Sa05 87 80W* L I UI)- II) I Auto Accessare DAMOND 4WA»95-7-80 >oaE. ..LA EA U LK.pholstery Roiîr TOP 3%A NAkA-ýL Windshselcl Repairs Miltons Communîty Newspaper Since 1860 eknd Edition 78MANT.I &2 CNVamed Canada's Top Communitv NeiîsI.alper www.miltoncanadianchampion.comMITN8645 S PO0RT S First major win for show jumper N EW S Milton has new Catholic trustee A& E 'Strange' new chapter for author * ~ ~ ~ ~ -- - ------Il ' ,*. Robbery lover N inl15seconds ERIC RItHL / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION 0 CANADA: Olympian Jason Rurnett performs a manoeuvre during the Soaring Heights Trampoline Show, which was part of Canada Day celebrations at the Milton Fair Grounds Wednesday. Organizers say alihough there were fewer peuple oui for the night's fireworks because of the rain atiendance in the afternoon topped previous years. See more photos on page B14. 'Guys came out Of nowhere' By Stephanie Hounsell CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Oue oif tbe victims in lasi Friday's mass armed robbery of 10 voung adulîs ai a skatcboard park esîimaîes tbe entire orcleal took no> longer iban 15 seconds - alîbougb ifs bard to measure lime \vitb a semi-automatie gun poiuîed ai you, be said. "I was really quick. Tbey were obvîously urgauized,- said tbe youug man, wbo xsanied îu remnain anon> mous. Oue \veek ai-ler oui- masked males beld up a group uf youug people at tbe skate park ou Tbompsou Road, just soutb of Main Street, no) arresîs bave been made - as of press lime yesîerday - and tbe incident continues tu conceru police and residenîs. "Tbere was nu previuus con- frontation," said Dci. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalîer. "i sWas jusi an oui of-tbe-blue, beinous aîîack." Tbe victim wbo spoke tu tbe Chainpion said be was îninding bis own business, banging oui witb bis friends - young men and women beîween 18 to 25, ail but îwo from Milton - wiib ibeir skateboards and bikes ai about 11:35 pin. wben tiese four guys came out of nowbce." The masked robbers, 5511< we rc arnicd w>ith a black bandgun, a knite and a bat, toid tbe vicîims to baud over per- sonal possessions, whicb they dîd. "We were preuty compliant," bc said. -What are you going 10 do wben tbey have a gun? is jusi a phone, just a wallet, tbey eau ail be replaced.- He said une of bis friends a 20-year-old Georgetown man - was forced to tbe ground and stabbed in tbe shoulder. He clid- nit kuovv wby ibai friend was targeted. A 19-year-old Milton wornan was cul wben a boutte was ilirown ai ber by one of tbe sus- pects. Tbe four robbers rau off and somecone in ibe group called police, tbe victim said. Tbey were ail in sbock. ITve lived in Mîssissauga and downtown (Toronto) and ibis bas neyer bappened to me," be said. Tbe man wbo was stabbAd was taken îo bospital and released. Police atîended and a canine searcb ensued but was unsuccessful. Tbe viciim said be felt it was important to go public. 1 want people to know wbaî bappeued and for tbe people wbo did ibis îo kuow ils nul being taken ligbtly, be said. see INCIDENT on page A3