-. e * -I e -i - A g i e e CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOIJRS: Monda vo Friday 8:30 am. 5:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: Reai Esonate 100-135 - Business 140-169 -RennaIs 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 C.ommunity 240-299 - Merchandîse 300-385 Automnotive 400-470 * Help Wanted 500-570 AD SUDMISSION: Bp mail or in persoo as Buriingtoni Post, 5040 Mainwa Unit 11,. Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADUINES: Mvnday 5 e.m. for Wednesday Service8700949 publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Speciai Feature deadlines may oar. PAYMENT We coul accept cash, cheque, Interar, Visa, Ma.erCard, 958B54 American Express. Business accouons mac be opened wînth an approoed credit application available from cour Sales Consultant. CHECKe VOUR AD THE FIRNT DAY 51 API'EARS so ensure it's accurarrj. The Canadian Champion wiii nos be responsibie for anc errors appearing after the fîrot day of pobliation. If aon3I1tî~ 1 I1 error appears in cour ad, contact cour Sales Consultant wîithin 24 hours of publication -Friday publication errors must Se repvrtcd before 5:30 p.m Q ZI.t154~ *~.8e on the foifowing Mondan. $100 gift certificate news O riie u ries & btccne MILTON- 3-BEDROOM, 3 washrcom, 5 apianccs, Air., liea shopping/ schocis/ oark. Aciastasiv bclias ercher, voici CrF cgc 905-28-1122 MILTON CLEAN fornisiird ronom, bar trîde, A/C. Wccudard/ Joyrce Suit quiet tîdy cerson. Non- s m o k ei r vi y 905-299-0226. MILTON- ONE îccm avaîiabie in biard lieu 4 bcdîocm hcusc. Dciiy/ Ontario aiea. $500/mo. aut Daarae DERRY/ TRUDEAU, expv îrncc, icierecces, CPR/ Firci Aic, music, civils, educatîia. lImIed scacr, vii vges 905 864-8334. FrSale GALVENIZED CULVERT for scie. in gccd condition, s0ze: 65e 20t longý Boni c8rer. 905-875-9165. 5-PIECE Country French dînîlig rocm set macle ta bic 60 . mcdv in Canada, rxcellent condition S300 080: 5c dc crtio e vvlh umbrelic excellent vuaîity askînig $250, Hcrvyweli 3 specd ceuîng fan neo ask- îng $50. DVD/CD Cabiet askîvg $30. Cvii Salidra 905-875-4963 ALL NEW Blsi Flus/ cli icutcps, 10-15' teick, ne n plastic, Double $250, Qceen S275. King $500 4, Menny oiria c Ij , ig ) ,iîvî, 905-730 5849 CARPET i Shave scen rau 1,000 yards ci lieu Sîcien Mcclvi & 100% nlon car pet. W.ii dc liegroon & heul for $389. lcles car ceclali & Instlaion (30 ya rdcis) SIteure 905-633-8192 HOT TUB (Spa) Covis hcst r cc, Bcdt qcailo Fui suaves & ciclus. Cvii i 8 66 -5 85 vv0s5v wvm lhecccrrguc.cv HOT TUB/ Spaan eosc 2009 mcdci o/1 iilr,, and cocir Stili cn oraccer Cccl $8995., Sacrifice $4750 ci11 -7- 1777 , MOVING SALE: Sar JaIy 4. Qoevs vrv wilh Mairss S350, black vealer scia, lave sial acd aie bau $600, shrccs, colv talae, rc kig revirs 65 Mvadoi Drive, Georgetown. Cali 647 2,174239. SOFA SET. 7 veais, 41683583oh7 SUPER SALE! Cuslcm cc hcisluieg O Diegrocm srals icm $10.95 Accrent chairs fronm $195 Ccove seals ircm $595 Gîval sacregs ci mccv deccîcîci cal Senoîs dfisCccil F ie 1 s 9cam 8cpm 905-632-9090 Dara Dayre Watd M Wne Earn a Good Incarne From Your Home!1 Mo" akw wdmpIaM ign flookl ftaMau&M * tt oppa#fatoy of*840 etIIiio in m wi0 yoiw m chlldre vile eantry an Ulm"rn *p. mefd for sW hoi aeysanit Ihdieays *maoeqpfflt supiped TREADMILL IS mclcîîzcl/ civclîîc, i tlls ycdc lime, ceee distance, cvlories, bcaîlîcle, icine. In lieu condition. Askîcg $295, Cvii 905-814-1415 e~tsuppies MINIATURE vaccins, a qd yuain îcc aduls. Short ced lco baiîcd, maie & ie maies. shols, Fîcm S300. Alsc eider irainve adcils free 15 te rîght nocre Oakiie. 