Brennan Iooking to help mid Chris Brennan isn't promising a quick flx I hat~s partly because to an ailing midget program. hes instructed with a After ail, the seasoned local coach lus number of them, includ- been around long enough to know that ing the Hurricanes, building a contender - at any level - takes Marlies andJr. Canadiens. time. Be that as it may, his return marks an "'Honestly, at firstl1was a awfully encouraging first step toward revi- hittle mntimidated by Chnis, talizing the Winterhawks' oldest reps, who but hels a veiy impressive - shaîl we say - have been less than com- coach," said Chris Whiting, petitive over the past few years. a forwanl with the 2002-03 The reasons for that are quite varied, OMHA champs, whose id depending on who you speak with. But the brother Mason is hopmng to be part of ibis com- time for assessing blame is over. ing season's midgets. "Hes got a great structure "l'm hoping to get things back on track," and he obviously had us ail on the same page said the double-A midgets' new head coach, thai year. Chris knows wbat hes doing." who was behind the bench for the Wts flot just former players who are quick Winîerhawks' last OMHA cbampionship to praise Brennan. win - the single-A midgets' near-perfect "Chris brings great passion and leadership 2002-03 campaign. and we're hoping he can be a mentor to, some Bringing far more experience to the table of our other coaches," said MMHA tirst vice- than any skipper since Amnie Parcels (mid- president/rep convenor Tracey Taylor. 90s to 2002), Brennan admits bis return to Added reiumning president Bob Barreit, bis homeîown organization was met wiîh 'lis great to bave someone of bis calibre and initial skepticism. experienee with our midgets. We're hoping "Afier 1 took over 1 held a par- ent/player meeting where just a handful of peuple showed up. The f rcasoni 1 hearcl N'as that there wvas a lack of trust that the new coach Ra would make a difference." Rest assured, he will. Having dev- 820 eloped much of bis playhook and con- h iioning regimen fromn former NHL assistant/OHL head coach Ej. Tue' McGuire during his mid-90s stini with theJir. B Guelph Platers, Brennan brings a junior-calibre program - the kind seen in many triple-A centres. Iget Hawks take flight again he'il be a drawing tard to designed to work on the vaîîous cîcîncilts L)lq get some players back." skating, passing, stick-handling and condition- O z __________ That lasi comment ing. The skates have been exceptionally well M refers to the widely-held received," said Brennan, who plans on taking X> n L belief that many players the Winterhawks to high-profile turaet th have opted to compete and is lookig to re-esiablish a long-departed '2 wfitheir friends ai the working relationsbip witb Milîon's Jr. A club. z stan& house-league or high "WVhen guys come off the ice exbausîed but are =: school level nîther than ai saying uÈs the hesi practice they've ever had, you ~Y1~IIT~ rep. Factoring heavily into know you're heading in the iight direction." this ia the fact that, unhike While the [eedback from the sessions have many neighbouning regions, in Halton players been positive, the tumnout, se, far, hasn't been cannot play both club and high school hockey encouraging, wiîh jusi 17 players oui to mosi C Brennan is convinced theres a number of skates, including several minor midgets. CD1. players capable of being part of the rep midgeîs who currenily aren't, and is hoping to lure them into the Wînîerhawks' [old. His plan of aiiack includes a series of summer skates ai Milton Sports Centre - the nexi few set for ibis coming Monday (7 p.m.), July 23 (9 and July 30 (9 p.m.) - ihat the new midgeî coach stressed offer a great deal more than jusi scrimmaging. -These are high-tempo junior-ish practices Concemned about the likelihood of icing boih a midgeî and minor midgeî AA îeam, Brennan is urging players who've left the rep ranks or îhink tbey're capable of donning a Winierhawks' jersey to try out. Prospective players can caîl him ai (905) 876-3274 for more information or simply go out for a practice, which includes a $15 fee. "We're hoping to change the attitude of midget hockey in Milton," he said. M I i 1 III Canadian SuDerstore - Milton ~ain Street, Milton. rsday - JuIy 23, 6:OOpmn - 9.:OOpmn sday - August 25, 6:OOpm - 9:OOpm iserbyphn 1.68.28 orofie