>7OPIN\ION Safety SContrary to, what son l young people may thin Zthere's nothing "sweet 1 "rad," "dank" or "sici *about dying or being cnit cally injured. The recent tragec involving a i 6-year-ol Burlington student h-, cast a cloud over wh; should have been a joyoi time in the life of a youti man - the end of fin; exams and the start of summer fuit of promi5 and potential. While many Halto teens will now be startin summer jobs, makin, plans for trips to cottag country or simply kickin back and relaxing wit family and friends, tim stands stîli for this victir and ail those closest to hir DEAR EDITOR: 1 read with interest the let- ter from David Phillips in regards to the salary of John Oliver, chief executive officier of Halton Healthcare Services (HHS). Phillips noted Oliver earned substantially more than four top-ranking execu- tives in the town of Milton. In actuality, Olivers salary is a littie bit (notice 1 said littie bit) less than the combined salaries of the prime minister of Canada and the president of the United States of America. And yes, 1 said coin- bined. His salary increased 21 per cent last year, which in spite nio stunt ie- ahl because of an ill-con- k, ceived car-boarding stunt r gone tenribly wrong. c The hugely popular J- website YouTube continues to create a worldwide stage [y for thnll-seekers to post .d their latest exploits in is bigh-risk behaviour. it But whats ominously is absent from YouTuhe is the ig growing number of teen il fatalities and life-altering a injuries assoctatv'd with ;e such foolhardy acts. We smncerely hope that n the tragedy will provide a g sobering w,%akc -Up catI lin g other young thrill-seekers le who remain under the mis- g taken impression theyrre h invincible. As we said at e the start, there's nothing na cool about critical injuries n or Iosing your life. ReadersWrite E-nmail letters to edtnal@mlultoncanadianchampion.om Letters, wlnch may be Wdited, must mnclude the wrster's name, address and phone number. Club renovation costs outrageous DEAR EDITOR: This letter is in response to the recent Champion article entitled 'Town of Milton applies for recreation stimulus funding. . The article mentioned the Nassagaweya Tennis Club, which is a private club that the Town subsidizes by paying 50 per cent of the court re-surfacing costs, 100 per cent of the exterior and structural club- hoisse upgrades and 100 per cent of the cost of security and damages. This is in addition to, the fact that the club only pays thse -Town $100 a year in rent. AlI this may actually make sense, but I couldn't help but be appalled to read that town counicil directed staff to submit an application for a $2.9 million redevelop- ment of the club that only bas 191 mem- bers. That translates to more than $ 15,000 for each member. Am 1 the only one whos shocked at this waste of public money? Is this really the right tinte for this? Wouldn't this inoney be be 'tter spent on some of the urgently-need- ed infrastructure improvement projects that far more residents could benefit from? ZEESHAN HAMID MILTON of explanations such as 27 pay periodr versuc 26 pay periods, is substantial. In fact, some people may even iray that's obscene. 1 also have a query as to the definition of 'taxable bien- ehits.r Oliver received $86,961 .33 of these benefits in 2008. It would be interesting to know the average menit increase awarded to nursing staff, mid-level management and front-line workers at HHS. Oid these people. even receive cost of living increas- es? In ail fairnesr to Oliv~er and the other stars shining lever so brightly, among the chaos of DEAR EDITOR: Another successful Relay for Life has corne and gone. What a fantastic turnout of survivons. We totaled 100 this year. On behaîf of each and every one of them 1 would.like to offer a huge thank youi to ail the businesses and organizations that helped or donated something for our gift bagr. Youn gen- HHS's inadequate facilities, his salary is approved by a volunteer board of director and isn't out of line with other health-care stars. 1 just wonder when the salary difference between the prime minister and a hospital CEO became so wide. 1 encourage the readers of this newspaper to apply to join the HHSs board of directors and question the wages of the upper echelon. AIl public sector salaries are available to be viewed at wwwfin.gov.on .ca/english/pu b lic a tions/sala r ydise 10- sure/2009. DONNA MCLAUGHLIN MILTON erosity and support was greatly appreciarcd. 1 would be very remisr if I didni't also thank the othcr cvent committce mnembers. Without your houns of dedication, we wouldn't have hàd a nclay. Thanks again. SHEILA RASBERRY, SURVIVOR'S CHAIR RELAY FOR LIFE The Winters are freezng Bat '9rammers are fan, giappg Birthidar to Canada, 142 uers ocngi Zbe Qfanatiîan Cbampicn Miltons Communitp Newspaper Since 1860 55 ndustial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-8783-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Ct.assified:905-875-33>O Circulation: 905-878-5947 Wvvwmiltoncanadianchampjon.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief .1:11 Davis Managing Editor Karen Micehi Adver-tising Director D)liA Kul)1)5jdri Production Manager .Tim Colos Circulation Manager CF arlenie Hall Office Manager Saridy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and FIriday, is a division of Metmoland Media Gmoup Ltd. Adversrsig vs acceptei n tire condition thira. in tire evenr of a typograpiral error, that pornosn of tire advertus ing space occupiei by thre errînenus iten, togetrer with a reasonarie aiiowasce for signarure, wil sot ire cirarged fo, bit the balance of tire advertruenent il te pai for at tire appicable rate. Tre pîbisrer reserves the right ru categorze advertisernenrr ut decine, CCAB Audited A -~ Ontario Communrty Locna LNewspapers Association C C A Canadran Commvtrty ~.j Newspapers Association Spu~ rbarban Nevispapers S of Amertra Haiton Heal hcare MILTON IVLCOMEA ' SANTA WAGON- CLAS Jitgle Bell Fvnd PARADE UNITE WAY IR# OF MILTON CANAt.iAtt DAY ' YYMCA uPu s ~4 ee GALA ub~ un~ 4 CEO's salary indeed ridiculous Another overwhelming turnout for Relay for Life il 1 il Ili à 1111111