905849 7136, r s 1r Sale 2002 55Ni,1i 519 853-8230 m 4WelDrive 2005 DODGE Grand Cci ven SE 19,700kmrs,ue îael8 lraîsnîvbv, 06 3,3OC AM/FM sîvîce, CD/D00 civîcis, 4-bockrl scais, icci iabrîc protecc tion. $13.500ý Cvi 905ý877-5810. Inuce CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Fower cocid ccve ycc co iv $400 cei yccî car in- scienice Cvii1 1866-473-9817 ivr ncob- ligalîce dcciv. Open week- ends 4 BEDROOM B ungv W/O basecornl.aSes. iorcaielbyoorr.c cd # 12625 ior delavîIc. O e n Hocce Scturdvyc 2pm- 4pm, 9310 Regi1v Rd 25 Miton. 905 864-6853 OtieCanada CARIBBEAN SEA ccvsl, Frîcate iI , $50.000! $85,000 uso. eoiid v cus- tom home.* Anastasia Toii- vs Bicher Royai LeFuge 905-828-1122 ,çmn. pecal 2 SHOPS/STORAGE, ocre os uses, 1000 sq.ft. S500/otr plus otiîtîes yod 4800. sq-ft . $1950/oui picus ablîities, yard cecerate $550/mitii. Avcivbie Ave 1 si. 519.501-6688 416-575-1909 REASONABLE INDUSTRI- AL u ni ts for r eri t 1600-3200sqft vît Joad- n gdo cks & drive iv. 905 -2 77 -93 47 , 905-275-6834. Milton DOWNSIZED! OPTION 1. FîInd anoilier lob and risii doing it aii 00cr cxciv. Oc- tien 2. Take conitroi and sain slrat cscice sortS. 1-800-556-0141. cMortitage, a lm ~FeFr Reel MMFsFoent MMarement ACTION / Rockwood cu ny vncrtmvntc and com- mercial scace cociiebie, 1 and 2-bedroce chics, from $875îîîcîh. Go c.i 000vv gieiiockpiopeiliesce ioi iînlialice ir cail Mîke ai 416-8889164 ACTION 1-BEDROOM. Avaivbie Immedîatly. S840/month ctiîtîes incicd- cd. 200 Churchill Road, South. No pcts. Ccii 519-853-0087. ACTON 2-BEDROOM ccvrrmerl. Avicbie Au- gusi I. $980/month utiiitiec iciuded. Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Chuirchill ficcd South. Cvii 519-853-1281. ACTON 2-BEDROOM vviS crvtc yard, $925/mcnrh plus utliîtîes. 1 ccd 2-bed- rvom onîls cociiebie in Hic- tor building in Rorkwood, stcrtîvig ai 5600/monîh clus utiitiec. Cvii Elizabeth Doeii, Scies Rcc. Johnson Assocîctes Haillon Ctd. 905-75165. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 cnd 3 bedroom cccii- oents cocicbie. Cisan, quiet building wîth utîlîties îrciuded. 40 Maria Street, 519-853-4374, osrei starca Cee r nng er T raning C ~Robar Oui of wark? Lookîng for a Career Change? Robarporograms are approved by Service Canada for funding. Train Today for a Great Gareer Earn up to $40.,00 per hour as a CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS PROGRAMMER 12 week programn-NO EXPERIENGE REQUIRED Cal!: 905-634-9797, Burlington Visit: www.robartraining.com _ýee Z Caeem Burîn pIon. Ontario commercial property management COmpany The saccesofal candidafe wîiI have 3 plus years commercial real estate esperienice, excellent organizational, lime management and communication SIS. In addition, py will have proficiency in MS