Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jul 2009, p. 20

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z TEAM SNAP MILTON 3 TEAM TIM HORTONS 1 Gret goaleintng Sp Natashe Stoheemn nf Sney Milton anti Japtenl et Tîn Contons mso hati mary saete Seep Mlser hein Tîn Contons 10 2 goalsý Lake Jeeneton scores 2 goals anti Jeke Cunningham 1 goal tee Snep Mîllen.Tenter Patrick scoreti1 toal tor Tîn Hontons mhîie 1 goal mas scoret Sp Snap Milton agaînet thenseives. TOY SHOPPE 1 LAWN STORKS 4 Andersn Peetan anti Trevîs Tait et tean Tep Seoppe mere e terce te Se reckanee mîth! le tht 1tst hait of tht gene Antierson Peetan sceret hie Ima goals on item Lame Staîke' Rut Lama Stoake cane Sack mîlh e geai Sp JekobaeSu enthe seconti hall. NeBrîeg coeid stop team Top Shoppe's meen pieper Travîs Tait tîrîsheti tht garnt Sp sceeîeg Inn more goals rn tht second hall! Thanke lei tht coaches anti tht parents fon aul their suppot anti cheersi CALEDONIAN CARPENTRY 3 BUULINO BLOCK MONTESSORI SCHOOI 2 Beth teeme pst in etreeg pertormances Set tl mas Caiedenian Carpentny i hat precalet et the end. Excellent in geai fer Building Bleck Montessori Schnel were Mark Retirigees, Liiiah Parei and Jackson TeneillGeais ceners fer Caiedenian Carpentry were Daniel Fex, Sophie Guîdelîn anti Ethan Lewis. On the other side Jackson Tsei and Sameai Amanea scereti fer BBMS. TIM HORTONS YELLOW 5 PLAY BT AGAIN SPORTS 5 Teere wae a lot et actin se tefeIldn for this game with the euccme noi seing seeen tl tee tînal tew mienntes et play. Play tl Agamn Sports denînatet the tiret sait et tee game scering 4 searswerent geais by Canner Ailinten, Jeenieet Sendhua Et Andrade andt Cerie Andrade. Aiden Rebîtailie sceret eariy in tee second Paît tee Tîm Herioss meich mas ansmeret Sy ansther geai Et Adtrade. Tîm Hortons tiien teek change ard ecerent 4 geais in a rem, 2 by Henter Packien and 1 each Sp Deon Brîmicembe and Meggîie Oaicki. Gealies Garrett Gleesen andi Jeu0i Dînsmere tee Play tl Again Sports, and Jeshea Walsh andi Ben Heflman fer Tîm Cartens were kepi Scsy andtidn an aweseme lob B.1il9V HUI CHRYSME 1 ROYAL LEPASE MEADOTN O A ey clsse game the forte geai scerer was Hennah Cain tee Hunt Cerysier. Gealies tor Royal Lepege mene Csiiy Neweil annt Asie BReten. Goalies for Hunt were Cannah Zmîgnstsky and Rianna Benzies. Excellent team play Sp Maya Cenîker tee Royal Lepage andt Emily Theben ter Cent Chrysier. BOSTON PIZZ 7 YKUIOTT SOCME CAMPS 2 Jane 25th Tee semmer is onip Seginning as thînge heaIent cp se the Putce as Boston Pince Lime Took on Pkonsoccer sky i Eneret Hernter Scsred 2 Goais foi Sk, te tnp and regain the leait teen Bestes Pizza. Tee Geelies toi skp Owen Gantier and 2ed Paît Emeni Wnng dit there heet te heint the leant eeftenateiy Lime rallient and came Sack scnrîaig 7 geais 5 Sy Michael Fealîsi aent 2 Sp Mecere Nntembî Tee Detense foi Lime was the stsey et te nîght mîth efforts by Mitchell Kaîne and Mclin Battiey. Cheers te these Fsture STARS. M&TON FAMLY DENITAL. 