OSOLOOno. NVEW PNCÀF STING38BBEOm 8(flALOW Iotal p esovated sparisg no expense, and localed jusl mess of Camphelivile or 10 piCluresque acres. Open concepî k ichen w 5h centre islasd granile counter tops, hacksplash, nIairiess steel appliasces ard hardwood tîsors- pertocs fso enrainr g sr ust eong the 00eW tront ssy one of the many wisdos. Pefc r sthe hobbyis ns orl i here a dou- hie atlached sarase, bul an osue double garageworkshop for ai ysu tos. This 0nei0 s a mool see Cail Pal for four F0 ssra apps rîmest $629,900. a u Mw %-m -Great se and loeatior o huid your a eam country home. Just west of Guelph Lise in he hmie of Mofftts almwO 4acre buildig lot as a new drined wl inpace LoceeSacross Thispaèperty sa ceated budn Sot - arelmud so don' misuteoneesopeotny. Ca lle o urtber detailo $320,M. FOR LEASE 1600 SF Mattamy semi with 3 BR and 3 baths. Fenced yard, Available July 1. 1 year lease minimum. $1500.00 /ma. plus utîlities. Ca/I me for de ta ifs!0 16%> A WARFDW 1NNE R To 1' National/y again in 20 OP 200 THE BRAZEAU TEAM (D 905-878-8101 Jeoph b amaa f Ylna meau Jodle mur KIM Cmu % B.A.* Ill B. Sales Rep GORGEOUS OPEN CONCEPT 2 bdrm + den. 'Elizabeth mode[" Spaciu foe opesf large ki w/et s1idU'0n/i I l-oo wt FABtJLOUIS CUSTOMIZED FINOR HOME 'Nottingham 2 model'rtS extieon.ot ui r kilohen Loirge ramieyr o en/gsf & W/OtoIc W yard Moirer sitse hm w/1 clo s e en suit 5 WOODED ACRES Beautiully updated Esacutive home Updafed gourmet kitchen. Main floo familyroom wîts 2 walkoufs and fire- place. Formol living and diningroomo. Triple cor garage. For tbis cozy towohouse locaOed acroso tramr ochools and parks. Close to Go, shop- ping & 401 acceso. Open concept living/diningroom with woik out, Folin kit. 3 spaciaus bdrmo. Fin bsrmt recreaition room with wet bar. BUILD VOUR DREAM HOME 3 large building lots available in Freelton. For furlber Information and photos on mhese properties pleose olsit BrazeauTeam.com lS285.000 M