Word, Excel asd Outlook. Esperience workîng with Yardi Property Management Software wîil be considered an asset. Responsblîties wîil include preparation of commercial lease documentation, tenderng maintenance conitracts and managng trades, maîntainîng Yardi data base, rent collecfion, reoiew evalsate asd implement repair and maintenance requesta, managîng lease espiry dates, tenant file administratios, assistng wîth property management reports and supportîng property masager with genera office admistration fasctîons. If you are lookîng for a permanent position wîthin a amail, stable and flexible work envirosment please email your resume to burlinglonmanagemenl@gmail.com We wish to thank ail candidates for their interest. Howevec, only those most qualifîed Witt be contacted. e . si DISTRESS Sale - Bank Foreclosures" Free 11st of Bank owned properties fromt 200k & Up Receive a Free Computerized prinfout. Pre-recorded message 1-888 412-9651 est 1042. OR www.GTADistressSaleli1st.com HomeLtfe Relianoe RealtyIn i Broi<erage Independendy owred and operated. Spaciotis 1 or 2 bedroom suites localed in a soierie neriglibou rhomi Renovated filness room, social rooin & hobby Slelis away trolil heautiftil downtown Milton Easy access to major hil (30 Transit. sliu[)Iijng and more Suites based on availability DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Milîside Drive. Attractive quiet building. Spacious brîght dlean 1 &2 bedroom unîts eoith laandry facility and social rom ion site. Regalar resîdent events Opeii 7 dave & eve.ns Caîl 905-876-1249 wwwrealstar.ca GEORGETOWN 2-BE BOOM basrmvvt, use oi backyvrd. 5825/month pics utîlîties, parking, le mcdîateic. Cvii Mîke 905-840-2367 on john 416,809-4670. GEORGETOWN 3-BED- BOOM semi hcrdsccod fivors, titiîh basement 4-applîances, 2-batbîcomc. $1 .350/month clos. sss.ergetownrental.net Ore 4 16-625-3668. GEORGETOWN, BRIGHT legai t bsdirocm basemenit apartiment, cencîcte en- traire Oreat nsighbcour hood. Fîrst/ ccl, vo smoking/nets S800/monti inclosive. Aocicbie Juiy 1515. Caii 905-873-8337. GEORGETOWN BRIGHT very ciecv, ireshiy d1ecorat ed, qolet 1-bednocm base- ment. 3-cppliances/shcred iacndry, C/Vac, C/A, saIeli lite TV. Cisc of covi/own 9eQ crd garden/separate entrcnce/ccrkng, suit ors p ersen. No sokin g/pets. $875/movîb înciudes utîlîties. Releren ces, filsat Aucîlabie Auguct lt. Ccii 905-702-2657, isave message. GEORGETOWN LARGE t- bedrnsm, dlean, Ar- ceptable for mature/single cerson. No pets/smoking. 5850/morth. fleferences. August ltf. 905-877-1209. MILTON - Nos cvaicble, for orse person onily. Base' ment bachelor cnt., wîtb separcie entrance, jc0001 tub. Inriudes Seat, hcdre, air, cchle, internet, park- ing, pcntîaiiy iurnîsbed, shcred icordry. No nets. NON sooken preferred. 9058-3356 MILTON I-eDRM, waik te Milton Mail & GO0, 5875/mIS elsectria, cvcîiabie îmmedîctsi1y. 416.918-7693. MILTON, UPPER flior vi house, ors bedieo aparti ment for pensen sîtS refen- ences cnid riv pets. Avcicbie Joiy lst. $800,' ctli ie s inc uded. 905-878-2737. MILTON BASEMENT a cii vrtin h roie en Irance. no smoking/ pers prcierîcd. Free parking in riudes basic rebie. ccoftva ter, trio ge /sve and utîlîlies. Rcierencv/ icI/ east. $900/mth, Fivase no chîidren, max 7 ceccir. Aoaiabie immediatvly. 