6 FIFIN HEEL O Seif a Cet taick îs 3 then 5 menthbe a cap feul - thaths whet Leca Rosielie scsred in a greet tîspiep et hie soccer skilis. Cie Team mate Ben Austin scoeen anether fanitastîc geai mîth brîlliant detending Sp Ethan Lee. The goalies for Seth teame were Eiîîah Geasten & Nathan Reiiemith fer Milton Pamîip Dental and Ceatis Geetan & Antirew Giazebaesk foi Pîllh Whee mîth brîllilant tetentiag Sp Daniel Masse. YIN1T111SOCCEER 2 KCK TEAMWEAII O This mas an eocîtîeg anti weii piapent game Sp bath teame. Kaîstepher Preikoneki anti Owen Geettet sceret tee goals tee ykneotssccer. Jelian Rentaîguez-Pene tien KCI< Teamwear was a terce wîth hie speeti and teteamînation excellent piapîng!!! The goalies laom KCK Teammear Aerap Ott and Douglas Capes tint their beet te, keep tht score low. The goalies t nom pyknoflsoccer Mitchell Galbraith annt Nîchelas Sait dît a wentertel lob andtidîtt aiiow any goals te Se sceret agaînet them. Logan Gîrotiat trsm yknoOsoccer showet excellent team piapîng wîth passîng annt assîstieg in the geais scered Sp hie tRam Great nob Sp beth teamsttt B.;I l M MILTON SEAM 3 BOSTON PIZZ 3 Seane got on tee board tiret wîth Megan Wiiîams scoaîng twice annt attet another gea betore the tant et the hait Sp Alexantiaa Rebeon. Boston Pizza beencent beck in the sec- sent hail scoaing thate goals et their own, two bi Megan Carter annt ont Sp Saloni Paie]. Stars' netmînteas Abigal DeGenena, Aieipeh Ligeori anti Mariarna Saitanniage piapet gieta, Set thep ment eaiip matchent tht Rester Pizza's keepeas Jante Aicoan, BRanna Piatea anti Arienne Labieue. 2 li ( R 5 1 9 JOIE 25TH ADVENTURE MANIA 3 WALLACE PONTIAC 1 Despîte tht gîet deteece ekîlis ntîspiayent Sp Wallace Peetîac's Breke Wison and Wîiliam Pincent, Adeentere Mania s Ahmad Ahamathknsr startet oft tee gamne scnrîeg on Wallace Pontiac s gaie Dypin Gornton Anteentere Manias geelît Martem Antersn eone tloent Ihrahim Pakîl sheeîngo n hie net sendtiîng ce tee game. Adeentere Mania s Nîkeis Pecenec nteteîmîeetn waes achallnge foi Wallace Ponitac s gealie Lîam Mcteenogh, Nîkela scere t e geais en tee secoent hait eedîeg the game mit as3- mie foi Anteentere Mania. Great thonrs mere ntîsplayent Sp Wallace Penîtec s Bren Sepalan aent Japien Resmell Tee skîlie shown Sp Anteentere Mania s Ceener Smith aendt Ops Beeclîne wert impiessîce. SNAP MILTON 3 SEMR O Super gant piapet Sp Sesi teens. Jessîca Percielin aent Amp Bnstre kept e dlean sheet as Selat s gealîts toi tht nîget, meute Desîret Russell annt Abîgaîl Degeennea mante sonme great saet tsi Stars. Julia Debenîista screntuse nir Seap art Katît Knewiee sceret 2 great geais aller sonme geent mes set et mînttîeid Piapîng a gîet game for Stars was Rachel RIegham, whîie smne super passînig frem Seep s Lerese Ceiriser art Julia Cîraseila kept tht bali movîng gsîckiy. BOSTON PIZZ 4 MOIJY mAI O Lîtîle Pînîkeneki tînm tht Boston Pizza team came oet wîte tull terce scorien tht tiret 2 goals toi her tean. Sylvia De Len anti Taylor Marnetace score e gea ton Boston Pizza mekieig tee total score foi tSeîr team 4 Gret neaitenting heom Maisenn Kensîka anti Rîiep Cexrener tîsue the Rnston Pizza teani eiisired iPat no geais ntîn scoetî agaiest isem Mou1y Maints dzd a viouidenil jot aunz cri,& 'nenai enu i hr'ne greetins sieur kii' bSy tsrocghect tee game anti dît an excellent job nf definîg, Sorti marne seenno tietermîneatn ternegenet tPe geme teat mes Pamperei Sp Peavy raie Great joS Sa Sets teansiii 241 PMZ 5 