iIgt H MILION/CAMPBELLVILLE JES1,20 JUNE 10, 2009 905-878-2341 OY Ll G! wfth stunnin g rouod pool. hot tub ani cabaoaý - - ~~For fuilr6 ln=île and hlspaeeut __________razean=m.cem M 4 a 20 ACIE HO88Y FAIM IETWEEN ACION/IOCKWOOD sieSltwith somne nenouatiooo -- open concepttfamily nm, wdi oew kitchen. idmo. Lg Liv. Rm. w/tp, double Garage. Long violas of pastunes, pnetty etoodo wit On nals, pond. hulields. Numenous out boildings. Wonlithop vifdug- ROYAL LOU oun pI ton lthe carn hobbynot. Brnog youn dneams--gneat value. For turthar lnfejg=onond 1hotea piliatias visit. 1 fila"M Ceen- S" SIMPLY STUNNINO BPT, eautdful Bungalow seI n almont 5 acreo of park like scwoery. This home bas been complwtetp remodwtled and meticulouoly cared to. lO 12Osq.t oC liin space upotairs w/ 3 bedrooms, and an addtion- aI 1O20sq.tt downotairs wdth fli -law subte inclgding kitchatn, batbroom, 2 hedroomo and large Ibivin/dining grog. Mtasse cati Jetie toe msore detatte. $599,BO0 lmUau MIL, _ __ __ _ __ u.-81gq777 ONE 0F A KINO SSpectacular elevated settîng wîth vieets on natural escarpment toreot 3.24 actes. Custom but home, 4,275 SqFt pltus fully fin- ished alakout in-Iaw apartment on Iower level. Builders omo * Home! Cantilevered dock ioto the trees, studio/ workshop. CENTRE_1 Breathtakîng location lOmin to Campbellville and 401. $1111W000. 1 r'LATEST FREE US11NG WINNER _______________________________ sttpet with MinMaux hou bison quite epyublel We wwnw elasd wtth te sermic and even more thnek0d te fimd out we 'V L I ! W L ~ h 37OO VsIr beoer than woing the jackepot at dna casinol We Caltr ViIC nprwssad au the protleseonatsm and wnttnuoianm ofth taf 10 wwMnMaxa cernm- :iur agat askmoeZiadgeheI and eecoargabtng. VIe woatd Teday Fer Elîte Heathwood Traditions Communîtv l re Meed MMo ho our forinds and Cuemtly. Thanks Fuît Detallat Rar wpotnt tobyab udnw treehd t mnhouse in theorne Henry and Nancy De Liaa Hahwood Tradiione ounityl Neetled ei tie tot ofNiegua IIIEeoenpini HCh-anc in uplgrds, i glno oomintir hrwIri dàdb -M-o-SW »* tud âý gourin tn w/grsole oounter tps & grangte brks bar .eaaèweeeew., oeeekCot nn.rtove, metag dhwsbaoher eaibWwa~ odmye Louwking Peser A COLMS lill', fil ti,,i fi i) 1ý(1l, 9) 5 88 4 Il 12