905.691 3123. MILTON- GROUNO lîcci acartmcnt ioi rent, c va aii appiiences, Si150/me. Immedîcte. 905-805-7653 MILTON LARGE I & 2 b drmo apcaîlmonîsi Auiabie Juiy 1cr & Aog 416-723-4801. MILTON, ONE bedroome ycrd, parking, fidge, cloue, iree icundry tfa cliîties, privaIs entracce. Inrivdes liraI & hydro. lieu coîilabie 5850. inclu- sive. 905-876-5581. MILTON SPACIOUS! ATTRACTIVE t bedroom acarîment centraiiy lcvi cd. Stone lîrepiace, ccci aces, cabie. working maie preferred, Relerences $950./m15 cli inclusive. 905.786069 after 5pm. NEWLY RENOVATED basement apaîlment 65vsq.îî. oîth baibroo kîtcheni ciocet. Nire Milton nsîghbcrhood close le shopping and park.> $1100/mo. pics utîtîties. Ccii 416.726-9503. NORVAL BRIGHT, oery sparcous 1-bedrose finpier ievei. 8aicony/privcte en- trance. Fankîvg/hectîng, frîdge/steve. Hydre extrc. No pets/smoking. Credît Fîrst/icet. S850/menth. Auaîlcbie îmmedîateiy.. 905-873-7211. 4 BR home in MîIlt,7 monib new, deuble gcr- cge, Ectmin <itchen, ensuite bcthrsom, avcicbie Juip 1, 2009. 51575 c utîlîties, Ccii1 Ardrew @ 905.691-7861. COUNTRY HOME 3-bdrm, pienty ef pcrking, iccrdrp iarlitîes, $1400/mo plus otîlîties 905-875-2875, 416-93-2932. GEORGETOWN DE- TACHED he0me, 'ange yard, 2-cr garage. SIens lv park. No smoking/pris Avaîlabie Septemben icI Rvierenc es pieacc $ 1,495/mcntb. Cci 416-888,5721. NEW SEMI for rent. 3 bcd- reoms, 3 bathroems, Ccv, liai Air, cloce lv shto is, shopping, GO. $1450/mo. pics utîlîties. Aucilabie Au- gust 1. Ccii 905.878-3427. $$$ FREE $$$ YOURSELF FROM DEBT $$$ IVIONEY $$$ 11111 ANY ATION , , lit q , I.ý ýIij 1 1 V Fi-L,-,\i 110 [L]F4Pý GALL 1-888-307-7799 uuuvvv.ocitario-uuidefinancial.com For nl lnfonuioea l i a e org otovirri 1.877-823,2621 wwvw.wath.com -11M 1 e1Basarket Basketket ICIIIIIMet BasketE AL FERRI & SONS Lots 0f Strawberries For Great Picking Pick Your Own or Ready Picked S Wagon Rides, Ssperviaed chiîdren welcomne (T)Wednesdag is Seniors day 10' off Fluttonville S 905-455-8202 Z 8675 Heritage Rd. www.huttonville.com/alferriandsons opem ee e eotniyc 90.7.234 SSMONEYS$ CONSOLI- DATE DsSîs Morîgages lu 95% Nu income Bcd ___e- OK! Better Option Mont. ga ge # 1 0 969 1 8 00 -2 82 -1 16 9 www.mortgagevtario.rom SAVE UP lv, $400 on yeur car insurance. Clean drîv- îng record? Ccii Grec Pvs- cir t ocay a t 1 _877-603-5050 fer a no- obligation guoe. Open weekends. F easFr Rlent 5-BEDROOM APART- MENT fui rent vear clvwn- iuwri Miton. Avaî,itble i on o e d i aite 1y 416.388-9503. ACTON BRIGHT, spacîvus 2-bedrem ccfet First/tas t.- 595/mnI in- ciudes Sect/ncrking/hydre. Close 10 shopping and GO bus. Avcicbie August lot. Ccii 519-853-3156. ACTON RECENTLV revv- octed, bright 1-bedroem basement apantment on quiet street. Pcrking, scp anale enirclice, sbcred icuindny. Sîngie senior nre fcnred. S700/mornth inclu- su ve . Ccii1 Jol i e 519-853-5940 DDWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN, large 1-bedreve. $850/month plus hcdîo in- riodes applîcnces/pcnkîng. Ne smoking/pets credît cherk hrstAasVreferenres. Avaîlabie îmmedîateic. Ccii 905-877-4427.