Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 2009, p. 6

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New blood needed: J.IT' GIVE &ENM SMeTHING Mitn oruiyNwpprSne16 E Twenty-two Mittunians understand that close t Mitn Ont.~AI A IT 5E1 honu1urcd by Canadian one millionh boct dona- w w u iD fD itn n 9 E 5 i3iood Services tibns ',s ck lions wiil li nccid tis y905-878-2341 z should stand as an inspira- vear. Tbcy're weii awvare d Duam Editoriai Fax: 905-878-4943 lion 10 others. tisat donors cati give blood Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 j LasI nigbî in Hamnilton, every 56 ctays, or six Io D 'Ciassified:905-875-3300 Canadian Biood Services seven limecs a ycar, and - VII ACIU LLY, Circulation: 905-878-5947 cehrac'c tocali ileirlone ibat plasina ancd piaices vvwmiltoncanadianchampion.com clunors of Wiood and cati be donated more fire- platiciets ai ils i1 ith annuai quenitiy than hiuud. Tbey V.P. - Group Publisher Honouring Our 1 itehiood mnake ni) misiake about the ~(Neil Oliver cloncor recognition ceremuo- tact thai ait hiuod types are General Manager nyý needed (A, AB3, B and 0). D ivid M5sivy As part ut National Buct ifs disbecarîenling luEio i he t3iuod Donur Wcek (lune 8 tearn thai whiie une in iwu ni,1\ - 1 1'71- A.,..ir..-,.N cionurs recciveci certi licaies rît appiccialion lor hc'lping iliici pliicliitc iClIs. Aning tis ycars lion- ources were 22 donors [romn Milton who gavc 50 or mîore lunes, codiective> ctonating nmore tban 1,400 clous ut biuud or plaîcîcîs lu date. These donors gis-c blooci, last N'car oivl oînu in ( îaiaiis ii ,ill\ clidi Vsè kow we can dc wav liciter ihan thai iii 20Ô9. Donors cati mnak an appoilitinelit hy caiiing t - 888-2-DONATF (1-888- 236-6283). DEAR EDITOR: An issue bas corne up for firefighîers that sbouid be as important to a fire chief as it is for a new recruit. A couple years ago, tbe provincial gov- erniment passed legisiation that acknowi- - edged that firefighîers were dying of certain cancers and heari disease more than tbe normal rate, and that ibese deatbs wouid be accepted by the Workpiace Safeîy and Insurance Board (WSIB) as wurk-reiaîed. 'mi sure througb mucb research it was tuund that because uf tbe obvious nature ut this business, our work environmeni is causing ibis high rate ut cancer and beart disease. Tbe legisiation covered oniy fuiltime tirebigbters and excluded votunteer and part-time liretighters - wbicb make up a bigb percentage ut Mitions deparîment. A firefigbter is a firetigbter. Tbe smokc and toxie gases are the samne for everyune. Over tbe last couple ut years this exclu- sion was apparentiy going tu be tixed. Weliington-Halton Huis MPP Ted Arnoîl recenîiy put a motiun turward to inctude vcdunîeer/parî-îime iretigbters and Haiton MPP Ted Chudieigb supporîed it. But on May 14, the Liberals voted it duwn. Nul long ago we buried -une ut ur broîbers wbu died of cancer. Who knows if bis cancer was tire-reiated, but statisties show tbat firefighters have a mucb greater chance ut dying from tbis disease than other peuple. The Ontario guvemment dlaims that it respects wbat we do. In the May issue of the Firetighters Association of Ontario magazine, Premier Dalton McGuinty said, "My coiteagues and i have enormous respect and appreciation for the vital ser-v- ice that our provincels firefighters provide tu ail ut us each and every day- Lip service is easy; reai respect is shown. i urge everyone îu make your feelings heard on tbis issue. Most ut us have fami- lies and we ait have ioved unes. W(.udn't it be reassuring to know that if we did gel une ut these types ut cancers or had a beart atîack after a tire cati that our tamiiy would receive compensation trom the WSIB? The provincial guvemrment gui it righî tor tuit-time firefighîers. We must now make îbem gel it right for ait firefighîers. Some cancers dont care if you're fuit- lime ur pari-time. They uniy look to see if you bave on a belmet and bunker gear. CAPT. RICK MITCHELL MILTON Not so neighbourly DEAR EDITOR: Is neigburiiness un the brink of extinction? Shouid neighbuurs eîhicaiiy share the cost ut a fence even îhougb they may nut be buund by iaw? This pasi winier bas been bard on many of the fences in our neigburhuod, and sui there bas i been a llurry ut fence-buiiding acfivity ibis spring, inctuding fences un two sides ut our property. Now we've been homeuwners for more than 25 years, and when it comes time Iu paying up - wbeîher a Town byiaw mandates it or not - wben asked tu conîribute we've always dune tbe ethicai îhing and shared in the cost. Its the neigb- hour>' thing tu do, after ait. Nut tu mention it gives us a say in the kind ut fence that gues up and gives us a chance tu regroup with the neighbours ai the end ut a long winter. But beware pool uwners in Milton - don't counit un ibat neighbuurliness. You're buund by law tu maintain a fence around the pool. But whaî about ethicai respunsibilit>' from those wiîh whom you share the fence? No probiem, we thoughî. But when we approached a neighbuur for help wýith the cusi ut our fence, we were turned down fiat. Ouch! i jusi wanîed tu offer a heads-up tu other. pool owners in Milton. Folks, neighbourly neighbours doing the ethicai îhing isn't a given. ils sad, but true, ANNA HILL MILTON 1 Kna n-- 1i4i-- Advertising Director Production Manager Tii i, Circulation Manager Chic, I ail Office Manager SancdI parei The Canadian Champion, pubtished every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Meirotand Media Group Lld. Adreeriinq rs acceptie on tire condition thai, ni thie event ofa typqraphnia enr, hat portern ofithe dveriii ing space occupied by the errorneou mtern, totetrer erith a rearonable allowrnce for iriatuire, wil nor br ihargnd 0'n bui thre balance ni inn orvrtiserren will br raid foi lit thre applicabir rare Tin nil iher neere the right te categorire edrerirnnir or d1eîinný CCAB Audited , î-vna Ontario iommunty ~AA Nerpapers Arsociation C+ N aradiar Commurroity te u r ror Nwpers t -e of Ar >r i Halon Heacrei MILTON LCOME SANTA % _LMý'10.N-CLAUS Jngle Bel Fund - PARADE UNITED WAS 0F MILTON CANAtrA O n T iHEbNA ~ Awarrd. Ti, (Si Mr,,, GALA Awar. fie - rhýMilo aidaiCaiine RelbPrc I Readers Writeý, E-mai lettons toed tonial@nisltonoenadranchampîonom Letters, wluch may bedîyted, mnusc mncude the wniter's name, address and phonie nuinbpr. Each and every firefighter deserves WSIB coverage

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