast few years. 1 absolutely support the proposition being put in front of Halton regional council that development-related costs should he borne solely by those who look to acquire new per- sonal residences or commercial/industnial properties (in Halton and anywhere else for rhat matter). Teenagers muin Canada Day fireworks DEAR EDITOR: there were some teenagers who were being SO Happy Canada Day! My family is very rude that be didn't want to stay patriotic. We love Canada. We love Canada When 1 asked my husband wbat hap- Day We wear red and white, we bang up our pened hie told me a group of teenagers stood Canada flags and we want to celebrate. No directly in front of wbere my husband and matter where we are on July 1 we make sure son had been standing and eventually carried we're celebrating this awesome country. in another friend wbo seemed to be too We havýe two children, an eight-year-oid drunk to, walk. This person eventually feul boy and a six-month-old boy Our eight-year- over into the mud and proceeded to, vomit on old, needless to say loves the celebrations the ground in front of my famiiy. My husband and most of ail looks forward to, the fire- told me they badl a bottie of wine with them works; as most children and aduits do. and the worst part was that the flreworks My eight-year-old son was so excited to go event was being monitored by police. Happy see the fireworks at the Milton Fair Grounds Canada Day indeed, and t.o stay up late that hc didn't even care if Is this what 1 should expect when sup- it might be rmling. My husband and son porting local events, my country, my commu- went to t local event while I stayed home nity antd waching my children about patriot- with the baby. isiU?< Whenl1 asked my son about the fireworks, KARtA DELEAN he said he had to leave early. Ht said that MILTON 1 would look very unfavourahiy upon any elected representative at any level of govern- ment that chooses to saddle exisuing ratcpay- ens with the infrastructure costs associated with new growth. Our tax rates already cover for the capital costs of our infrastructure and its upkeep. Developers have a vested interest in getting competitive advantages for the markets they develop by lowening development costs. Its market economics. By piaying une municipality against the other to ohtain fiscal advantages, they negoti- ate subsidies to lower the cost of the properties they market. .If province-wide or nation-widc regulations prevented lower levels of government from allowing tax subsidies (discountcd DCs) to developers, which attempt to favour oniels region over the other, we wouldn't have to deal with the game of bninkmanship between developers and municipalities that turns ratepayers into pawns for commercial inter- ests. Let's not bave mistaken and unfair policies of the past justify those of the future. Developers and the new property owners that wish to establish in Halton must pay for the full cost of growth; and that should be non- negotiabie. GERMAIN PROULX MILTON Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 555 tndustnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mittoncanadianchampion.comn V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief JolI Davis Managing Editor Karen Mîceli Advertising Director Defffii Kolpejari Production Manager Tom Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, pubtished every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Adoeriîng os accepted on the condition ta. in the event of a typographical error that portion of thre advenus5 ing space oouupied bp the erroneous item, together witc a reasonable aliowance for signature, wil flot be charged for, but thre balance of the advernîsement ouil be paid lot at the applicable rte. Tfie publisher reserves thre tigut to categotite aduertisemeno or decline. CCAB Audited Rf cou iîzecl fon exceullerice biy à o fl Ontanrio Community 2X7CM Newspapes Association Ca'naduan Communili C+. NA Newspaper Association SSubunban Newspapes I_ _ of Amenica Te Can adian ( arnopiufo is po'( 1fdaS)nui>n i LOMEc* _1_ A G1 ON Ji gle Bell Fond UNITED WAY OF MILTON MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE 1 44 ý CANADOA DAY ti ATIIENA Tb b, bMîtn The Milton Coodîan Cbaimpion isa Renyniable PintIons