Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 2009, p. 14

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SaesHep es Help Hospital, Hospital, SkIlled ofic HL Skpeertîeiî 7 ~J1Sae ep ~ T T n '4 aln& Sua Hep Sao n rel n. fjj i îrnP î 2We ar!e Casada's finest, mont successful, - price valued hair care chais. STYLISTS F/T P/T 8 Burlingtonl0akville Location *Hourly wage & commission *Clientele sot required *Competitive benetit package z*Flexible hoars 2 *Great working envirosment. Cali Blaz at 905-257-5451 S Skilled & Silled & Immediate Employment Opportunitiesl Universal Personnel Staàffing lu îaking applications for immediote temporory empioymenl opportunifies in Ontario. Seèking experienced: " Production & Packaging Line Operators * Lift Truckc/Clamp Truck Operators " Construction Millwrights " Construction & Maintenance Electricians w/Onturio License Send CV/resume la Pool: Fax: 519-518-6940 Enail: pmiller@univeraalpal.com Phono: 519-518-6939 'I Auto Prep Irersoni Fl- ePonition Esc.wages ~4yrs espreq l~Oi89-981] or atter lpm 905-961-2014 8 email wcthrd@gmaml com1 Long stablise' Pavmng Company m i eques m - 1Rakeman1 E.u Exp. Necessary Gaod puy wtth 905-842-4141 J1 IRepair ShopI I requites able Ipersonnel withl Imechancl 905-876-0669 tom@m-t-b.com oedWâ CONCEPT FORD GEORGETOWN EaperieacedService Atisar equre Parti esperience anti knawietige aI Reynoldis anti Reynoldsn are preferreti. Parwurti renume la Michael Tuiiy Tel: 905-873-1626 tas: 905f873-3309 Email: mtuliy@concentfard.ca 1l cmAn al95624 mn:casihat o chcmesFx956286 Ask UsAbout.. = workbop cail905-8 78-2 rSummer Job-s Noed to hlme a Mtdent lever the summer? Gadrage Sale WHAT cleans out your closets, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in the Milton Champion! Frîday edîtion touches 23,000 homes n Milton und pour cost iv as low as *$25.00 + gat. (*termn & conditions upplyl For info. and to place your ad in the Friday edition, junt caîl the Classified Dept. ut 905-632-4440, Mon.-Fni., 8:30 arn. to 5:30 p.m. DEADLINE for Friday edition is Wednesdlay ut 5 p.m. If your Gurage Suie is ruined out you mon't get souked if pou bup our Sain Protection for un additonui $51l Notifp our office und mouI re-run the sumne ud, mvith a date change, ut no charge w/thin the next 2 weekperiod. Note: Your ad ulso uppeurs on-line ut huitonseurch.com Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers with a nlose for bargains heaf straight for the Ciassifieis. n the Ciassîfieds, you con track down deais on everything from cars to canine companions. il's easy ta place an ad or fisd the items pou want, and il's used by hundreds ot area shoppers every day. Find a great deal, use the Classifieds today. C LA SS i Fl1 E D S 905-878-234 -, CET f THE ef e108DIO#E1 ACCOUNTING CLERK Contraci - 6 Months Minimum The persan wîii be respanuibie for the accaunts payable funclian ta a high volume muli-campa- ny enviranmenl. The eapectedti ime trame ta gel thia praiect fane wîll be a min. of 6 manthu. Fuil-time especlutians are a passibiity but sol guurunteeti. Position Description and Requirements: *Responsîble fat AccouaIs Payable la a hîgh valume, muiti-campany envirasment uaîng AccPac. *AccPac & accaunts payable eap. ia necesary *Iintermefîate eup. usîng Micro SafI Office Suite apecîticaiiy Excel, Ward, Ostiaok. *Gaod cammunicatian skîlis reqaîreti sînce 16e persan wîii be cammunîcsting wîlh internai staff anti venfars. -Compensatian wîii be basef an weekly salsry. *Wîii be assîgnef ather accountîng f uties us lime aiiows. Please email resumes to: admincareers08@gmaiI.com