BOSTO PIM 4 tl mes an excîtîng and mxii piapet game Sp SetS terne 24t Pizza took an tarla t-gîtent in tht tiret hait Set Rester Pizza came Sack tîghtîng en tht second sait. Goal keepers Merthew Palermo toi 24t and Altexander Jatîce tee Rester Pizza were kepl Sasp ail] game Ferwards Sandro Pasarreli and John Jeeng from Boston Pizza each scereti ont geai art Cadlis .Rriecs wîth tnn geais 241 Pizzas termaîis sent gîet team work wîth Reezo Rengiren scnrîng Inn geais and Kyle Maconaldi scsrîng thee goals. Pnrwari Jordan Tabares and Tenzîeg Kcechsk loi 241 Pizza aise plapeti a stîoeg gernie. BotS teens nttlence piapeti sera weli especiaill a stroro gante playeti Sp Rorian Cîckey lien Boston Pizza and Mitchell Gaeten Aroîntier Rassi anti Nîcholas Suerez heom 241 Jane 3R BOYS UlCA SEL.ECT 3 BUSUNUTON 3 Tht boys of 1999 mere Sack in gîet termi Phînge leeket grîm toi Milton aller the tiret hall, orip ont geai scoreti Sp Sinon Arboîntia te Benlînglen s O, Tht second hait staniet mîth a second Milton goal Sy Peler Chîeppîeeo Rncndîeng est tee scorîeg anti tying the gant toi Milton mas Anthony Cîlia lien a seatier crsed in Sp Stetanl Pîanîc. Specia nention te Marces Mliînareoîc toi gîet geaiteating anti keepuang Milton rn the garnte. Aise. gîet gant b S Getiane Paterrope ny 10 Se tienîti Sp 3 gea peste anti e crossbar. MILTOI MAGIC SELECT M OB 2 GEORSEOWN 1 Milton anti Georgetown piapeti e gîet gant on Jore 291h. Tristan Richardson scoret lîret loi Milton en tee tiret hait on e penalty spot. Nîchelas Boulie panaîidet tee second geai ton Miton os a great sent. Georgetomn iseketi te get on tht boarti mine a goal in tht Ont hait that broaght te mîthîr 1, homever, teepîte great pressant and a tem close cele, Milton heit sets tht tati and dtieeatet Georgetown Sp a score et 2-1 .Fentestc geai keep- îng Sp Cerner Cee et Milton! il Il]. àF MILTON MMOI 3 BURUIGTON 1 On a sens maîn eoenîng, tht Mlter team pet tsrth a trementoce effot Sp ooencsmîeg Rouiagten Sp a score of13 te t. On tht îîîght, Milter het ne sebe, Set Chrie Rostassîs, Aiea Peixe and Brantian Fertîra ceelteibetet i mth a goal eech, te neercome an earip go aheat geai Sp Bauîngter . Spencer Tonnelle, Tyler Wsîtomîcz art itex Rorthmîck mere a constant thatat morkîag tht mînge agaîrel tht Breaington tetense. Rîiey Brady, Alexander Zero anti Daniel Geetan ment solîid, as essai, in tht Sack agaîrot tht Beurgton antack mhîie Pince La Castra tinte great leS et linkîrg tht tefenon mite tht offense. MILTON MAGIC - 2 ERIN'M11S O On mhat lerneti set te Se amîsenahie eoerîng compiete mîth heeny domepeeno anti atvry nstity, puddle tillent fieid, tht Milton tem mas aSie te onercome thein opponente fnem Enînl Mille Sp a 2 te Rescoin. Alexander Zero scoret in tht tiret hallfwhmet Tyler Weîtewcz seaei tht oîctory mîlh a goal in tht secondi hait. Oa a nîght mheae tht fîild mante tht Sal oerp tîllîceit to conrtol, Spencer Mitchell, Bouton Taylor anti Nîchelas Schiam titi a gîeta job rn keepiag tht Ern Mille formants et bey. Henorable mention gees to, tht Milter keep- ta, Alex Peise mho kept a cier sheet tespite haoîrg hie erîtean ceret in met. 10 OR 7 4 1 t 15 3 6 1 3 4 o O 0 3 n 0 0 2 O 2 3 R 5 1 15 39 1 12 17 n g i9 3 t 10 2 3 il 3 3 12 3 3 10 4 3 R