r4 Rothergien School <>; Rotherglen, a pnivate, ellementary, coeducational schoot ot 500 students Ž located in Qakville, requires a SMontessori Elementary Teacher tu for Sept. Candidates must possess an .r elemenfary Montessori teaching credential. L- Ploase emait your resume ta Z obs@rothorglen.com - attention Laura Crumb, Head ot Sciiot. 0. Nu phone calis please. z - ,j F/ A SA. h.e Home 0 IRequired foprvatel t] choo nMlton. if fyoure acommitted ansd selt mvtivated Iassistant that bav a IpassioforI teaichngI I ch idren, pleave I Semai Iresume lx I nornv@tiv.oj Montessori eseec eutd 0 e us f eaning ALA CLEANERS exeeîî eiced & atlorclabie, resi- dentîi cie voîng serice Cvii 647-892 4770. www.alacleaners.com SPECtALtZtNG IN Fîvmîng, Oîvwvii & Tuoîvg. No job tos smvii' 17 yevîs env. Ousemeins, Additions, Huidanvîl Fiooi Oetinish- ire. Finish Cuinentr, Ceiumics, O ecks & Fences. Cll 416-566-0492 (Gary). ORYWALL TAPER/ pivs- ter. Bourdine, ivoîdentîvi, reiovativns and base ments. Insuixu. Roger, 905-785-6732 ee -e garage sales :a. J i. 1 itonOr + Closet Sale Sat. July il lamn-llam 509 Hayward Cres The usual fare plus lots of clothing; ail seasons MILTON Large Yard! Barn Sale Sat JuIy il lam-4pm 48 Peru Rd. 905-816-4483 Waahing machine, Antiques, nid comics, coins, 6 1/2 boise mutor, sîde stt antique vas martels cottage fsmitsre, too mucb toc, lot. MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat JuIy il lam - Noon 242 Sherwood Rd. (Sinctair Rd. S off Main St. Furnîture, books, dîsbeo, bikes, kîdo itemu & more. MtLTON GARAGE SALE Sat JuIy il Barn-lpmi 48 MacDonald Cres. Many househoid items, lotso0f lurnîture, baby items, computer devk. MILON Huge Garage Sale Sat/Sun JuIy 11/12 9am -3pmn 9228 5 ide Rd Longe Amount of Quaiitpplotbes, tools, hardware, Antiques. Loto f rom dodu' bam abter 50 pis coiiectîng. Don't miss this one. MILTON GARAGE SALE Suat JuIy il 8amn - Nbon 139 MacDonald Cres. Coilectîble's, Depressîn Glass. hockey cuids, reys& hvvsewvres MILTOIN GARAGE SALE Sat JuIy il Sam - Noon Hil hside Dr. househlold goods, furnotare & mach mor e. M ILION GARAGE SALE Saturday Julyli1 Barn 801 Childs Drive Somethîng for everyone!! No early bîrds pleave I Home DREAMWORKS CON- TRACTIING Com piet e Home Renovations Kîtchen, Bathîos, Basements. Cvii1 Fernando@ 647-678-9007 *Fiee Esi mutes *Qvviity Workmvr- shp *20'i'evs Experience drenmas lscontractre .a 1 ayperon SMALL JOBS Specilst. Home irouins, painting, drywuii, plumbing, lamivule, installutions. Fiee e st i ur e s o or 905-334-8178. smuiiiubsspeciisl@ îvgeîs.cvm HANDYMAN SERVICE Piviessionvi va Personul, Ail aspects oi buiding, construution aid simple iivusehviv iepvi1 Qvliry wois. Best ires. tReteenc es, euis Oiscvuni. Cvii ieiîvîd ivvvy and cei it onie! 6 6. 7 dvys Appearng every Friday Apnl 1, 2009 thru November 1, 2009 MlILTON YatrdSale atJulyi1 am - lpm 82 Flid:July 18 MITO GARAGE W Hndperson HANDYMAN, HOME Repaîrs, Renvuatîseis, Secs, Yard Work. Cvi i Scl 519S653-t1510. Improvi ng your odds against Canada 's #1 killer HEART AND STROKE FOIJNDATION 0F ONTARIO Birth En-gagements HETHERtNGTON, Brad and Katie (ses Stewart> are pleased lv announce the arrivai of their son, William Robert on May 21 st ut 9:34pm, weîghîng 1lOibu, 1lOoz. He iv weicomed by birut lime grand-parents Patty (and her lare husband, Bob) Hetherîngton of Milton and Rvbert and Louise Stewart of Whitby. William os aiso weicomed by hîs oncles Brent and Perry, bis aunt Rachel. and fris greut- gruodmu Leva Meredith. Special thanlis te Dr. Wilkinson and the nursing staff ut MOH PEERS, Andrew and Jamnie (Nee Murray) of Milton are 1hrivld to avnouvce the sale arrivai cf thvi it child, JACOB RICHARD boro June 19,2009 at Qakeille Trafalgar Hospital weîgbîng 11lî%bo z. Proud grand-parents Mary and his avgel n heaven, the laite Richard Murray and Cathy and Glenn Peers. Fîrot great g randchîid fer John and leahelia Wysmuan. Jaco b is weiconmed by ail thîs Aunte and Oncles and cousin Gev. Thank yeu te Dr. Kiske and the wonderful Qakoîlle Trafalgar OBS stff B i rt hda y Happy 6th Birthday GRACE Lots of Love frorn Mornmy, Oaddy and Lîam xxxxxx Auntie Shoua, Oncle Crag. Lennon, Camneron and Cal/arn. Gravuy and Grandad vend their hugs and kissev Vi ,i' - aîd enfer (iij - hc, i - -l $100 gift cerf if icate tc, Cunyvn i rn n-n Chopncuve resiourini Stephen and Sheila Stuart of Milton are pieaoed toi announce the engagement cof their son Tyler to Ryanne daughter of Rap and Jane Bobbîe of Winnipeg, Weddîng to take place in Benlîngton iv August 2010. Best wîvhes and lotso0f love! n ews.ca 1 Anniversary ____ Announcement Plooeyour Engagememt Aornuncement or Anniverary Celebraiion here. Col 905.878.2341 Place yOur Baby's Iirth Announcemt in t h wilton Canadian Champion, Qnd puo wiI oellie a vouche fo One free b " of your MàpedoushuWor dlM Cal 905-878-2341 ta piace yout annoanIcemrent bîrths, birthdoys, onniversat les & obituries HUGE GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY llth 10 am 260 King St. Village oftTerra Cotta between Mississauga Rd. & Winston Churchitt (Raindate Juty l2th) Antiques-cherry dry sinis, dressers pressbucku, bianket box, sait boxes, dep./pneso glass, qailto, Aînuiey Coleport china, Crunberry Ban- guet lamp, householduskîs, Botemen prîns, Cedar strîpe canse, Books 905-873-6733 Keîth & Sylvia Jay are pleased te ansousce the fortbcsming marniage of Ibeir son Stephen Jay ta Alessia Giacami daugbter of Antonio & Sandra Giacomi os Auguot 15, 2009. Marriage and reception tv be beld ait the Manor in Kottleby, ON. To Place An Ad Call 905-632-ffl é Entail: classified@haltonsearch.com il Fax 905-632-8165 n ews.c a