j' g'i~ 'i r4 A~ R E A L M w Ç IIIIIIIIfl 11111111111b m 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON U I IuLý 878m7777 I L'the Cý6rJEIIAN 9'l"ah tai .1 CuwwT ~eaadai jRaislavie tback1n ono 16 rciie&e4 bed +2 S bath, Oclacis approx. 180 M qillapel. Numeice Sies! New cali ktdiren w/ils ail S.S. appis. New -main tieo kvxkd. Oake hardwoads. Ccrareks. AM whedows(O7). Furnace(06. RDeOil. FresNy paiss- peail 32' a 15 cdii alt equipiment. Fenccd. Land- scapcd. 6 car drleeway. mou dmoww/sdiSu. $419MS arM MMa Muoe JUL 19, 2-4 235 BROUTE STREET, UNIT 67 Greai statir toienhomne or renia incomol 3 bcd + 2 bath. Eat-le kitchen m/ail appi's ind. Nouirai ceramics. Lamiates(06>. Updaied mais 4 pce bath. Fur- nace(05> C/A(08). Garage and front doorloel.Fully ficed ie fh perenna gardoen. Waler softronendi. Low corido féc. Ample visitir parking. aean & dlutr froc. Waik lu downlown/shops/hools. SZO,111111 ouUHUUIAUY LY 10 24 WALKOUtf BASMT 405BAVS < ON RAVIE LOT Less dsa lys Naew Arira hSalae' n Brick j Deadi apprea 2»0qMmaprverr Quiet Sûuee. BacrIng mils RavIse wh iesas ai Escarp- mci. 4 Bcd+ 3 Baris. 9 Ceinrg.!Rati-OsJ 0wal SS Alipis.Cale Ceasiee+ldes. Oak tlis w/lise Spincles. Hardieree Neesail Aagicd cerariemo. MisnF Fais Oa w/Cas FP OKrg-Size Miarie w/5 aile AC Deck. Vsalk-Out erri 2 Car dets. Nar Fcrioe. $574,US Orne taeiy owned 5iyrs cusaoc beaile back(sdde spot on 2. 11 ac ai genil ra8lirg seaaded + Imanded gardeie w/esearpmneni viesis ai Lare Onrio an ltse hsoizoni Approx. 2500 sqft 3.1 bcd + 2 bath. Adediions. Siryflgfss, Ras-le kie w/apprs. a n's Vi3 pol 1 8x36. Bakerny 10 great ranes Cauhedrai Celingi. mn. Waik ir Coinseala aliMn.l MilIce $119,911 Thank you ta aur Pwl nners for the Jelly Bean SCon test and toi ail Who donated Monley for Breast jCancer Research. M.Aina Tvier iî iieshher. .eehsi Beautiful Escarpen Propériy! $89e,000. Very pri- vatt mînutes fo Go 3.28 DuraIhtkiug Aoe & shopping. 4bdrm, 3 $880080. An eschaahsq asettig 3,28 hth ru std bungalow. eacarpmrst acres w/ woods, wildlrtie an ailllaers abourd cuislam Rectntly rewodeled Barzotf i k ichen, upper itoti 4 season hisusder's ami home nestled ai whe end sunroom. Geothermal htatlcoot ng. 10+ acres w/3 ponds, ofa windinu drive. This home ofSers sa many mature trees & perennial gardens. 2 storey outbuilding mach for pour iami/y a/ appraasmaiely 53Oilsqito aihnished asace combineil w/ w/3 bay garage, workshop, ground floor office suite, 2nd fluor rare escarpmrsi lai. Prevasyis sitting area & large storage roow. MLS # 2006916. ersared!! MIS f 2005807 Mushoka Like $669,900 Bung w/maik ouf f0 LL, Gourmet kit w/Os appi. granite counters, cher- ry cab ietry, open 10 great rm w/mail ut win- doms & vaulted beamed ceiiag. Pool & privale poad. Sep Escarpement Reireat! morkshop m hsydro >$979,000. Oloaniags oi 6C hp/iraam home hackisg halo conseroation area ti61 acres oleps from tBruce Trail« Pasoramio viis from ail pincipal E X C P T 1 N A L rooms Triple garage. large lomily sîzo kiiohen, ndoor pool, gorgeooo peren- MS #104496 sal garoens & so nnoch more' EXCEPTIONAL PROPERTY! MIS 2t04214 9 rWioeT a$ al 1l'IUIIR! $1,150,000 31 Acre farm Amomý, d w/long tree lined lane Ieading to circa 1850 farmhouse w/many updates. Stunning views of large pond w/sandy beach, fa.. tennis court & numerous oufbuildings, heated workshop, charming barn w/5 stalîs, paddocks, studio, + separatt 2 bled- aroom in-law home w/vaulted ceilings & open concept. Enchanting gardens. A home for ail seasons! Directions: N of 401 on Guelph Lino W on 25 sidemoad (11 mins trom 401) MLS #2005750 CLATON a CRAHO IacKENDROOK SERVING MILTON SINCE 1980 -;j i878-7777 debtuff@cogeco.ca W»'W RETRE Lîletîmo Aclelvement and Platinum Club Awards -R ALC N _ In c; LEv:înTicdyUSIInSHOW YOI.yeIm~ CD %0 0u are Ihinking af souffla then Dive me a cali for a cantidential ovalualion. CENTRE ewu4nm Mme wou $32=4, ,_141117 @1iL&ns i 1JL b lu LOOKING FOR A 2 STOREY, 3 BEOS AND 2 BATHS FREEHOLO TOWNHOUSE FOR MY BUYER. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. tasnWWefeW LcW lir wt w &/imrnb 4 lieait upgs mfoas Nghdes- 2e4 M I leshige1 idxl0É uv # e O5 TRAILWOOD, domni Iad Cta dkimivio SSMSADGA Ths CLai00 bsungalow wth aiiul walkoul hasemesi was dehigsad spsclscally lor a rig famil10 ah/i a sepasate fnlac suile. The mais leelieaueageat rom with ca/iredra ceils and oaa fp 3 hiso den, custom kit Cia lri ais, via as/las of esdawa. T/e ower leae hua a g/i k/i aOth ealkhld, grasl seprat î aundry air 2h brand alsa lot oi windows.i thI s and sitaed os a piale1 acreascaped loi plu as avrie dise gasage and paved doil ehesos moreso cla o tu/the deas DON'? ME 8Yff mUT a O ATTENTION ENTREPRENEUJRIAL PEOPLE Thes lait close the door aid yoor oa pOur in 1/Il 2 bedroom coodo wi1hi s aing dî GetTr Key Business for Sale in the Health Care Supplements industry. tance li tho dosestoma core. Over the puaro thiLaesRpa bouilding hah bees cool suaiy opgrad/id and Great Location, Affordable LesProfitable etusineSS Wîth Loyal Reetclients lmpss/ied. This unît sncia/es 2 haicos es i th adrîîgPoîe fncsa- alDbrhdrcl t463820 southers taposure, 2 pce ensuile, laudrp un no riigPoie fncsay Cl eoa iety 1-8-72 fidge & stase, i coverid and i outside parkisg ilspots. Caii for furlllor dolaîls. ESTATE *4m# LM à ma a