Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jul 2009, p. 21

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To Plac An Acl * :ai 90 :7-24 le , E..al -lasife@a*ea. Fax 905*632816 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: _____Mondap 001 Frîlap 8:30 am. -5-30 p.mi. CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: Real Esrane 100-135 * Business 140-169 Ç !U I U b *Communitp 240-299 - Merchaudîse 3010-385 Autiomnorve 400-470 - Heip Wauied 500-570 .Services 700-795 c igis s fie d sFor Circulation ruquinres, please sali AD eUBMSIN ymi rren persen at Ourlington Post, SM4 Mainwap, Unut #1, Burlingion ON L7L 7GN. DEADUNES: Mnnday N p.m. fer Wednesdap 905-8785947 pubicatien, Wedrnesday N pus fer Friday pubiicatie6. Speciat Feature deadies may ary. PAYMEHT: 50e miii accepi cash, cheque, nierar Visa, ManierCana, American Express. Business acceunis map heoepened w8th an appreued credit application anaiabie flrn peur Suies Censultant. CHECKC VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY nT APPEARS ne ensure ns accuracy. The Canadian Champien wili n ho responsibte fer any errers appeunîng after the fienit day et pablicaione If an (f'~~1ii J l~tt1fh errer appears in peur ad, cantant peur Nales Censaltianti mînhin 24 heurs ef publication- Friday pabicatien errens must ho eeporied hefene 5:30 p.m to.I4-l~-i 4~4 i tP . on tihe faileesinu Mendan. -i 0 $100 gift certificate z ri news..- [MI ousFor ale HoseF F ale Apariments & prýMet ~ ,f i,,, Fiais For Reni l Flots For Rent DISTRESS Sale - Bank Faroclasures Free list af Batik owned praperties tram 200k & pIm Receive a Free Csmpaterized printoat.î' Pre-recarded meusage M 1-888 412-1651 ext 1042. OR GLEN EDEN COURT APARIMENTS www.GTADistressSalelist.com 122 Brante St. S, Milton HormeLne RelirueeReulty Inu Brekerage Iraepenieuty 952910 etcc uaned ana uperated 0 9 01vriac comm. peci2l Z MFiais For Rent eoae iis . u m soial .o & lob 2 SHOPS/STORAGE vain DOWNTOWN GEORGE-. . . . . .-es o aj hias OTast vus uses 1000 sqot TOWN, largo t bedroom. ,,oiiq ndmû 4165599 90-0742 $$$rFREa e$ YORSL FRO s:B $$ M-Y $ $SMONEY$S CONSOLI- DATE Oebis Mueigages tu 95% Nu income, Bud ceedît OK! Betle, ph.uuMur ga ge #810 96 9 18 00 2 82 r 16 9 wwwmortgageontaa v om SAVE UP tai $400 o yur car rusurance. Clean drira îng resord? cati Grey Pua- e r tuoda y a t t-877-603-5050 lui a nu- ubligatin u oe. Open weekends. FIMats or Rent MILTON STUDIO apari- ment , t bdrm, prîvate bathruum, light cuuking. Prulessîvuat bsmi. parking. Cunannient amenîtres. Quiet, omploved, nun- umuker. 905-864-8876. S-BEDROOM CONDO loi mut in Gieurgetuwn, t vnur lease. Grouad fluor unit, 12' hîgh cerlîrgu. Immacu- 1ta csurndît irn, S1t, O00/munth plus utîlitres. Cati Sait ai 647-638-8005. ACTON / 8uckwuud lana- ry upartments and com- mercial spuse avaîluble, t and 2-bndruvm antis, huom S875/monh. Go lt: www.gtenruskpeupertîos.su loi infurmatiun or cuit Mike uit 416-888-9164 ACTON 1-BEDROOM. Auaitable îmmedîutotv. $840/muetS utîtties înstud- ed. 200 Chuarchill Rvad. Soth. No pets. Cuti 519-853-0087- ACTON 2-BEDROOM apurtiment. Ruaitabto Au- gusi It. $980/munith utîlttîs înciaded. Quiet Building. Nu-pets. 192 Cburchill Ruud South. Cuti 519-853-1281. ACTON 2-BEDROOM aitb private yard, $925/mooitb plus ulilities. t and 2 bed roum ani s autabto o Hîs foire building in 8oskauod, stariiîg ai $600/morilth plus utîtîtios. Cati Elizabeth .ui, Sales 8op. Johnson Assusiates Huitnla, i 905-877-5165. ACTON APARTMENTS t, 2 and 3 bodioum apaît ments avaiabio. Clean. galet building ailS utîtîties ,rctuded. 