-nmiana ampîn BE9T pinEH MILTON/CAMPBELLVILLE ES JULY 1, 2009 905-878-2341 .88 ACRE IN MILTON HEISHIS testaie hoiimeen Kelso & Counr Monitage Park. Updaiod Country home caSh t oco ator 2 storey, 4 bdrms cte maso Or iamdlyroomnt Large "Caonry" ki cdh ROYA L toc i deciK pool &L cabana. " ~ i BrumeuTsam.com tal. Double, wraught iro gaies ea --mapir cabinets/granite. Oasis U5~7Su lu, andhot tub. Mua tiaer laune 24' a40' cedeshop csth boas a ROYAL L E tic transit & sheopping. For lueios informai uluin? INI lUnnh... d Sa this upgraded, 3 hdrm bang. Kit as in appliases asd w/s ts custsm deck try. Newer baths. Fisishied Iscer eueS rod hydre. Close ta setissis, parka. pub- oni and photos pliasal vOmit. muTeam.coen __ vir2mN BUILO YOUR DREAM HOME ill 113 beautîf ut Acres directly across from Esecetive Homes on 2 m0-878-8101 acre lots. Property has original log homo (as is condition), 140 fi ROYAL LaA celi (1992). Home had sew rosf & plywood (2006), New hydro pole. For turîher Information and photos pimase visit ý à tS . -. R.W.BrazauTeam.com I DUISTANDINU Prior I eaatdai Finara Home "Shakespeare" Medet, 1976 sg. 5t an 3 tsaors, plus a taiiy g I iroihed basement 3 bedrosam+ a kt, lage kutchen caSh mapie cabinets, Site ffoo I sm and staisieto steel hacksptash, hardweads ta living mot. and a urew thar wifc stop pou ta yaut tocks CENTJM Pet rase Julie ftaoto detaîts artso boek ysar peroaa tsar lieu J 'The Carriaqe M1arwr 1265 sq. f FkotcetyBRIDILEWOOD EeatcutyesSore hmes on Campbettsstte frsote thes hiih 101(X) lS,878-7777 LINDSAY L MCLAREN OS THE EXCLUSIVE AGENT tFOR CENTRE Sec er Wehsie forrtrther detaits. MODEL QUAUTY CONOI 2 OR Canda wîth Many Upgradesi Shows lîhe a Model Home! Lanely SKdtchen w/ alate tactesplash and custom huîlt pantry with wiae racke. A mont See! Viets nirtaal tour at www.dehtutt.com www.Dl3hTult.comi DO NOT miss IT! >daIk ta doantoao Milton! urepo ru o h argronrs LuurIy 3 Srdroom bungalnw sit un 6tat 30 lot and us lots Io sufr Nîcuiy updated rfi. aditio','ai the buck, ouersîuod singlr cas brick garage, prntessnaiy passtedý Largo driueaay csth onm fur muliple unhîcirs. U. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & yS, ouso l o e o1oiooluudps od anim acaoo>00w200 LEuosassa ESCARPMEN8 BEAUT=Y SMattamy n "Alhion Bay Il" energy star home a 4 beda, dbl garage & S premiats lot. Features incl: g front porch, malple otuirs w wrought irn opîndies, hamhon" hardwnnd tia, garage accens. a/c. fireplace, alarm, 2nd fiant laundry, mantes hedronom w en suite, caîffered/arched ceil- Prd n ia iot granite courtiers. upgraded cahinetry, backtplash, custom blînds Pn d nii Staînlean steel kitchen applo & front loader wiasher/dryer included! Cali R=AifflI Cioris for mre detuaits. (416) 209-2586. aaw.ftulamm.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mo-878-7777 Beautit1 Escarpment Property! -WBmatsae $890,000. Very priuate-minotes tramt GO & shopping. 4hdrm, 3 bth raised bualaow. ecently remodeied Barotna kitchen, upper level 4 seasan sun- otmub aam11111rA Geathermal heatlcooling. 