w 0 An evnt tosavou Thlha nnac>tn tabry arde Mîltnian ofail gesto te firgrund Tenes an Mice trea uner Fai dyree Volunteer Polina Myrox, 1 5, does brisk busi- ness sellirîç vSltisr dand pop ta thirsty fair-goers. NahleMores plays with yo,-naests on Blake, 1 Û sr iu wl re istenni nU the ive music. Ardrew Peters, 6, slides clown the giant airbounce slide. Strawberries weren't the Y'only treat to enjoy at the Milton District Hospital fundraiser, as five-and-a-half-year-old Alen Slavic shows by savourinçi this sticky sucker. GRAHAM PAINEI CANADIAN CHAMPION Bake-ry Special Ipre rdit Raisin LII Corne inand see! Bread 1*99 ea4 o pfluw Delicatessen_ Specials * Lots more speclaRIs. MASTRO Brcad B i 8 1uw- Summer Premium Oven Roasted Kolbaasa Ctil Cooked Salami Chicken Breast Choose from Ham, Prosciutto Ham Turkey or Extra Lean *99/oOg i .49noog i .49 iioog e 88100g Fresh Produce #1 Grade Produrt of Ontario Product ofontario Product of USA Product of USA Large English Large Hoàk Strawberries Iceberg 3 S Ndaytîeam Spin i ng 1 1-