M. Putzer Harnby Nursery Lîf. 7314 Sisth LUne Harnby ta currenly seeking a FulTimne Seasonal Reception Clerk Respansible far answerîng lelephane, însaîcîng, basic knawledge af a 'ccaunling and generai aoffice wark. MuaI be flisent ta Englîsh wîlh excellent cammunication akilin, Windoaws, Spreudsheet software, minimum 2-3 peurs eap. Fax resumne toi: 905-878-9745 Email ta: putzernursery@primus.ca We lhank ail applicanls, however only lhoae chasen for an interview will be contacel. Fuli-time Office Administrator Required for busy, grawîng Dakvilie paper conserlîng plant. Dattes inclutie answering lelephane, fîily matil praceaaîng, înaoîcîng. aufîlng ot freîght bis as well as other general office duliea. Applîcants must paaaes eacellent command of English language, bath aral anti wrîllen, be energetic, oolgaîng anti a leam player. Great benefil package upon campielian ot probationary periati. Applicants are invitait ta fax resume ta: 905-819-9800 or email: maiIboxl@mcdermidpaper.com No Phone cal/s p/Base! Calling ail1 Graduates Our speciat Graduation Section witt mun Wednesday, Juty 8, 2009 $ 59.a+ S <picture inci.) Deadtîne is Wednesday Juty 3 at noon. "No more than 40 worda pleaxe" Ïbe QCanabn campwon Phose: 90-878-2341 Pax 90586-2364 Entait: ciuassitied@ iiloa a adianchampio mo -EIA OFC Isequirea part-lime for scunning, and data entry. Flexible hars5daysaper eeh AppraîmateltI I2 ohspraperwee I Pieuse tax resume ta. 905-873-809 AUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONALS The LEGGAT naime bas been asaucîstef wîth Geaersi Motora sînce 198 anti are oery prasd lu aninouace thal lhey have been selecleti by The New General Matars ta continue ils iongstanfing saccesuful reiatîanship. Due la aur racent grawlh we are aow iaokîng for Automaotise Suies Prafessianan who fenîre a long lerm rewarfîng career wîlhîn our GM famîiy of tieaierships. The lime ha neyer been better la begîn yoar suies cu reer or transfer pour saccessfai business tram snolher deaiershîp where yoa caai seil awarf-wînnîag sehîcies fram aur full lînesp af GM brands - inclsfîng Chevolet, Buick, Catiliiac, Pontiac, Chepy/GMC Trucks and Satura. Plus yos wîli hase full uccesn la oser 400 hîgh quality unef sehîcies from wilhin aur Leggat Auto Graap of dealernhîps la salisfy yaur cunlamers' neefs. Please emnail or fax Vour resume to: Tim Morrison Email - tmorrison@Iag.ca Fax - 905-333-3934 A// resuimes wif/ ha kepi in strict confidence. e Leggat Pontiac-Buick Cadiltac Ltd. 2207 Fairview St. *Leggat Chevrolef Ltd. 4100 Harvester Rd. e Leggat Satura-Saab 814 Guelph Ln. 1 Fundraiser1 To book your community event cati 905.878.2341 WANTED - MnafIndian k Cuisine&Lounge 370 Main St E. Mltos Email resumes: mintleat@ belînet.ca M'*1Hs lea ing ALA CLEANERS experi enced & afinrdable, resi dentiai cie an n g sera ce. Cail 647-892 47 70ý wwalacieaners.com Iprvements SPECIALIZING IN traming, Orywaii & tupine. Na job tan srnall 17 yeurs exp. Basements, Additions, Hardwond Fiant Refiish- ng, Finish Carpentny, Ceramics, Pecks & Fences. Cuii 416-566-0402 (Gary). Handyersaoj HANDYMAN SERVICE Prniessinna ana Persnspa Aii aspects ofibuilding, carnstruction andt simple housenoid repair! Quahty wnrr hast rates, Reterenc et, Sentant Discount. Cal Gerhard toduy and Get tl Pone! 6-6, 7-days 905-514-5324, Rred u r ul-Tme n I Georgetown Dental Practice * ~Dental Eperience Required. I Pieuse fas resume 10 I [ qured forrestaurant n eorgetowU Piease cal 905-877-82421 Or rappy in persan lu: I Ares Family Restaurant 23Auelph Street nGorgetown

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