10+ acres w/3 ponds maay mature Cr005 CENTI* & Cerennfl arSens. 2 stnrey outbuiidinig w/3 Suy garage, workshop, gon loofiesuite, 2nd Stoor sitting area & large starage roam BARNETT o-34 MAITAMY CROFTSIDE ue-276-2111110 Freehold townhnme, 1360 Sa S., popular ores uoi.cepr Stoarpian, separate wmkaWd)*r«Mdto dining ront, eat rn kitcher with puntry usù aknut ta lerced garder, uarge ~frffmain Sinus gran raam, master airS 3 piece ensuite and ak an cinser, prniessinaiiu Ssnished basement 2 car paring in drîueay, steps ta schaui and park. $22,900. Peuse sele website for irtuat tour. Barron ATTENTION HOME BOYERS mw.aelte Hands daca the absalute bent aS the best! Faut bedraam tlrree bath- raam Prîncens Margaret Lantery Home. Fully loaded ircludîng, bard- waasl staîrs with herber tanner, & 9O coîlînga. Log osto my wehsite cww,ç.llclill.,ca tor a nirtual taur and mare ino. Pu l i www.MinMaxx.cern Today For Spectacular Arista-Buit Home Fuit Detafiai Absolately stunniogl Speectuutr unotu-beift almoas new home in tost desahle Mitan Trails commaniiy, extru aide premium lot, thouoando speot on upgrds. 9 f ceiliog on muin tr, upqruded 02fie 111 kdchen, upgnaded cabinets, double door entry, ouk siaircase, gjas ~~~i aahepace, sfone froni, iots oi pot lighis. Upqruded cerumic; taoonin O rt jUffl ktdohen & tayen. Accesa t a rug fromt inside. Henry and Nancy De Lima accept th. May FREE Listing Award Crtifcat ' W W LATEST FREE LiSTiN WINNER Our eapernoe with MiaMas ha heen qaille en, oyablel aSe were aery aleased cfth the semvice and even more thrtled ta tiod sut ce con U3780! IVs better than cioning the jackepot aSt the casino! aSe are impreoaed with the protessionatoto and enthuoiasm of the staff and aur agent cas knocledgelable and ancourgaing. aSe woald defintely recommend MinMaux ta aur triendo and family. Thanks MinMas for ail your hurd care? Henry and Nuncy De Lima aedm gu.dEB rSausbLs tat Vam otnnurus ras suW W500010 rtasssiusr saw'w n. ssge otuagun msaac r 1 N MAfX TodapFor Destrable Hawthorne Village On Escarpment Homoe ,q2 il oirnst, uad brecap upgraded kftchen cabinets, 111111111fl_ M fni§ed ainflor 1ungy. cros fgmPark. ¶ ta<a9nus aP~1% gl ¶ _ .-ARU!TT 1 >I11f11 1ff V p p "OLDE MILTON" M.875..334 Oetached, Cabutous centre hait tayaut wfh hardaood 5maors Chroughout main Co lans, staîrs and masS oS second levei. Main oeveS iaundry mrrio, srparate dînîing >.-270M room largr livng mont, and tamiiy ronm aîth tîrapiace, spacînus updatra oaS on wwitkww U itchen aîth waik nuS Su dock. 4 hedroos, master aîth b pîrce oea ensuite and me.teoesoi al ak an cioset, tînîshed basement aeth separate entrance and 4 pieco bath n c/Àd ~ potontiali n Sa suite bitS 2 more bedrnoms and 2rd kîtcheol MasS ainiloas r w y 'roplaced Ornas locarin Wsalking distance Cn amenîties. Quiet street. Large 50.X130fOSO ont prînate Sot. Pliuse sete website for cirtuat tour. MILTON/CAMPBELLVILLE INNI. 0 0 FUL 2 .COM NEW LISTING! Jack 5j-3257,JU _ 1 VIEW imt%