SATURDAYw MJUup 1, Deloia To PRuema al Tt Centre at, 905-878-777 fà ildsW 4ýn o* ~RII~Wi~ i~~ui r~um BIG WINNERS: At top, Stella Parton (right) of Milton is presented a cheque for $33,000 from Pat Gaudet, president of the Halton Branch Council of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Parton was the early bird winner in the 2009 Canadian Red Cross Lottery. She opted to take the cheque over a choice of fine cars. Above, Milton's Ron and Joyce McEachern recently won a 2009 Mercedes B200 in the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporations Siots at Mohawk 'License to Win' promotion. M 3PalkTnac $45990 Qà SevuMM Prudential Town Centre Realty, 905-878-9100 66 ldkhDnve #34,$21990 Francie Couuuiian 910iRâ Ave. $0,900,Jaim McaO 11051 Gueo LW, $595,000 Simn Recoflofliat Mqroan 1lMOsoeM, $184,900, Ark klkook 69 oMpo Bd., $M,90, bil talch 133 Raitee St., $799,0, MWrea Mw*1ai Royal Lepage Meadowtowne, 905-878-8101 405 Ba#ld Cd., $574,888, Barb King 401lBayhs Crd. $579,000,BeeelyRoSff 80 50 ine $847,90, TrevoCranlee 5500 -l14 Sdeme MeaTeatn 1483M**Ae. #307 249 Ridg D, $429,00, Tenq Lim & Neen Hkoen Cail Dianc taxai 90.5-878-2341 x21 2 114 page frature, a largeeierir anud S7 3 ý,1 1fuu in"Mueo r1 D1Ail et your advertlouonts ulillb .c publisIIOd en the wshle t001 BUUI~ y à«d 0.. wnhn" li, lu w111 die Z l t. Yom. I 60,0W0 CUlOtS MEAIS MAXIMUM EXPOSIJOX! 15edIroom Set 1-Iead Board, Foot Board, Rails, Night Table, Dresser & Mirror (Chest Available) Sofa $599, Love Seat & Chair Available Sofa $599, Love Seat & Chair Available