40 Maria Street, 519-853-4374. wwa roui- star.su ACTON BRIGH, spascu is 2-bedruum aparimeot Pîrsi/taut. $900/molb ino studes heut/parkîeg/hydrv. Close tu shoupping and GO Sus. 'Avaitubto Augasi list Cati 519-853-3156. ERINLEA APARTMENTS, wett muîntaîned steari bud- ing en Prîn Avaîtubte vugusi tsit. t bedroum $750/mueitS and 2-bort ruum S85O/murih. 8uttr sn clude hydru, and parking Cati 519-766-3834 ut 416-666-0667. GEORGETOWN I-BED- ROOM luroîshed base ment. Augut t. Parking, sharnd 1lauundciry. No p ets/smoking. Fîrsi/laut. $0/rmuuih inclsive.a 905-877-0567. GEORGETOWN 2-RED- ROOM. Aboun siiup on 98 Main Street. $900/muoth nias hydru. 905-565-0033 ut 905-873-5616. GEORGETOWN 2-eBED ROOM brîgbt and sieur basemoot. S825/mnonib plus utîtîties. Purkîog/laun dry. tmmedîaiety. Cati Mikn 905 840-2367 or Johnî 416-809-4670. MILTON 1-BDRM, 89 Ontariu Si. N. Watk lu Mltturi Malt, 0875/miS n electrîs, aaîabte immedi atiy 416-918-7693. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive quiet building. Spacîsus brîght dlean t &2 bedrosm units wîtb laundry facilîty and soci room on site. Regutar ceaident events Openl 7 Ial & eveningS Cali 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROOM country bose w OS C/AO Fnisbed bu eriiIcit aa l 1a rg e ya a d S51,300 manri, pics uiires. (troilasi and reler en e s ,C a1l Ro0s a 9050877 1612, GEORGETOWN LARGE t beoroom aPartoiectiîr, smali, quiet bauiding. Waik ong distanc e Mai Aaaiable Sepîvmber It Nul p e ts . Cail 905-877-2651. GEORGETOWN LARGE t bedroom, s ear As septabie lui single persoo. No pets/smukiog. Reler- enses. Aîîgus Iti bail 9050877-1209. MILTON, A partiy loi nssed one Bvdrm 2od lber apurimesi, walk 10 downiuwo, separate en iruose. Nu smoking or pets, parking loi ose c ar $900 mentSr, firs1 and lasi required, oncludes utiities. Cui 905-878-6541 MILTON BASEMENT apurimeni. Pruaie es trunce, nu smoking/ petr prelerred. Fiee parking )n dodoes basic sable, suR -a ter, lrrdge/stuue and utîlîties. Relerence! Iti ast. S875/mih Pieusi nuo chidren, mue 2-veupie Auaiabie immedîiateiy 905-691 3123. MILTON, ONE bedroom yard, paeking, liidge stuve, lree iaundrv ta cîlîties, priuate enirance includes Seat & hydre, Nua avaîlabie $850. indus sîve. 905-876-5581. MILTON SPACIOUS, ATTRACTIVE t bedvu apartmeni ceniraiiy l ocal ed. Stone lîrepilace, upp aeces, subie. workî ng mai prelorred. Relerence $950./mth ail inclusive 905-878-6069 ulter Spmn ROCKWOOC vIAL nient a il, baisoy in ar clean, quiet 4 pieu i aun dry, parking and siorage Close t0 ameoiteas and GO0 Bas No pets $900,/mosil, p 1 I ydro (aIl 5 19 8006 98' 4 0 519827409 For Reni 2 PLUS 00000o 5 50 O sea'r rito T'a"' a' No garage r or baseî,îer Ovaia tae Aug ,sî i Mark955l' r1l2 EXECUTIVE 5,000 sQii main leue' i,80C so fils reor Cal 51393246/ il fer 7 OÙ pri GEORGETOWN DE- TCED rore, large yal 2 ca' garage 100p ie pari, No smokeg ,ptsi Aaaî aSIe Sepiember 1" Fielereoces o ouse $1,490 mooih Call 416-888 5721. MILTON 3-BIEDROOMS, flly iursliîed. Aaabie Augusi tsi 100m plus utiiies. Short ierm avaiabie. 