M, For W_ Vice-President, Development FAIX. - * 0 Worktng olvit ttun-OII(titi 'resit rt & t L()t ittstrd ani \ttl tîitee(rs, totos Ilii classified E the growthtit thle miajor pfits andti ~tt planminîvo4ttgr.tnts Muiîle dîirtt tUir large ttttas lti this position VOta osiii ttafag( a tettoto tt und raising 1it fessitna [s andt et roi(iti.t, If yoo. can't atitiat bo S the strategic invîivetiîstt tot our vttin tter leadiers Ioi ai hivv atititiitus ieventut targets lid iso on the phote. z titrougli reiatîonsirip-iînîidmg, tondratsîng anti marketing techtniques.Sv me Use the Btsrtngton Post/ S Tire successfi candidate wii have heid încreasingiy senior roies in the t haritahir Oatsoille Beater/ S sector, tncioding leadership of maîjor gift atîd gîft planning programs as weii as Miton Canad1an Cthamspin tanie, Wlith ctrrc thrt-iiihni mt nntario this Ipadinn retaiIpr is addino to Extensive expnrience in externat relations and tn working with high protitle bttards and dontors wiii be pivotai te, succnss tn titis position. A University degree is required. Experience in educationai or heaithcare phiianthropy is a definite asset. St. Josephs Heaithcann Foundation fraises and stewards fonds that are vital te istifiiiing St. Joseph's Heaithcarn Hamiiton's role as an noempiary academit heaith sciences centre devoted te research, education and compassionate cane, consistent with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamiton's historic iegacy of serving body, mind and spirit. Please submit your application by july 29, 2009 ta sharron@stjoesfoundation.ca witti subject fine: Vice-President, Developesent or fax to: 905.577.0860 or mail to- St. Josephls Healthcare Foundation c/o Sharron Jones 224 james Street South Hamilton, ON LSP 3A9 Indcate ad sze, and the days and newspapers sois xnisd like We wrii taise it fxm thee! If yois hve ans queastions about iaaîng noise ads. sat us ai M324440 todlay! FAX: 632-8165 woËKI their In-Store SecurityTeam. The successful candidate will: *Have a valid security licence. *Have strong communication and analytical skills. *Work with the management team to ensure store security and control of Shoplifter activity. *Be able to investigate, identify and interpret integrity issues. Previous loss prevention experience is an asset. A valid security license is required. This position offers competitive wages and benefits. Qualified candidates should forward their resumes by email to: s-alest@canadianretail.com 090,1 Career presentation Wednesday,July 15 5:00 Pm Entrance Examn Wednesday,JuIy 15 1:00 Pm The Centre for Skills Development & Training 860 Harrington Court Burlington, ON Exposé sur les carrières Le mercredi 15 juillet 17 h Examen d'admnission Le mercredi 15 juillet 13 h The Centre for Skiis Development & Training 860, Harrington Court Burlington (ON) Registration/Inscription: 1 -877-RCMP-GRC (1 -877-726-7472) SCHODL PHOTOGRAPHERS www.pegasus-si.com is a team and service- dnivent company based ix Stoney Crexit. We are currentiy seekîng candidates wtfing to travei between Toronto and Niagara to photograph schooi portraits. Yoa wîii conitrîbate to iasting memories with photography excel- lence. To be soccessfsi you are patient wih chiidren, have a firm knowiedge of DSLR cameras, above-average computer skîiis, and possess a reliabie vehîcie. Esperience with stu- dio iightîng is an asset. Vos present a protes- stonai image, are physîcaiy fit, and detai- oriented. Year-round opportunities are avatiabie and crîminai checks are conducted. Apply ta resumes@pegasus-sl.cam Sniff Oui a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers mitit a noue for bargains head straight for the Ciassifiedu. n the Ciassitieds, yos cas track doms deais on everything trom cars toi canine companions. it's easy to place an ad or find the items you mant, and it's used by hundreds of area shoppers every day. Find a greal deal, use lte Classifieds today. ~t~ZZ E~EiZ ~ZZ L L~~~Li - iumoeu I êUIEU!~M~~~j r STI'IRT Sa Vo .av th Ad in th Mito Chmio Neus Clsiid Ge Res " Flexible morning or afternoon shifts " Your children can ride alona vÀth y'ou " You'il have conwlete. free, local training offerng a B4" licence and **Z" airbrake endorsemient " We offer availability of aciditional earnings with Charter work " Suitable for retirees, semi-reired, caregivers, shitt workers. Ph: 905-333-4047 ayoun@affrdge.com