Savour life's simple and basic pleasures at Iibrary Everyone has a different de of happiness. But most of us will agree honoured, feel-good basics- freshly haked cookies, the tht new musician, the warmth classic movie or the smile th reading a favourite book. These feel-good moments of happiness can ail be found Public Libraty Barefoot Contessa: Back ta. start you on your way ta rn happiness. This cookbook cai introduction ta basic cooking tien refresher for easy enterta To browse the hundreds of books available ta, you, jusc aisie or ask a staff member ta Christina Aguilera was a Basics in 2006 with a CD of t We have hundreds of music allow you ta explore different res. If you are determined ta sir you are not alone. There arei chis theme, including Simple Daybooo oj Comfoî t and Joy Breathnach and The Sim Inspirational Guide ta Livingi by Deborah DeFord. For more inspiration, ju library's catalogue using the cerm 'simplicicy' and you coul months. finition or idea on some cime- - the smell of rill of finding a of watching a îac cornes with Cover to cover II 1 and infusions 0f course noching can be simpler than re- at your Milton reading a favourite book. Who can forget Jamie from tbe Outlander series by Diana Basics can help Gabaldon. Why not scare yourself silly with lishing simple reading some cîassic Scephen King or experi- n be used as an ence sonne pure escapismn in Ian Flemings or an informa- Bond series. ining. But if the idea of happiness intrigues you, different cook- see what the Greek philosopher Epicurus go ta, the 641 had to say about it. For a more modem view, help you. Martha Beck - the beloved columnist and lready Back ta lifescyle counselor fromn Oprah magazine - he same name. offers a new prescription for personal fulfill- CDs chat wilî ment. artists and gen- The Joy Diet is available to you in book form as a downloadable audio book. It will npîify your life, give you 10 'ingredients' ta add co your daily nany books on routine and change your lifesv course by find- Abcmdancc: A ing purpose, overcoming obstaclcs, bealing by Sarah Ban wounds and building dreams. pIe Life: An Another title, Field Guide ta Happiness: 3etter with Less Finding Happiness in Its Naturol Habitat by Barbara Ann Kipfer shows you cools like îst search the making lists, mind maps and memory books subject search ta help you sec goals, inspire you and mati- cI be reading for vace you ta achieve the things chat bring you happiness. Expenience the difference - Cali or visit today! www.snapfltneà * ~~1030 Kennedy Circle k 5 1 8I 905-875-2545 ZIf Ç .q-7 * In the Metro Plaza I 'Ls~v ,,~gp Vfast -convenlent - affordabi, Limi one per Ssusehold. No cashi valus. Access card and/or enroilîmet tee, otler tees and sonne resticvons may apply. Valid vnly tor local r11Jesidents on first visat ai participaig clubs. C 2009 Snap Fineso, nc. f-l -- M- M- -- -- - ---M-ý ýýý The library allows you ta slow down and embrace the spirit of simpler cimes and hap- piness. Whip up a new cookie recipe or a fiavour- fuI soup. Schedule a famiîy movie nighc or cake a hiatus from TV and explore a new w '-I author or musical arcist. zo With the library you can place value on m your personal cime and explore the simple, > basic pleasures that make you happy. Caver ta cover is prepared by staff at the 0 Milton Public Library Z o- DUNDAS STREET (REGIONAL ROAD 5) FROM APPLEBY LINE (REGIONAL ROAD 20) TO TREMAINE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 22), CITY 0F BURLINGTON Dundas Street from Appleby Line 10 Tremaine Road, will have lane closures for bridge testing activity Contract Number: Scheduled Start Date: Scheduled Completion Date: Road Supervisor: PR-2550A July 7, 2009 July 8, 2009 John Stervoski ext. 7862 or Nathan Stewart ext. 7644 Ilalton receives $147 m1illion In infrastructure investment The Federal and ProvinciaJ Governments have recently invested a total of $147 million dollars in Halton Region to address our infrastructure needs. Through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Halton Region has receîved: I * $103 million for the expansion and upgrade of the Skyway Wastewater Regional Chair Treatment Plant in Burlington; * $33.4 million for improvements to the SouthwestWastewaterTreacment Plant in Oakville; and * $10.6 million for the widening of Tremaine Road between Main St. and Derry Rd. in Milton. 1 would like to thank both levels of government, for ensuring that Halton residents get the infrastructure they need. We are now able 10 proceed to create jobs, and improve the quality of life for Halton residents Hélton Reglontil Meeting Sch.odule JuIy 7 9:30 a.rn. Health & Social Se JuIy 8 9:30 arn. Planning & Public JuIy 8 1:30 p.m. Administration & F mvires Committee lNorks Committee *inance Committee Juiy 15 :3 arn. Ruegional Counci I ý fFý