When should 1 start talking to my curious son about sex? MORE TRAIN SýR MýOR'E N u STARTING MONDAY, JUN THERE WILL SE MORE TRAIN SERVICE ANÙ_ SÔME CHANCES TO 21-MILTON GO TRAIN BUS A new weekdayeastbound train i ton GO .. .. .. .... n -08 a.m., ser ,$tatio at,8, Ye at 8:20, Stfeetsville at 8:16, -Erin' _àý 1 have a young boy who's very inquisitive. I'm unsure when we should speak to him about his expected body changes, differences between boys and girls, sex, etc... I bave read if's best to discuss these subjects before they learn about thema on the playground but, to me, in many ways, it seems early Rosa Answer Even a confident, educated aduit may broach the subject of sexuality with trepida- tion. Our discomfort, in fact, that the topic may be avoided until absolutely necessary This usually resuits in a very awkward con- versation between parent and child. Fortunately, this doesn't have to be the case. The general consensus by experts says that we can start to tcach children about sex- uality at the earliest age possible by teaching the child the proper names of body parts and their function in a matter-of-fact way The less nervous we are about this faet of nature, the more at case our children will bc. It can be nerve wracking for parents, but ifs a necessity as children who have no knowl- edge of the facts of life can be "educated" by their peers and the information tbey will get is alirnost always wrong. If's important to take opportunities as they arise. This can come in the forrn of bath time, questions, television shows and even over- heard schoolyard conversations. The more we discuss sexuality and our bodies in a comiortable way, the easier it is to have open and honest discussions without the forced, formai conversations. Teacbing our children about their body parts and functions, as well as our moral views on scxuality, can also assist in their safety Open dialogue can .keep the lines of communication open between parent and chiîd on a variety of topies. So, yes, while theres the possibility that your chiîd might blurt out something embar- rassing in the middle of the shopping malt or church, in the endl ifs probahly a good idea to start on the suhject ,ooncr, radiier than later. Resources to heîp talk to your child about sexuality are available at the Milton Gommunity Resource Centre/Ontario Early years on Bronte Street. Danielle and Sue accept questionsJroin the public at Danie/e/@m'ýcrc. on. ca. Danielle La/onde, EG.E, BA., is the moth- er of two and a parenting educator with the Ontarlo Ear/y Years Centre, North Ha/ton (www. mcrc. on. ca). Classic Car Show Friday JuIy 17.. 2009 (show starts at 6:00 pm) Sign up today to be a part of the 50-member teamn thot helps make this event a success. There are many( opportunities to help at this year's Clossic Car Showl <High school students con earn volunteer hours.) Mandatory Orientation Session Mondayiuly 13, 2009 7:0Opm The lvy Arms RSVP by ThursdayiJuly 9, 2009 905-876-2773 tSpcice is limiledi) * Pre-1 976 vehicle registrations stili being acceptedl* www.downlomdbcm.comn