UDS WL School deeply affected e f rom DEATH on page Al JE C IREThe waterway where Patrick found his fniend is north of Lindsay, Ont. west of the bamiet of fl Rosedale. Its a fairly deep channel that connects two major lakes, Balsam and Gameron. in the hours preceding bis death, Patrick and Anthony headed inside for dinner and then back out to huild a fire. Anthony said hie was going to wash bis hands in the lake. Tired from their fishing, Patrick fell asleep for about 20 minutes. When hie awoke, Anthony stili wasn't. back. He went looking for hlm and made the awful discovery A Facebook page created in Anthony's memory had more than 700 members as of yesterday aftcr- noon, many wbo commented on bis signature faux-hawk hairstyle - known co change from day to day BR principal Paul Cianciolo said the tragedy bas deeply affected Bishop Reding. "He was a welI-loved student," Cianciolo said. "He was just a nice kid. He was always very positive, very happy." Monday night, about 60 students i em evicegathered at BR for a prayer service. Students sat in a circle and talked about Anthony, sbaring favoufite memories, Cianciolo said. The chapel at BR bas been open every day, offering students a quiet Place to reflect. d PeMpeAnthony is survived by his par- ents and 20-year-old sister. Ulm A visitation will cake place comorrow from 2 co 4 p.m. at McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main St. E. The funeral will be held Friday at il a.m. at Holy , oprae byteGrna aiy Rosary Catholic Cburcb, 139 Martin st. :taciliy, vcated ai Stes Avea Jarmes SnowPky Stephanie Hounsell can be reacbed 65-875-170 wwLqmotehiii.u at sthiessen@miltoncanadiancbampi- on.com. s a relocated 9 bay service centre. Open 6 days a week. Au. 805-875-2211 mpru'hi.L alershîp at Steeles & James Snow Pky.I s d 165-815-1120 w miiy .u Today's Champion COBDUNITY A8 250USO VHILE EN REDATELINE A12 SPORTS A17 CLASSIFIED A21 wwmiltoncanadianchampion.com Inserts: sPARTI DISTRIBMiTON. *2 FOR i PIZZA - HOME HARDWARE - BOICLAIR ocomGIANTTIGER - DRIVEWISE MILTON - HOME DEPOT * RONA