r- *~1~ ROYAL LEPAGE C; Meaidowtowne Reasy,a.o HO OFI H RS in the country located within excellent commuting distance of ail Q Mll UU 1VU major centres. Great escarpment views and otters gorgeous indoor s iq outbuiiding with bath, bar, pool table. Walk out from building ta your LOCATED IN own private parkland. Finished iower level with games room, famîiy CAMP! IVIiUE room, bath, bar, sauna and entry ta indoor pool and sitting area. Ciii Minutes ta the 401 and Caroie for luuthor dellils. $1,099,000. Mohawk raceway, over two M Aâ 1 1 acres wlth hydro,ianeway privacy yet not isolated, wtb a tarred and chipped road in *---....... ~process, few and far betweent located in an absoluteiy bjeautiful airea. List aiut 3330,!. Cmii Eve Gooding ON THE ESCARPRMENT An Impressive entrasse prooldes rtCAlA appeal int tAis il brickr 905-78 8 01 ita Grayolone model home. Approx 30k in upgraues. Preiure yard nOS exil froro garage Aint a i- yadplus parkingi for airea car. E, nded front porcS overlooklng genspace. A heautl fourmet duze itlcSen AnSh centre stand, rich ancas ieciuded, 110h Aiaelwee tioagSout main and slaleA. AN tJFUBYLE , bedens are large, msler enite alfA Sosto perfection. Gorgeous soaker lob and neparile ifrer. nglw whf open concept sinon gu m living and dling rooa. i im , ii ou uilmg. firepiace, main ioor taudy huge NEYER UVED IN wlth gazebo, plus 2 fihhd Baie by Millon Tria .fitgXte rm andS full bath in lower Homes, attractive col appei CUi Sugan or Dlaure to se &Il wdth viere of the escarpritant, off »gaesI thi5 libansome. brick two storey reifA covereri front purchr, no*sldewak aide, "Carisele model wh espresso kitchen cabinets weiff six oppli- Lovey frehol ed uni ancs icludari, foor generouo siebedrooms, main floor groag downtown. This warn more, ceentral air andl G collings, andi tnviting homei atre fruit new lookend monte In as 3 Wdrms, 1i 112P ah early ase yoo wlsbf Umii at, fini5hs4amyrm$In bpwr $31111,1111 Cali Eua Guauine. leyi lit it1i It" ne FRESH NEW LOOK... Cau USI Many spicial mnd*uniqos fealureojard- scoped tfrad yard arah oxtodur mcmiaro backyoru bron garage, arclosad fhmo A ~purch, 0000sse artrnca pro"ie groil adib appea ad design praoc for fill rorepAronl home, atentior fil doltal tron Situtedon quit sree in tapi fil allAWt record kilirn rento- tn$ onldino opplances, garder; doorg, sought atter Dorset Park. main Nr tguy room, cmbined lhdngand ThIs ~ ~ ~ dl, dmbnalwhs r~oom with firptare, moolen suite U Iais a iets Iungao a fhrsitn ro ul ahroom ard stop awesome potentiai. caii us dien bedroom, probesuîorsfly compirte or, your personai tour. loe lavai aiso wihaui seasror, Ai- UBail Be1314 NM. Ci airemadig. rUVân you amd Congratulations ontou b"fIt4d uwwv home Jrancesco and iian! HOT OFF THE PRESS