Uow T0 Snatch À Cookie. Th kit&kn hac la. Le itn: centre of daily actv in the home th ,en and hacýon FizAine in the pani. LunchI vaî alway* o)nth table when vou arrived honie from r-choo] and vou eo)uld ta.Fteth roa-t chicken for r-upperl loniC hefore every 'ne bat down to Jînner. YIu could al*îr tar-te the? hruvrceI rprout- Lut that'î another .ov 1 Nov, there arc rnany theorjeta about bow to &nateli a cookîe hefoyrc Jinner but nei Eure wav jr- £0 create a diversion. I ave vour brother or rister enter the fro)nt door and J1",ut that they vt e bD . Then you ineak in the back doo)r, raid the ci)tkie- jar <onclze e aiL, no r-ensc e in rev and clip Out the hack to a favourite hiding s,4' in th Lackcvard. At Mattamv, Wc heiv that kitehens are perfvct place- f-r fanil iathernïr-, %1itm whY -4 e at-in arca- wliere v'ou can car-na ll unjoy .,t-cjown nieal,, %c air-) pr'yid rnwm for heljp in iihe ktLnvn I ecause Whrni evervone aets Involveci, the foo4d r-rn to taete a lot better. Soje of our kitchenï have pantrie- and Lec r-eatinÉ. And the we>rk triangltf i!,effiiently dcecied. Oh, and after dinner dont fo rget to ar-k for a coki ecante vou Laven't had one for 'twî, wh0jlc ueekLi' CAMBRIDGE ----- --- MILTON 50' WideLot', The Emerson, Elev. 'B', 36' WileLot', Plan 5, EIe. 'C', 2,703 Sq.Ft., $341,990 2,193 Sq.Ft., $346,99o Freeliold Townhomes From $ 189,990 TownIiomes From $249,990 Detached Homes, From $214,990 Detached Homes From $2 59,990 8 Moclel Homes Open TO Tfour. W401 20 mninutes40 4401 ÎPibuah Rd. t Milton erRdE III.& Mrd à *Sws ~ e Rt -4 zo n z Z, C: _____j MATTAMY A:T 1 T_