Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jul 2009, p. 10

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*Day says he's keeping up with comnmunity's issues from COUNCILLOR on page Al cxartig a toil. long-turne sile liad passed assay - perished pirked uip,- he said. "As a lawyer, l'ni issu bhas been over the otber terms of council," On February 18 of that year, Days 86- in the buming house wbile trying to find hier. oriented rather than specifics like that." 75 Day explained. "I think they're bebind me year-old Alzbeimer-afflicted mother, Marg, Despite the tragedy, Day attended the He bighlighted his successful batie i ,;now." died in bed ait the family's home at Tremaine council and committee meetings immediate- recent years against the placement of a nati 'a The full-time lawyer didn't wish to elabo- Road and Steeles Avenue. iy a[ter the deaths of his parents and the vast rai gas power plant in Milton and his unsu Srate pubiicly on his personal issues, tbough Just two weeks later, a tragic ire in the majority of meetings in the remainder of the cessful fight against Haiton His' acceptant 'Ohe did acknowledge the mucb-publicized home ciaimed Day's father, Bert, 88. It's year except for council's montbly administra- of the facility on Hwy 401. tragic circumstances surrounding the death believed Bert - suffering [rom short-tenin tion and planning committee meetings. Day "Most of the work (of a councillor) zof both his parents in eariy 2007 were still memory loss and unable to comprebiend his doesn't sit on the committee - bes on count- done outside the counicil meetings," hie sait cil's community services committee - and Scherer said a councillor must stili repr * , * , ,his attendance isn't mandatory, but most sent bis constituency at tbe counicil tab Milton residents are invited to attend the Budget meeting on Monday, July 20 to provide input into the priorities for the 2010 operating & capital budgets. A presentation wilI be made at the beginning of the meeting to introduce the 2010 budget process. Date: Monday, July 20, 2009 lime: 7:30 p. m. Location: Milton Sports Centre, Banquet Roomn To provide your input, please register as a delegation by fiiling out a Delegate Request Form. The form can be picked up at the Clerks' Off ice (Town Hall, 150 Mary Street, Milton, L9T 6Z5) or on the Town of Milton website, www.milton.ca. Completed forms must be submitted to the Clerk's Office or faxed to 905-876-5022 by 10 arn. on Juiy 20. Comments in writing are also welcome and may be directed to Sheryl Hill, Manager, Finance and Accounting at Town Hall, 150 Mary Street, Milton, L9T 6Z5, or at sheryi.hill@miiîon.ca. ~I'iîrii tuai Fîow'îî - -unc ors geeaIy attell outi standing eominittee meetings wbetber tbey bave a vote or not. Day's Ward i colleagues Brian Penroan and Barry Lee declined comment on Days attendance record. However, Ward 4 Councillor Paul Scberer criticized Days performance but stressed bie wasn't attaeking the mati personally. Thtwas absolutely tragic," Seberer said of tbe deatb of Day's parents. "But in ai duc' respect, we've given Rick lots of leeway. L ets caîl it understanding. But i tbink theres a urne wbere vou bave to get back to work. "l'm s'ery 'Verv dtsappointed in bis contri- bUltion lu oun " a ii t.ldr t 1 i lj i Miayor Gordi k>ant: aiir tbe Toss iis cirk recetitlvý and ssvas toid ii ssouId be aridressed. In an interviews, kratitz said lie liîdi spo- ken to Day about tbe issue. -sonile peuple do miore iban their share and sortie people do> less unl'ortuael;, Krantz said. Rýlegardless of,lio lu s. it realis' gives roc ronrerni. By nissing counril sessions ibis year, Day was unable tri vote on items ranging froro deciding where to place 80.000 ness- resi- dlents in Milton besen2021 and 2031 to gis ing rotiticti iinibers atid othier non- untonized staff a raise. Howver, lie sairl lie lias beeni keeping up ssitb tbe isstues aiong ssii b ronîtnrting 10 ss'ork on bebial ru bis cotistîttîents-. "But iii ail lionesis Isc tieset beeti what y ou would cail a w ard becaler. iv seveer been as gond ai geîîîng back tri peopile on specifie probleins like if tlheir nilbox lias beeni knockel oser or tlieir garbage didn't gel -n c- ce le wituî a vote. Day's absence [romn counicil is only part of tbe issue, bowever. Along witb sitting on botb counicil and one standing commttee, Milton councillors sit on numerous sub- committees and boards. Day suLs on nu extra committees, tbougb bue said bie bad wanted tri be un Herîtage Milton and council's Interview Commitee but let other interested councillors take tbe spots. Penroan, for instance, serves on Conservatiron Halton and its tbree sub-corn mittcs, Miltron Hydri and its sub-commit- tees and fumerous other groups like tbe Miltron District Hospiital F-rritdation. Peilni nuttcr thiît uic claN i,s \sccký b.' \\5l. 10~~t r'. ]Cti r d t L t' . 11 ttt n t 11I but bis inother ss as se> utusls' ill amd bis son s'as baving a C T Scaun, and lic ssas askecl bs a Brooks'iiic ratepaser tr imeet inii Io disr rîss- a ronsersation Issue. '1 bat ssvas a day ss bre sort migbt irist say, 'To bell x'itb tbe ss'orld."' said Peiati. "But 1 rlidn't. Its a duty. Youre clecîedl." Day, wlio wsrrks full lie ont of bis offire in Oakvîlle, said lie doesn't bave the sanie luxury oniîîe as îetîred inrlividuals tir those ss'br bave tbeir russ lîrsinesses iii Miltoti. "Srtie crîrîtiillors are on sese oi rr etgbt coin- iiîttees aîîd i drîtit ktîrux lioss\ thie\,s pîcari theroseis es ibat thiti "lits good prîlitîrs to bc n as îiiaîx briards and coninissirîts as sor> ran,' lie arkiruss' criger. -i hase a rrtie i doti t sut ou a borarrd or' rruiiiiissio i ni\u îproIcrial fîle r political file rur licrsuîia life ruiles- i ssani t>' go Io tue iuecetiiig- int> Foiti (titi /ir Ici'ii l arl liltonri@iin 41 foin us for a day of fun, featuring Activities for the Kids, Live Music, -1 V 19 1 vj q WA- Great Savîngs on Amazing Products! YAVA SANS SOUCIS herlbalirtd' FOOT GARE cudema 290 BRONTE ST SOUTH, International Cosmetics Ltd. MILTON, ON 905-876-4911 Ail IRQ P %men4s to benfit the NigItn IitttJ» FO»RdtUon Complete dental care for children while they sleè'pl Marty chkiren ýa,ýe a deep--seated fear of denti5ts, makirig dental it triurYiatýzing experience. At Chiýdren's Sleep Deritistry. ý"/e ceai chl0rerl 2 vears and Lip, who SUffer from dentii féar, anxiety cý,ý med'ically corrlpromised or menially delayed, týs lo book, a coric-zi..j;ttat;or) at our Brampton or Mississauga office. Dr. K. Khaied. DDS IYISc. Dental Surgeon Children's Sieep Dentistry Southdown Dental Anaesthesia 1 11 Queen West, Suite 302 1375 Southdown Road P)t-,iniptcn, ON, 1_6Y 2E,! M!ssiýsauga, ON, 1-5j 2Z 1 Tel: 905-874-1122 Tel: 905-822-4198

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