Agents & Anis Medicat, Dental HMe? cal, Dental We're Expanlding Again! Experienced Bookkeeper/Accauntant Muat give conaideration and attention te datait and accuracy and be able te work witb the public. Eaperience with Simply accounbtng aoftware and pereenal income fax. Caaeware aoftware an aunai, Remuneration baued on eoperience. Please mail or fax resumes la: THE CINO GROUP 185 Plains Rd. East, Burlinglon, ON Fax: 905 632 4501 No phone calfu please. White we thank ail applicanta for tbeir intereat, only thoae aelectad te be interviewad wif I be contacted. Fi!DrAf'bwlIR Drive Star Iocated in Burfington haa an immediate opening. Thia position wif I provide support for vanlous tunictiona withini diapatch. REQUIREMENTS: "Customa- f mport/ Export of vehicl an - Ace" import/' euport -T & E bonda etc. -Papa & Paru "Permita - Dealing with permit agency -Over Dimenainnal -Weighta "Generaf Diapatch Support " Highly orgnnized "Strong computer okillo - Microsoft Office and Eocel "2 yearu refated enperience "Bifingual an aaaet Houru 8:3Oam - 5:3Opm (1 hour lunch) We offor a very competitive wage -and fui/y funded benefit package. Plas fowadretmeI 905-69-83i AUTOMOTI1JE SALES PROFESSIONALS The LEOGAT name bau been auuociated with General Motoru aince 1968 and are very pruud ta announce that tbey have been uelected by Tbe New General Matura ta continue ifs lungatanding aucceauful relationahip. Due f0 aur recent growth we are nuw laoking for Automotive Sales Profeanionalu who deaire a long terra rewarding careor witbin our GM famify ut deaforubipa. The timo bau neyer been baffer ta begin your salfes career or tranufer your aucceauful businesu from another dealeruhip where u cani nelI award-winning vohiclen from aur full lineup ut GM brandu - including Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Pontiac , Chevy/GMC Trucks and Saturn. Plus you will bave full accoua f0 over 400 higb quality uaed vehicleu frura within aur Leggat Auto Group ut dealerabipu ta uatisf'y your cuatomora' needa. Please email or lax your resume la: Tim Morrîson Email - fmah -Cs~aL * Fax - 905 333394 Ait resumes wiiI De kepi in strict confience. POTM SAffU Leggat Pontiac-Buick Cadillac Ltd. 2207 Fairview St. *Leggat Chevrolet Ld. 4100 Harvester Rd. * eggat Salurn-Saab 814 Guelph Ln. NEW KIA DEALERSHIP Lookrng For F&l Manager & Exp'd Sales Representatives For new and used sales. Gompetitive remuneration plus bonus structure, benefits & more tai accepted apphicants. Please e-mail resumne ta: 1 or fax la: 905-331-0194 Required 3 daya a week (Tueday, Wedneuday, Thurdays)I iBrmtnDental Off ice. No eveninga. 1Peaoeaux emeao: 905-877-4003 Rqie ulTime ifl GereonDental Practice for Materniity Lev.Dental Eoperience Required. I Please fax resumne to: 90-74003 I ~ I - L @Ad& Senior Sales Representative 5 . SECUR-U Inc. Vu were born a ualeou poraun. Peuple who know you, aay that 'you could aell ice ta an Eakimo'. You bave proven time and time again mhat you are a atar player on any sales team. Your aucceau in sales haa comte by way 0f cold cafting & proapecting. Frum your vaut uales eaperience, you bava a large network which you have nurtured and grown througbuut your career. You underutand that white ita nice to bit the baIl eut of the park with large corporate cuatomera, firat base bita tai reuidontial cuatomeru are equally au important. Von treat aIl cuatomera big and amaîl with the higheut level ut cuatomor service & infegrity. Vour appruacb la genuine, your communication akillu are impeccable, and you love peuple. Vuu are eacited by new techniology, and eager f0 come up with creative wayu fa apply tl. Vou enjuy wurking with a umaîl mutivated team, wbu are pauuionate about the productu yon are uelling. Vuu are uomeone wbu la alwayu in the game ta win. In return for your aucceaa, we will provide you with a baae ualary, car allowance and bonus with unlimited potential. If y au want tai be an aur leam, please send your resumne ta: linaç@aecuruar. OnIy those selected for an interview wl! De conflacterd. No phono catis please. I NURSE I IRequiredl I for Milton I IFimtyPractice,I week. Please lax resumne ta: 905-878-0945 get better Fo n annew opportunify in Qakile. Mnmm af4hur ahifts. Onys, evemngs, nights ava-i lble Mont be willhng to work fa'rahar0fwend fair shmare abkns.c Fax 9 ( -847-1038 E-mail: îmî Reurdfor restaurant in Georgetown Pleae call9058778242 Or apply in person to: 1 Aremmly Restauran 232A Guelph Street in Georgetown Islokng far individuals who ennoy working in a fun g als e uirently oeeking: FLOOR MANAGER andEXPERENCED COOKS1 Please phorne Rhiannon for addifional detals. 90"-778005 >o Workshop Heal Your Pets Naturally Worksho wilh SUE LONDON This lite changing workohop ns for animal lovero! Do yon realize VOUR lite issues play ont in your pets behavioar? Loaro how f0 create a baffer lite for you and your pet. *Loamn how Positive energy cao make a diff erence j * Learo how toi uoe your intuition *Leam how bo communicate wîth animalo Tuesday July 7, 2009 tram lpm-l Opm Burlingtan To reater contact Sue London 905-335-9168 or For more defailo vinît Summer Job M. Putzer Harnby Nursery Ltd. 7314 Sixth Line Harnby is currenlly seeking a Full Time Seasonal Reception Clerk Responsîble for answerîng telephone, invoicing, basic knowlodge of accounting and general office work. Must be fluent in Engtish with encollent communication akilis, Windows, Spreadsheet software, minimum 2-3 years exp. Fax resumne to: 905-878-9145 Emnail to: Wu thank ail applicants, howe ver only those chosenf for an interview wii he conta cted. Garbage Removai &Yard Clean Ups r 416-520-7335 z Fundraiser Book Your Fundraiting Event inthe CIassIfied Section 905.878.2341