iS t IONE 196 e.. . 1 27-2 0 Faciiity to be used as feed miii fromn WAREHOUSE on page A5 struction - inconmpatible with tbc architec - tutrai diversity in tct ms of size and dctailing that owners ssanted of us," buc said. i bottgt the Town of M ilton bial expressed p)ossible înterest in relocating the warehouse, locatcd on iremaine Road soutb of Derry Roaci, for use as an indoor turf facil- ity for sports such as soucc, laitrosse, softbail anil basebail, that deai appears to be dcad, according to Town staff. Mattatoy bas takcrn another offer f'or tbc facilîty frib a comnpany tbtt \vants to use t as a lcd iii, staff said. Inn Foran can la' icaclîcd ai ioa6oi loticatiadicinchat)ioi.~ cono. Challenge continues until fail e fromn DARLING on page A2 The Darling Home accepts ktds and teens up to 18 years oid for stays up to a week long, gtving par- ents a test and tbe kids a gruat expe- nience. A vartcty of tbîrapeutic pto- gtams at tbe borme inîludes riure- atio omi, pts ifd dritcaý 1cii s andtif oootîtgs, gcot tos- ity means Thbe Darling Home is now in tbe final stretib of fundraising for its $3 mtllion capital campaign for ils Pbase 2 expansion project, wbicb in addition to tbe new wing tiludes * tbe creation oîf a famil>' toon, a multi-purpose toom, an expanded kiteben and a multi-sensory tberapy room. But tberes stili $500,000 leit to ratse. Enter tbe Build a Wall Cballenge, wbicb was iauncbed at tbe dediîa- t ion. Tbrougb tbe challenge, wbicb wiil continue until tbe fail, comtiu nitv members and bustnesses can taise money and collecî sponsors 10 =,àpurchase "brtcks" at a cost of $25 eWT acb or tbree for $50. A git of $100 purcbases fise bricks and mnorlar, and $250 boys 15 bricks and mnot- tar. On-line, restdents cao participate eitber individually or as a team, cre- ating donation web pages and fundraising. Or tbey can simply go on-line and make a general donation toward the campaign. There are 8,400 bricks available for purchase, and the goal is te raise at least $ 100,000. 1I hope the Milton community will embrace tbis as an opportunity 10 gel involved," said Darling Home for Kids ebair Anita Boyce, adding ils a great thing for cbildren to do as well. To contribute to tbe Build a Wall Challenge, visit bttp://wall.darling- For general information on tbe Darling Home for Kids, visit or cali (905) 878-7673. me Stephanie Hounseil can bc i eached RM ai sthiessetini/îoncaniadianichampî- Ca barbara