£ 1e Malichîsi Horne seffing iea[ï) v se, .1 mu d 0 SPACID1US HOME LICENSED AS A B & B BRIG~HT & SPACIOUS HOME IN4 GIEN A MUST SEE! 50K<speit in upgrades, lrg foyer, SHOWST0ttfFý 1H!C HOME SHINES T/O GREAT VALUE 4 bedroom home on a large UIN HOME ON A LARGE LOT -Neai ravine lot w/ingrooand pool. Main tir iaandry, ABBY Grand foyer entrance, mn fir main fI w/ît ceiling, lia rmi w/mapl hdwd & vauiied Ob dr entry tai rg loyer w/ceramic tir & inoîde mature lot. tamily room w/tpd, w/o ta large pri- ochool, parho & trails. Foyer w/2pc bath& eat-in kitch w/w/o tai yd. Mooter w/5pc en- iaondry& den, oep dia rmn, liv rm, kîtchen ceiligs, gourmet kitch otfers italien hachapiash access tai garage. Open concept hdwd tirs T/O, vote deck and ierced yard. Spacîsus w/o have- hdwd lira, kitch w/w/o ta deck & yd. Sep din aorte & w/fi ciooet. Fin tower lev w/hitchen, 2 w/w/o ta dech, tapi rmn w/tp, mooter w/5pc & w/o ta decir. Do/i oa staircaae w/iran apirdies, kitch w/hk har, S/S appliances, ceramîc tir & w/o ment addition wîth hedrosm aid sîttîng area, rmd w/hdwd fit, liv rmi w0p, fin laer level w/poI bedroomo & rec rmn. Updated otf, Windows, ensuite, w/i ciooet & oîttîng aiea. On a master e/t/hi di easry, hdwd tirs, 5pc ensuite wloep ta deck. liv rm w/coiumns & fp. Manier w/db dr billiards room & ample storage. Hardwsod lighto, master w/large closet, neutra colon fornace, pool lier & pump. Must sale, perfect huge lot, fenced yard & interlock waihway. shower & w/r dloser, Temriîc home loi a large iamily entry, w/i cioset. 5pc ensuite & adroinîng aura- tiavrs ihroughoui. 2 ducilesa A/C ayt/arma t/s, wide dnîveway w/parking toi 2 cars. for a large tamilyl $629,900. $565,000 of lease $2500/mth. 4280ery, sîmply gorgeousi 3479,000. $3h9.900 Top of the Rock Teamn EXCELLENT VALUE Hoge Lot.Eat-l n TERRIFIC LOCATION! J)>Ivî .e v'rLOVELO & INCITINO BUNGALO1W ON O QIET PERFECT STARTER HOME! Kitch W/ Ceramic Furs & Oak Cabinets Eat-in kitch w/ S/S appi, liv rmn w f, COURT! lis rm w/pic wîndow, sep dîn rm w/ W/W/O To Fuiiy Fenced Yard, 2nd Floor crown molding & neutral decor T!0. Tnfe.. .a. 8ey I .. lamîMnetate &oos w/at e oferatc e eu/r e warm e soep ktow h m e r feld moel Computer Nook W/lnternet Outjets, Master allers 4pc ensuite & w/i doset. neialclosMatrates pcsm enut w/oe concetitef, maste bd w/w/id Master Bed Offers 4pc Ensuite & Lrg W/ Walkoat basemnent ta yard, dlose f0 iower level w/fam nm w/w/Oi fenced corner lotdst n e sot eS, nde bdrms w/db di 1 Cioset. Cold Cellar la Bomat, Lrg FrontHW 40QEtast$ 850Prdn althedomw esueindeccsta oetnetadcrm eacosag- P orch. $309900 H Y41/Etast$285 M e il garage, stalage & iaunidry. $279,700 rage, energy star homte! $249,80 WE HAVE FIRM j BUYERS FOR AIL BRICK TOWNHOME IN VERY WELL MAINTAINIED TOWNHOME 2 BRAND NEW HOMES FOR SALE JUJ5T MOVE IN! JUST MOVE IN! HAWTHORNE VILLAGE Many updates und. ic/r & main bath, maoter w/ B uleNyrIvdn 9 IM ~ Il A Q Mi lor Fml om Wl anForFml omW ie Very right lurgefoyer oilers ceramicirs &mirrored dhl door entry &Scrown molding. Fiiishe lacr B uidr ever LXdi BUNG.i A.L LW an ForFml or ihMi p lace, ml Ron ih i closet t/sors. te 2nd level has an on concept level freshly painted w/2pchath. Fiee accesu ta 'Pine Valley' model. Freplace, Kitchen With WaIk-out To p cKitchen With Walk-out To Yard. design eleatîin kîtch, good site lia i e/r a enta 1 tennis coud & pool, short waik to a k, 18 qt.