g -i - -- REAL(%~ ESTATE~~ ~~fl7L77?7 ~riW~tTW] Milton, ON -- --~ - -- - FOR LUSE rand new home, neyer lined o! 3 if-1- , -. Bedroom Mattamy Semi on a premîsm - - lot mith a malk oat - - - basement. Master - . mith en-suite and RUT MRFIND - malk s closet, open Csmplelely renosated tome citfl cosiom mople kîtchen, hardcosd tisors und staîrcose Eqsipped moi an n -, - ,.. concept kîtchen, grourd pool and spdaled dock deal lsr the sommer spactoas bed- enrenaîner. $100000 Prease cati Scoti or more details roomo central air. $1595,month. Cali Ida at or ta book aoue eeroonal roor. 905-848-7777 for more details. GREAT COUNTRY HOME Raised 3+ Bedroom 6005010w 0O i 5 acres witii mary receot improvements. FoliO bedroso 10-lac suite cilS sep- arate entrance Separate wnrksflsp/oarage with trydro Pleose cati Scoti for more details. $489900. 'LISTING' RENOVATED ~ Beautifully re mode lied from top to bottom Ha rd wo o d s Cromo Mouldiogs, 2 oew kitchens w/granite cous- ters, tireplace with ccstom mantel, tegal i bed- room apartmeot o bacemeot. a muot 08e! Ploaso cail Scoti 1Cr more details. CUSTOM IUILT EAUTY UNEAT LUCAllUN Lsoeiy tuoaaioc or 3.5 Ocres surroonded 5y a gorneous Soiid brick bock oplit with 4 leneis n desîrable and treed racine wittr a streao asd pond. 302 tedrosos. mature court. Seautîtuiiy landscaped lot, famiiy tiattrosmo, Wsod tîrepiace, eal-io kîtchen, F011 s tînished basement, aod pients nI room tor Popuonion Plame cati room wîth Cîrepiace and caikout 10 deck c/ hot Scori or more Orbita. t509.900. tub Pirasar cati Saroti trie more dolails 'w OUTSTANDING VIEW Oeauhfui Fînoro Home siiaioespeaer Model 1076 os 5 003 f bois, nias a fuliy fînisiies Sasemeni 3 bedioooos +0100 Iae5e kOchen 000 maple caSinets trie bois ans staîniros steel Oack spiasfl Oaîdoooods n Iîoîrg îoom. aod a vîew COul ciii 000+00 o youi Crocos Please rail lotie for more arrois. $374.000.