Your pet's home W r away from home! Vet Recommende( At Escarpment Pet Retreat our customers are # I We offer extended hours, a dlean facility, and a country location with lots of walks and treats for your pet. Our caring and knowledgeable staff are ail pet owners too and dedicated to making sure your dog or cat feels right at home at Escarpment Pet Retreat. istorwebsite, 905-333-0333 Hwy. 401 to see the boarding packages and options offered. Derry Rd ---- FR É ~*ESCARPMENT -.À~~~ . à.w PET ERA 1 DAY STANDARD BOARDING WITH ETRTETA BOOKING 0F 3 OR MORE DAYS 'I una I (Hwy. 5) S WNTH THIS COUPON B--------- ON--- --- - QEW 90533-033 Somne Conditions Apply Expires August 31, 2009 n i I