IT'S BACK! 001 2i595 & Shrimp Buffet Available ail season at Mohawk Racetrack during D live racing every Sunday, Monday and Thursday ITO MAKE A RESERVATION CALL 1488/415475-RACE and usk for the RESERVATIONS DESK. C ROUP RATES AVAILABLE. u <> o ________î enai' adoption reod are no o e visi www.ntaio .c/ad ptio in e Effective June 1, 2009, Ontario's adoption records are open. This means t parents can apply for post-adoption birth information from birth records and a An adopted aduit, 18 years of age or older, can now apply for a copy of his or and adoption order. A birth parent can receive information from the birth regis the child that was placed for adoption once that child turns 19 years old. If you want your identifying information kept private, and if the adoption order September 1, 2008, adopted adults and birth parents can file a disclosure veti To Iearn more about your right to information and privacy regarding adoption, visit www.ontario.caladoptioninfo, or cali 1-800-461-2156 (MT 416-325-3 Paid for by the Govemment of Ontario. 001 CLAUOIO CUGLIAR I SPECIAI TO THE CHAMPION IN CONFERENCE: Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf students (front to back) Kayla Morden, Zanib Kasir and Tristan Kong are presented with a free Tandberg v;deo conferencing system by Canadian National Sale Manager Andy Zuk. At the 2009 MegaDEAFConference in March, the stu- dents won f irst for their presentation on the school's Arts and Culture Specialist High Skills Major Program. Reding student earns 94.1 % The Catholic school students who are walking away with this years Governor Gencral Bronze Medals arc a nearlv perfect lot. \\ith final grade averages of more than 90 per cent in ail] their Grade t11 and 12 courses, thc sex en studcnts are heing rc ognized as the highcst gradcd graduatcs at cach ofl thir rcspccti\ c schooIs. Micli Chxwalek ofBishop Redîng Sc ndan, Schooi carncd an avxerage grade of94.1 per cent. -Our hboard is very proud of the high acadcmnic achicxcmcnts of these students,- said Dircior of Education Michael Pautler. -This mredal of recognition is indicative of the many great accompiishments that these fine examples of Catholic graduates have made during their high school carccrs and wîll continue to makc to socicty.- The medals, which have heen awarded since 1873, "' recognize the outstanding scholastic achievements of students in Canada. hat adopted adults and birth Halton farm doption orders. her original birth registration guide released traton nd dopton rde ofThose lookîng to spend a summer weekend huying fresh fruit, riding horses or buying plants for the garden was made before will have an easier time plotting their adventure with 0. the new guidemap, 'A Guided Tour of Halton Farms.' The map includes locations of farms where visitors can pick or purchase fresh produce, nurseries, horse farms with riding traits, tessons and camps, and local farmers' markets. The guide is pubiished by Hatton Regions Simply Local initiative, which promotes Haltons agricuttural industry and encourages healthy eating and physîcal ý ntario tity To get a copy of the map, visit plylocai or contact Access Halton at (905) 825-6000 or e-mail