905 702-0205. SPACIOUS MAIN Floor Saire Characier Ho,,se: dames 500w Pkwy & Sievies 2 or 3 000 plus 000e, lois of parlk îog $1,200. plus utiiies. Carlo 905-462 9807 WHY RENT? Roui t io wn Fiee dowopaymeoi 9Mi chuael Wan Seaiiy, Broker ugo 905-574-8882. ACTION 3-BEDROOM, 2 ebul baihrooms, lînîshed basement, 6-applîaoses Freshry painieedc, nea cur pet. No pers/smoking. Rel ereo es/credit sbes reouired. St 300/monil plus tiiîties. Auartabie Au gusi It. Tsh Podge a R e/Max 905-877-2630. Rom For MILTON IN Oea bouse room t0 reot/or sbared ac e commodlaion. Preler no5 umoker/ no pets, lirut ast, 5500/mo. oclude atilitles, pariirng, sable, i tercet & iaundry. Immed aie. 905-339 9413. MILTON FURNISHED ruum lui cent. Avaaabte îmmedîatety. Ponry and Armstruong. Pîrsl and last $500. Cati 905-878-2068. I lm ent& ated MILTON CLEAN larO sheO room, Sur lrîdge, A/C. Woodward/ Joyce SuIr quiet tidy persoui Non sr o k er oon y 905 299-0226. lm Acomodation For Sale HOT nUe (Spa) Coaer,ý best r Fle, Besi quairy. AI t 066 sus5 0 5 6 www.iheovarguy.ca HOT TUB/ Spa vrand oea 2009 modtel wail 00100n, and cover Sîl in e rarper rosi $8995 Sacrifice 000 Cai 905 971 177 7 Aries Wanted aner Training ~r Training Oui of wark? Laokînq for a Career Change? Ra bar pragrams are uppraved 1-BEDROOM PLUS owr Pets au'lie Tran oaafoa GratCa. rvigroom bor el pari6 SOFA SET 7 es4 ~71PesSpisTrnIoayfra ratarr Fiee parking. nierre nci Iî gO 0 . cd h Boardîog Earv u pto $40.00 pvr bout asa Seare, ra lesa rOc,,Iy Pe5"0' D. A- C H O CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL bt ,oet ,, 41680583 MINIATURE adROBOTICS PROGRAMMER aseriies Ferral î'" SUPER SALE! (ýl"tr 12 waek pîogîum NO EXPERIENCE REOUIRED trrfes $000r, ia' "t, 'a1tu . i Catil 905-634-9797, Burlingion sne àI0 2(2l i ai ir, ýJ9 r A,,,i,à týnejVisît: www.robatrainling.COm nu'stoo 5190 L'or s- te r" ,i rit"' ona i ýrîîs 'S e ria ', 9r5 8041, cm li 3 Trucks foî r Sae d uT oky TREADMIELL Etectiîr 2002 JEEP cre dcl REDUCED' VACAOION <3ý Abr r- 0e1 nt.[j1 "ý9 58 82 l'rý5 Iý o ss a a5 a$4 4 sue Cie o Ms les 1,s Pool &ol& 5 S Supplies M a/h//-O 3 ammumi1 D aer aer ORDERVYOUR POOL NOW 2000 KAWASAKI 250oE Immediate Deliver %i, 5-,tfe 1 9,; 'o n' I 0l)Do you live and breathe web design? VLX.iJý,J00kný ý OOCAre you a creative visionary that con ake 905,699 1812I ecommerce sites to the next level? JJ We are currentiy Iooking for a VTT1Insurance ~ j raieIietr-Web Services raieDeco .l for oui Burlînglon office. Can you lead a cross CLEAN- îRVN ý uncîîonaî îeam 10 produce world cluso work 1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 " (vue whîle juggltng multiple deadlines? This i0 the wwa kayakprals.c su i tr opportunîty to strvtch aIl of Qui cr881108. tech- lA 8, 4173 98l0 o ee nîcal, and projoct management skîlls. You wîll Daaa Sjýr iuh pe .e have ait leabI 4 yeuîs web vaperionce and a Avaiabllendsshowcvoe portfolio of 820 andior B2B web MO ER F ~prolecta. A degîee in design or marketing os te- hyi indy 2*1c y aer please reply Io. mcorker@serades.com c a 1 Mui h erb e ait 90 5 2 03 0 117 o r 90e 699 6503.) QUALIFIED ECE 'almosi 10 yeaîs ai dayra e cree nor exper ence- t personatty Sel eue n ve learn by W ne ptaying, a e play by ouars