& 205sq lit. i Yard. Master Offers A 4pc Ensuite Master Offers A4pcEnutAd ak halcony, 2pc bat/r & sep laundry tif The 3rd revel ofait riv85 sqppng tras. 2&5 eas acstiN M I T N ! n ak Closet. SesTo Parka nCoet tp To ak& Waol- fersgood sze bdrooma, masterew/iýihers clasets& c01ed3407 iver , 90 0ntasiSes acs available. & i*Lî *col AnW lk-l n tepl Close/t.Ses Pak &Sho. 5p semi ensuite. $249.000 4n4347$1.0 "We are very bappy witb Dornenie and bis tearn, [bey are very professional and know bow to deal witb people. We would bîgbly recorned tbe Mancbisi Tearn [o belp boy or Iel your borne. Give [berna Cali you wos't regret if!" - Mîke - - s - - . - e . - R - . - e e t/tS 61 noriht - t Parenthesîs, essontrally e2. eeasr ot border n O. Parsiar notanlatas 63. Repraouctive structura CROSSwI mOU BS VONT te Yeu by t flue 6. Cousin ai -trie B @ S VB 12. rctic flO Dm lp 4 15 16 1 Il 9 O1 il us$ U R S WR id. Prasperaus lan/e/ teasant in t l nsight 13 15 - - - - - raIni fassie 2. Peaca ai mind 15 rOa, Oeg 3.tHead ona sructure i --- - - - -AA Df B U DIliA 14S W FoR S t. e lîi aid 4. Schuss. o-- il,,, W5I~ 8. Carborium, vog 5. SoalI cru/ile sheiters COUL SE" - SlWW WUWNE t9 Moasune I. Cool 1 ]E s1s1V 20 Unversity in Paris t. i-$uv/ îesnmblieng a /0v/round 24-- -O as20a 75"ise 22. Show thrauO/r masament but sialler as2 *o 9ow a s750s __L V we*l 2& Long narroa iniei or sva baroen t. Elosatvu box for areorng sports 26 0 ni s n 0fr9'198$N O I S S R S i i 9 j H Rý ore clOfs O. SSaiow - - _ _ 25, Charlannta o-aleîoh /îr 10ý Long, long lime RI V il a DV O X l 20. t/ail Marry. 10g 11t Fraction of a nawovraIO m ma o p m c n u 280 Lehtover 12O orange St. El/ar/r persan 13. Maving aine snrto or camparentos -- a iii R V H OJ 33 Parrace narnar 1/ t/roi aradn b/ Antonio Sîra/ivanri b 3/ care/rai antanr 2t t/ny lecaoara har t/relds r/rhe O 4 . 1 i O I - 1 3t Orctrc bîr/ arcu _ _ 30 Imtraterit/tarvard ai bld 23 Erg/ian ex/m /inale aller 4a8 a141- r k d d i f V R 3 39. Docrar Ana ailaînnos orîri fle 2/, tome-orate/ onrine einnnn/ b/r-VyH H 40. Crr/arming ao a te Os//nis Si ' 42 oltalairesco 29scrackenea/ dO R S V N 44, t/gain /0 crIlester W/île so!aia 3~ nD 1ai3V 45. Short ar/en, tan shr St Brooks obnsn. e g .' ~ O I d R f I 48. loIland Natioal Monument 32 Sgaeearng (out fin __u l0 1 50. Scee of/Jesassrisry 3/ýMn abraa/- - - - - - - -4 Cathy Ph..kch @. Sith R NNO9 b iNfl 0~V 52 Assomment 35 CaInIrarar Irodc 55 a il 36, t/raseaao riie an inex- - - - - -t athe Mihtu Cha"dlCuI mplon N0 d n b6... n e /îaaa oata/a igir 380 bra raine/ /3 Ugol/ar iii lenrere/ aomar cai/ival/fo laIeir fruil t a2 - er/e National Park 57 Informai /iscussion /0 Put/min/bt/arne la/ion for 45 Irtiammaany svelirra an 4/ losy-brtsy 53. Western bise iiag, e.g 905-878-2341 extl. 217 Àe R > >1 1V i f 1 N V 0 59 'Sean' are protection by anatrier sare 40ý 'Trie Cruciale' oetîrg 5/. tour or~ amanle uacu pa a e0. Depile/ /1.'Car il aur . 46 Omail everareer Irans 51t t/ny lima 50. Marienbad. for are111111119 z ni e% z ,_Eree Online Home Evaluation visit www.ManchisiTeamHomeEvaluation.CO=M