NI 94 li ToPlc An Ad al9562-40Eal clssf e& ali Ito s* * Fa 90-3286 carerouuiortunhles ~~~~~~~~~~kle IIlHlP jIeP ~ IH I ~ a Hep ~ aHI SkiIIed il Teacing GeealHlpýraHl 0Gnea Hl U ýýrl ep eerlHlp R enrl ep Em TchialHl Technîcal HeIp OpportanhtiesOprtnle uaa Building Manager * *MNEY*PATRIOT SOURCE 1 Systemsfnc *EosRtioE*Description SytmsIc Responsibilities and Requirements: Looking for creative indiviciuals VPatriot Source 1 offers a unique und for the following positions: z .*INDEPEND[ENCE* :chullenging position that pluces a high value on FT Supervisor/ ECE O ny~prt Drivers &Owner Operators ,: the Building Munager's abîlity to relate to the F& TEC s&P E E routes arc nuborigcrjlist diverse needs ot the vaincus organiain A ssat ~ l C ~Paper rotsacn ogrjLS tenants) whs resîde sn ur clients Corssiraant *Flexible morning or afternoon shitts *Your children can ride along with You * ou'il have complete. free, local training offering a "B" licence and "Z" airbrake endorsment *We offer availability of additional earnings with Charter work *Suitable for retirees, semi-retired, caregivers. shift workers. Ph: 905-333-4047 * 's kid's stuffl Excellent daytirne opportunity in Oakville for service- rninded, conscientious adulte. S Part-trne- Wednesdays. Thursdays & Fridays. You pick your hours and must have your own vece W If interetd dotc W Bob o (905) 6378795. leurd o ocal prîvate golf club. Great omore oppsrtunîty wîth some meet- ing attendance requîred. Fînanciai statement reotnbudget/i forecautîng, etc. Pieuse emal resomne iv nq@nhgccce by Jioly 31 ut. 2009 T~encl Help Techncal Help SYCANADIAN TIRE e Appleby Line Burlington (Milicroft Plaza) Acceptîng resumes for SERVICE ADVISOR Qualifications - Outgoîng personalîty *Gond communications okîlîs , Committed teum player TIRE TECHNICAN * Costumer service iocused attitude * Mechanîcal or automotîve background , Avaîlable evenîngs and weekesds We offer competitva wages, employee dis- count. benefi package and profit sharîng affer probationu y period of employmevt Please fax resumne to 905-335-9724 Canadian Tire Aasociate Store li Milcsof Puazu Burlington OfiHep pe~ -- Sand RECEPTIONIST POSITIONS For Halton's fasteut growing dealer Contact: John Van Rffn Generai Manager Or cati: 905-877-7818 SERVICE PLUMER Required For the GTA area. Please call: 905-876-4646 ci? 0ff ice. Principal Duties *Manage, plan, coordinate and monitor the physîca. envîrosmesta and security conditions and generai maintenance of the building tacîtîties *Secure and coordînate reiated sernices wîth tenants sot limîted toi bvusekeepng, heatîng-ventîtstion-ar conditionîng, structura and cosmetîs repairs, and maintenance of safety teatures; soticît proposais and/or bîdo tram alternative service provîders where appropriate and make recommendations for optimal setection; Knowledge, SkiIls and Abilities Work gvnvroliy rvcuirvv thv abîlîty Io orgonîze yod coordînain a varîvty vi tactlily maintenance actîvîtîeo. Must bave the foliowîng knowledge and skîilos: " Dependablty and the abiiity to foliow through on proîects/aosîgnmentu, înctudîng piumbing, carpentry, etectrîca, maintenance and genera property management " An abiiity to conduct minoir curpentry doties along wîth anderstandng of building plana Contact Information and Procedure: Send Resume to: M. Parsons Recruitment Director 8160 Parkhill Dr Milton, Ontario or email to "Onty candidates seiectied for an interview wîtl bu contacted'. OffieI HeHeI BILINGUAL CLINICAL ASSOCIATE (Fluent in Frencho Queuscil Engison wrfttvvl spoken) Foui and Partiîm Positins Ava iaiv We reqo re candidates to, have ot leasi 2 yearo vf Customer Service office administrative esperience. Clînîcall pharmaceoticaliîndustry voperience iv an auset. Prsfessîvnal phovne monner alvng witir strvng computer skiliv Also oeeking ressurceful indivîdual for the mile of OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Costumer service tocus; strsng communicatios ukis required; administrative and boskkeeping esperience abiit to manage multiple prîorîtîea. Candidates must be fluent in French' Competitive wages and benefits. Please subtit resumne to Jeanne ait: Youtve gai it! Sel your unwanted items in the clasaifieds. I yenr item den'î sel the firsi weec, we'Il gise you tihe WeekJjl AWliâl 10 Cui f« Sde. Qandes f«s5 d 905@632@4440 jctassfiedemiltîucanadanautwpion. Book Your Fundraising Event in the Classified Section 905.878.2341 reqoîresd (Wo r d Exceil) We ofle r a getwrîgevr ne t Io sîth Crop i-ealth Benefits Lvcated ýn . Dvwnivwn Cakoîlie , Please forward your resume to: _ or fax: 905-842-6400 No Phone Catis Please ;4 Sae HepSlsHlpSlsHl EM anpers n HANDYMAN, HOME vinairs, vreovar vils, Deci Yard Wîrk. Cal vick HANDYMAN SERVICE Prvtîssvna and Pîrsvîa. vii aspecrsof uildving, consructron and simplie nossehold rîvari Qvai ru voiS, e--r rares Oeiîrenc- ns, Seniovs Discount, Caii Gerhard tsdav and Gnt rt Donii h h, 7 days 905-514-532v. SMALL JOeS Cnecîaist. Hovme revoirs painrîine, drywali, vivmuîîu. lamirale, insraaions. Free e stîim aites oe 905-334-at78e smaillohsspecialist@ Ask Us yAbouit.. 0lami wor-k6p li.~Aj~ Senior Sales SEUUI-U Representative ï IwJ il SECUR-U Inc. You sere horn a oalvo persvn. People whv knvw yvou ooy sot hyou couid selli ce to an Eskîmv' Yo have proven tîme and tîme agaîn thot yu are a star ployer vn any sales teom. Yor suico in uales hou come by way ut cold calîng & prvspecting. From yor vasi sales eoperîence, you have a large network whîch yvu have nurtored and grown thrvughvut yor career. Yo onderstand that shfe ito nîce tu hît the bal otut ofthe park wîth large cvrporate cusomers. fîrvt base hîto to reoidentia costvmers are eqoaly ou important. You treat ail customero big and omuil with the hîgheot level of costomer service & întegrty Yvur approach os genoîne, your communication ukîilos are impeccable, and you love peuple. Ysu are eocîted by new technolugy. and nager to comte up wîth creatîve ways to appiy if. Yo enjsy ssrkîng wîth a omali mvtî vated team, sho are paooîunate about the prodacto ysu are oellig. Yo are omeone whs ru always in the game tv mis. In returo for your succesa, wie sîli provide hou wîth a base oaiary, car aitowance and bonus wîth onlimfted potenta If you want to be on our team, please send yourresumeto: Onlythoseselected for an interview wii be contacted. No phone calls please. ýýw