I ~nr îLf RAL ~22 OntarioSt.S., ESI IL. 878-7777I. STONE SCHOOLHOUSE CAMPBELLVILLE One of a iond (CirC 180) hnsaon a y upgraded and impoe i sh unique open concept foo plan entenSainens delg g rinngn Sun sonr addition over iooieing perenniai gandens & louely country ride views. Office/den nomplene sith iigh-speed. Uppen level donners aiiowing iots nf nanonai hîghi and eepanded 2nd level. 3 bdnms, includes spacnous masten compeessin ensuite & fieeplace. As ovensise sepanalle ganage doubles as a woniishsp with 22tamps. Must ba aîessen ns ul appneciane Chis unique home. $6409M. R M t 1 IlLIV~ li LL Ch1 i R' Q CtUiiUUM L.RMbti UJl 1UM DUILI ilUlt A Mattamy home (Pilgnim model) wvith large kitchen andi 1 acre tocked meil off Guelphn Lime. 5 bdIrms eat at breakfast isiansi, open concept tamily room with w/mais tIr tamily rm, eat-in kitchen, sep. dining storte fineplace. Mais level has cenamics & hardwood & living rms, 2 tireplaces, 3 batho, main tir flun- flosrs. Separate living room andi combisesi diing room. dry & mod rm. Oversized 2 car garage, i n- Freshly paintesi tnrooginoot. Great size master bedroom ground pool, fenced yard & paved parking. Walk with ensuite. Finishesi lewer level rtc roem. Rear yard is ta Brookville P.S. & park & easy access ta major completely fenced. $369,000. hwys, golf courses & hikieg trails. $57g,000. rUl IlIUM I lnt mRUULninI.i LIIIUWU Venp desinable location on Csp of tins Escanpmenl nsi fanînom town baCk- ing on ns conservation. Tio louely 3 bednssmn bungalow inas been rno- aated and upgnaded topi o 6fom. Juot moue in and onjoy the bnignt new kitChen. gleamirg inandwmd Oonrs, 3 modenn batinnosa 2 fine- placesolange bump out solanium wîndow, neplacement windows 2 can garage, lange finîsned nec nosm, tantantiC Csuntiysideoiews front aIl win- dows, ineautîfol pernnial gardera g an abondance of wîldlite and muCn more. Tis location narely becones avaîlable! $587,000. Country Reach Single $99 ta 51,500 homes Mississauga plus $99 ta 200,000 homes 1198 for combined reach of 251,500 homes! ~r~e CaesabLlee ttampîon THE INDEPENDENT & REFPR[E #Ue~ Custom bsilt 2500i sq.f. bungalow os watkost etevabion lot sn WestChester Park in Broosville. ts n06 too laCe O mnotif bine plus and make selectios. Fobuolus attention to detai with ails Onsingo. Sides and backs osto brees. Contact for detaio lit, 111111, LD*Lýý 1