ing« il yon are tuoking loi a lrîond y, sale environ CELEBRATING ment sait 905-876 2066 Sat Aug 15 ai M, Arils Want to promote your C m Fo S le Or sîmply connect wih .n-mglcal oendors, MOVING SALE. Mandi 5 service agenctes (par pince dinette sel ailS buk- diverse communîties) ors rack rurety used vortS 51,000 wîîî sacrifice ion tables ai ou r eavent $400. Fiee Sprît MO Roa This lavent ta Ihe inspîri e r neaer ased $100 Stass cullee table $50 27 insh involved le Peer Outre ulder TA wurks Iîke Oea Edacation (FOSSE) P $ 50 Pieuaas e c at t1 8l a celebtati3n 0f 905-699-1696 or eniaiilta- ciocbSti.Oogers com loi accepta nce Wih a mure informatiun speakers, music, caltai ment, food, local a ALL NEW 8eds' Plas/ Pîl cummuntty anency bo i--wlup 10 15' ti, îew n plastic, Double $250 , We Oeliteve 80815008 Qîîoen $275. King $500. in uur communily re V isco Memoryfbain mai-rliin sex, sexual Or $750s Kîng cou or, Queen sbcatte $70,Kn 950. Cao Se- su-clu renardlesa, huver, 905 730-5849 We alsu invite people CARPET , haue seae ai country of origin. P 1,000 yards of oea Star promoing baman rîg Masior & 100nn nylun car- Dîversity Match dlown rpet. ii du tarogroom & taithe Fairr d @ t1 rhaît loi $389. Inctudes ca r îoud ipet, part &instlatioln 130- otc nu y yr d s S leay e , Cotat@hu 905 633-8192 1posseprojec@Yaho Veros DIVERSITY DAY tlon Fairgrounds local business for free? the community? We are artisans and community rticularly those serving to set Up information thon of a group of youth ach Support Services & 'roleCt in North Hailton. peace, tuleiatice and diverse lisi of guesi raI pertormers, entedtain- itisano and osodors, oths yod a kîddîe zone. ras the right lu fevi sale gardivos of age, race, rientation, gender, class, or abîlîties. 10 brîng flags from your ride flago, and signa hîs and loin us for our Main St. rom Mill Pond I:30am. 905-875-6126 or o.ca ta discuss details Can you get therresidenonhephfl? Ifbusinesa obusinesu autbounsae syutlnyoshldkwfil Curpedu is seeking benineou-savv us iiul orimdaeopnnso Business Oeveiupmeut ieum. Roui goal is iv cuit your pto identrfied, auurgned proupects in urdet tu sel businesu meetings atm tbe Preurdent Ion oCher Senir Eaecuiueî, on beiruito aieur enteinut sales eeecutrue (VP-teuet We seek: " TSe viii and taleut 10 beok meetings bill cunduclîng oeibound phone suttu il a persistent. sieur, ana concise protesuruna manner. OSTe ubtiri il semmenîcute and hrndie oblecions wilS Preuidentu, Senior xecuivea, and tIroir bEeculîve Asuistantu, " Basic computer skîis are reguirod We ~fte R n entreprenounra enaîroomeni * On upportuvily o u rrci ailS clients ai the htOhesi leugi * A sampetittue baue sulary autoi a sîgnîtîcant reuuls-bused performnce bonus plan. unscapped, auRh monihiy paymonto " A compeitîve benrelts package ufter 90 dayu " A ueaiv renouaigu 0514de uales office ru duantoan Oukurinl * Conirnuoes training and couchîng, boih technisai ICaîpedia' seOrvics) and lucicut (conuersion tecbniques. etc) To explore opportunhties: - Pteuue uruit out cureer secion a cu pedia, an or emnat your reume and compensation Srsînry / expectatons otris n sureero@caipedru cum. * Suiles based on availabifil C,%ZSsif iceci, Gel Results 905.ý32.4440 1 k h s

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