eadowtowne AM Y 'y WATCH YOUR DREAMS GROW Dfake "M 2 lua! li\ ilil iý;i1iiid. Orcil taillilv 1- 11,1 ilas illiliradud S, l-'17 ýsqft,) locziteil on a quiet child sale, stircet. C.teaming hardwood 11(ilors arld 9' ceilings on the main lex-el. Plilk, fenced ilitvrlock- liot tuil, 1-1 $ 44,900 1-edromil hoille ýihLitcd on a stc,:I foi, ý4 flic i;rl, cal111l,'I.ý $ 799 900 Mleill-sidc und iiiiii 1570 a Strect. IIarjý%-ood floors on thu Iiiýiiii Icvul. Vully ferIced yard with Jeck haàs offlo grecn 14.900 M1itiaIl1ý\ ýý Ihiýtký I'1ýiv model (2230 d not last, (;I-eýit St'IrILýl' IlilllIC fil Iturlinglon, kildwii htldst-ý cetainic hack- sIt and ovcf-looks, 1hu \iii-dý I*iiii,,11"(t rec rool-il q)ffcI ý Illl)ru Il\,- iI1.1ý FLIIIV 1'týIlCk:tl Y.lrd iS S206,900 l'oid iiill ký,k j'c0Výt fil)- has 'clIt ïc 'l' l tl \\ i 11 i tif il', d l ,l pl) il 1 i,ý J Check with your LOCAL Real Estate Agent about Government Incentives ý . 4 iç 1> Top 1% Nationally again in 2008 ll THE BRAZEAU TEAM CD 905-878-8101 C 'DUO Jortsm u , 1Virnia Brazu Jodle Neur Kime Couher B.A. RXe B.A. Sales Ae FABULOUS CUSTOMIZED J FINOR HOME Ntnhm2 model' wrfh extenion. af in kîtchen. Large tamlyroom w/gao fp. & w/o Rare opporturnty f0 purchase commerciaVretail space in the downtown cote. Great location vitl high orsibilitp and traflic. Building os 2400 oquaro felet on the main lenel. Zoning tends ilseRf to a wiide uvai- ety of uses. Cali Pat for furninor details and ta scheelule an appointmen f0 vieW. Lioted ai NVEWVLISTIMS 1fr.i~i -e Thnee bodroom nemi in great familr ne...U oighitourhood. Situated on a large lot with an extra long dnîoeway noi park ai leant 3 cars, plus nuo sidewalk t0 shouel. Home needo some updaning and decorat- ing but is a grear opportunity tol get loto the housing market ut a bargain price Cali Pat to view tiCs home. $259.500. Great iz and40 location t lu iid yoiîr drearri country hume Jusi wr-st oi Guenlph Line in the hamniet of Molfai. iris almast 4 acre building lot has a 00W animae wilin place. Located acrOns front Ouscany Rdge notule subdivision. This properny in a newili croateit building lot -a raie fiid. su don't miss out on thîs opportuny. Cali Pat for fudther dolails. Space avaîlable for euse -locatea or one of Miltons busiesi streeis This unit is apprua 237h square foot anaris avaîlable immediate- y nom goo condition, grei iront show- rone aiea. warehouso/stoiage in tie roui of the unit ana offices on the uppOi leveC Cali Put to arrange a poîsonal showog $12.75 pur mq. 0 Sales Representative î-.i* Condo 'with sunny, southern exposure. 5 appi. included, insuite Iaundry and storage. 'j o i 1 underground parking space and Iocker. BIdg. amenities inci. indoor pool, exercise room, party room and guest suite. Walk to downtown and the tarmers market! BUILDING LOT -REWARD YOURSELF - Build ynur dmam home on thît prefty f.6 acre lot, miro fmom Campbelloi le & thre 401. Part treed, gonfle olope aflowo for a Walkouf/oouf lower lenel. Drilled reelI, natural gas anailable. $30,000 trono the road wiffi mature trees. tong wiod - îng drive. 4 bedrooo, 2 sforey. Separate liv- iog/diningnooms. Gourmef kitchen wvifh b/I appliances. 2 Famlly roomo. Fin lower level. Vacation af home wifh sfunning inground pool, hot tub and cabana. 20 ACRE HOBBY FARM 5BEWEEN ACTON/ROCKWOOD SieSpif witn tomne ronovalhons--apen concept famiy lm. witln oew kîtchen. 3 Odimo. Lg Lv. ltm w/f, daube Garage. Long vistas ot postures prof- Oy waods wifh frais, pond, haytields, Numeraus out rbuildings. Warksirop w/ Oug-out polafr the car irob- Ibyist Biing yaur oreams-great value. "«A MUST SEP" Beautefl Enecufivo 4 beOroom 'century Homne" ovingly updated retainiog nom ele gance of Ys erîwth modern day convert- fine.'oeopense spared«. Stops to ocol.Mii Pond., downfown and eotensve walklng mraln Privafe Maisfer suife wifO diesn roono, walk in closet and bath, Privole dek, lmature, tulle tenced gardens and hon tub. 10+ ACRE GATED COUNTRY ESTATE Sprawling ranch bungalow wit h w/o baie- ment. Indoor sait orafer pool/spa wlth f tached porty room. 7 bedroomo. Gourment kit w/state of the at appliances. 2 ponds, i stock wlrh toiut. Numerous oufbldgo Including q~1~ Heanted worksop heojfed Oh.' o 48 garage (ideoil for mofonhome). Sophisticated security sysicon Cali for mono dealn.:'s GREAT VALUE! For tis cozy fownhouse locafod acroon trom ochools and panko. Cloue ta Go, shopping & 401 accen. Open concepf living/diningroom with walk ouf. Eaf in kit, 3 spaciaun bdrmu. Fin bnmf recreaftion room wifh onef ban. Pick your colour ond Seller onîli point! For Oui-thon Information and phonos on these propenfles please vit BrazeauTeam.ccsm- nemi ensuite Compleey tinifed lower level vii' 2 bdnmn. office & recreahifon room& above grade windowo. od 4.25 ACRES St0n1in custm 4Odrm homo sei bock from roYu cist ilte i.ourv i'rmu sprir,4 fed pon ivirirorqim wirr vol sute-islu hdwa fib uririsine firreplace. Se)jcý 1,01r igr111 oveur oking tliing01 iolom. UpOcited it iic0 00,101 an ppionces. Main 0001r manier bedroom nith his/hef closons, dressing noce and hard- wood iloors. Enîoy the sunseis nrom tenrom with waioutto oversized deck. 5 WOODED ACRES fBeautitully updafed Executive home. Updaited gourmet kitchen. Main tloor fa iyomwith 2 neaikouts and tire- pae om lliving and dîningroomu. Triple car garage. rBEAUTIFULLY UPDATED "ESTATE HOME" On 1 Acre matere lot in soughtlaoler hamiel or MNonont Recen uccdorec 'Croidoery ii kvt w4O O/i mo. corion copn o Opes nei fmiv rm iucndwood foors brick tic w4h *Vemont' colt Won irisert 2rid sioircoe, *wougr lion" t1uO lo i sr Ligme e w/ lffed ensude *creriv iHîlý 2 w/o fl gozebo/wOoi tub 25/1/2' o 18' dock and ji. ngound pol A Mus 2 PRIVATE ACRES 1ý