e t 1 3 R 3 3 o 3 R 5 12 OR t 3 12 2 3 7 3 0 7 12 OR R R 7 R 3 7 7 1 B 4 2 R R 1 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 3 R R S-~~t- -~ 7/oe We«&d4te4 Gj~ 1/%e Mdi&s~ ~/o44 Socce4 Ck~4 READY MACHINERY MOVERS 0 KVO 2 What a great ettont by ail the gins on this rainy Canada day game. Seliti detense by Madelyne L and Nini aiiowed BOB' the Keeper te play ectstanding. The Pink kept cern- ing enitil KPO was giveni a penalty sent and uie Bettany tank tl te the top conner, She lat- ter scen agaîs te sea the deai with a great pans trnm Sarah Pinks came ail out mith a great team ettertt A geent tun game playei by ail. TRUE NORTH CHURCH 2 STORAIiE SOLUJTIONS 1 Friday June 26th True Nts Chcrch Red teck on Sierage Solctions Orange in a baille et deteese, Amantia Reckaî drew First Sieed with a gea in the tnt haît for Trce Neth, bst with tee Ettonts et Brianne Black, Kayiee Basent and Carmel Peekeanan Sterage Solctions Managet te Tie the game sp in tee 2nd sait l Eiid5 Jurce and Ashe Patitecci e great enreîsiannr pannent Trur Nnrth no ncoe a teriimg 'ast mincie gea te pct them on tep ai 'tee endi et tee match, B.illý9 , LERO 2 WILD WING 8 Tee twe SeCaom ntweiiers taced eace ether tntiay in a gamne iPat wecid determine whs weelti escape tnem last place in the Under 14 s grscp Tee decîsn seemeti te tanner Wîid Wing as they heietie a fll team witB Aere tieidieg a team et enie 9Bat kicketf. Wîit Wing gcickiy dmen with tnree geais in tee tiret twenty mincies and centinen their dominance mitS anether tise geais in tee tiret sait, Bradley Cantimani Pat three geais, Janret Stepte scoret twe whiie Calcin O N null Caiicm Boules ndn Oneryn YengDoewing Ca ie enace Aller a gealie change andi laie arrisais te tee gamne, Anre madte il interes- îeg mite beeakaway geais trem Bradiy Andiersce anti Kîseer Premakemar, bct a nie gea leati and centinen dominant play by SPiid Wîeg proeet te be insermocetaSie. I.E 20 TAMRAY CONTRACTING REMAX 2 Close game this eeenîrg. Geais eceret by Melîssa Seabaga ard Rhianeeon Kay for Tamray. Recca King scenîng tor Reman. Octstandng gsaiteedîeig Sy Rrîtrey Bliîs-Calien anti Amîra Hases tsi Teneay te selp them wîn tee garne. z z z lm z CO) -1 M BOYS U12 Hearing for Lite 3 1 Storage Solutions 2 t Chetttigh's 2 Siemens t Apple Auo Glass 1 Costa anti Sens Itevin's Towing Fmirs Proteosionia Wiit Wîng Tamray Cantractîrg BOYS U14 tan Ttgr 5 T amaray Cntracting 4 Haiton Pest Csotao 3 deno Supplies 2 Wîit Wîog O NGF Golf1 Boston Pizza t Natain Biectric 1 Pasqualino's 2 MiRton Physîotherapp t Drive Wise1 Siemens tnsect Detentd PeIch Platemakea 4 Baika teehsel DC 1 4moimCafé O GIRLS U12 Bruetuo's 4 Home Hartiware 2 2 Taxe Nxrth Cherch 2 S IOVO 2 1 Storage Solutions 2 Ileaty Machinery Moyens 2 Nap Auto Parts1 WitOWInR 1 Baskin RoRbîns O Boston Pizza GIRLS U14 Drnixe Wise 3 Wakefield Dental 2 2 Tamnay-Contracting 2 Beston Pizza 1 2 Arthur Etectric 1 1 Witt Wîng O GIRLS UISa Vaen Dangens 4 let Pens & Denke 3 1 Prxtech Secuniti 3 Prima Etectic: 2 Sot Paion 2 Rambourne Solutions 1 1 Gatuînger Port Mustangs GIRLS U20 Swîss Chalet 3 t J. Scott Eariy Fonierai Home 3 1 Tamnati CostractinR 3 Aim Loek & Rate 2 BarS Kiin Remao 2

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