Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 2009, p. 21

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SORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail slebIanc@miltoncanadianchampon.com BMX gives riders a re I By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A [ter two ycars, Ryan CoIweiI got ttred of watcbîng BMX racing. Itfs flot that bis interest in thc sport had diminisbed. Quite the opposite. Seeingjust how much enjoyment son Grant was getting on the track, the now 35-year-old was deter- mined to join in the fun. "1 didn't want to simply be a spectator anymore," recalled the eider CoiwcIi ditring the first officiai practice scssion at Britannia Road's Track 2000, while young racers whizzed by "Grant was having so much fun that I figured getting out there and doing it myseif was better that sitting there roasting in the sun for two hours watching." While the thrills and physical benefits associated with BMX racing were certainly a big part of what drew the father of two to the sport, the idea of sharing a competitive endeavour with bis boy was perhaps the biggest appeal. Provides a great bond "How many opportunities are there to do a sport with your son?" said the relativeiy new racer, whose four-year-old son Luke is looking to get on the track soon as weli. "Its created a great bond." Eight-year-old Grant whole- heartedly agrees. "Having my dadi race too is realiy cool." Aithougb they may be the only father-son tandem this season, the Colwells represent just the tip of the Out-ofthls-woMi boost BMX's popularity took off after the 1982 release of Steve» Spielbergk smnash-bit E.T.: The Extra Terrestiia. The lovable lit- dlealien lifting Elliott and his fel- Iow young ridera, Itto the sky reniains one of the mosi memo- rable scenes i n ctneinatic history andi gave the sport a litge shot ni the art». BegIamer's advlce Keeping your eibows and knees bent helpa maintain a steady ride, as does leaning back. And riding in a standing- up position wili give you a lot more speed than keepmng your posterior glued to the seat. Ridlng locally Track 2000 (on Britannia Road just west of Trafalgar Road) holds practices every Thursday evening and races most Sundays. A free pre-regis- îered session for beginners - $30 for four lessons without a bike rentai andi $40 wfth a bike rental - la helti montsy nights. A riding licence of about $45 andi track mexnbership of $30 is requireti to race thse season. Visit wwwtrack2OO0BMXmàcng.com for more information. iceberg whcn it cornes to family connections on the local racing scene. "We've got brothers and sisters, girifriends and boyfriends, even husbands and wives," said Ontario Cycling's BMIX/downbiii program co-ordinator Nicky Pearson, whosc husband Dean co-butit the original Drumqttin Park track in 1982 (was movcd"slightiy and upgradcd in 2005). "Its definiteiy a famtiy atmospbere." One of just a handlfui of BMX racing facilities in Ontario,(due to what Pearson said arc- major diffi- culties with most municipalities in getting facilities buiit), Track 2000 attracts riders of ail skiii levels from across Haiton and weii beyond - wtb this summers enroiment expectcd to bc about 300. And whtic the lions share of those are of the youth and adoles- cent variety, aduits like Colweii aren't in an extreme minority by any means. Not just for kids "For some races we need three motos (heats) for the adults," said track volunteer Ginny Foster, wbos been heiping out with everything frot» selling 50/50 tickets to spot- ting the riders over the past four years since 15-year-old son Hunter started competing. "We've got riders from four to 64." While a high percentage of kids these days own BMX bikes, Hunter stresses that theres a big difference between riding one to schooi and what he and bis fellow racers do. "Yeah a lot of people think of BMX as street riding," he saîd. Having recently eamed a spot on Team Ontario, Hunier ceriainiy rel- ishes every opportuniîy to, catch some air and test bis skilis on the jumps and tunis at Track 2000 and other venues across tbe province and abroad. But actuai racing isn'î the oniy aspect of BMX thats kept him comn- ing back each year. "The social part is great. Tbe peo- pie I've met (in BMX) are the best." Echoed mom, "Ws a tight-knit and supportive communiîy. People here are always wiliing to help out." Pearson suggests anotber appeai- ing aspect of racing is participants can make as mucb or as uitile a comn- mitmenî as possible. Sbe said, "Basicaiiy you cao excel at your own speed. If you decide not to go oui one night you're flot burt- ing a icam." And many are quite content to keep that at a modest level. "'mi stili a littie reluciant to Icave tbe ground," quipped Coiweii. III PI I30001 lairl201 Monday Aug lOth - Friday Aug 14th 9:0Oam - noon Cost - $9First 65 spots For children entering KG toaredfle! grade 6, this flu. Soccer Bail T-Shirt Photo Snacks Soccer SkilIs Songs Bible Adventures Friends Southside Community (hurch, 7480 Derry Road, Milton. Phone 905-878-5664 to register. Registration Deadllne is July 31st

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