7429 Fifth LUne, Milton GROIN ND O Tarigi h Nrstend oDfU ManSt)TRIINRT e ng2îhe ndufanS BRE. OPen to lOpmffi 7 d8Y a week ~ [ 90-86-400353Man S EMîlonON OTirï ~Carrnage Square, 265 Main St. E. [icel îîîwww taylornurser-y.ca (Ben de the GuilarShop) TIFNYKSHT 90-1849 M7 chesie Oner & Certiliei s june lis turne toi enjoy your gardien as itflowers and 905-864-6360 Gînuniler MYi hïtuband ha aihièee fi ihi doesni sernt io ant Io go au grows b ut et lis still a good tinte to plant ..and to do Athletes flo i aus db mi oogans nha hr in an os z, essential mtaintenance Why shonld 1 train MY pupnvieneeynrenteivrneîiAo aldtiiud tniîe. t- I IA oil taiteddît tu h.ppydit Dt lCe ii leie bir unes bt tet scecaýravtywein tyet arc normal inhahiîintn tif the bride. Tbcv are i cq ir consilbîbywr tieni: then iiuillyinmoffensive and actually belli the boîdy bight certaî in esifj Before the hoat tif the numrmer mîîntlin yîîn can and shîîutd plant irees and nhrulin and 'infitll thîîno barre spots in yuar gardont wiîh annaî and perennials. ...and nîîw that the weather s ni) ciimlort- - ale, whaî botter way tut spend somne ocenîng and weekond time than planîing. pruning and ntaintaining yîîar gardien tii yîu cao enjîîy il foîr the ront uf the nammor? Horo tire a fow "muni dut"* fîor the ontl of itine. *Pruno nhrîîli and treos aftor tlicy han'o flîîwered *Prune overgreuns and hodget *Mîtîcl yîiir gairdien lieds. Wheîlior voit une wîîîd chipn, hark, nnggotn tir deotrative ntîînen. tiutching it iî nane vîlu wîirk lonns weeding antd .tcritig-aîd iake yîîur garîln oit re attractivne. *Stakeorîl trellîn yîîur vines aîîd val tîcrahle yîînng shrîîli aîîd treen *Deailhead Itiec hI îîîîn Ii enicoutrage lucli i lbwt *l'iliifi bic CIfle filanîts thitî bîtîtîtî atîti tîtî tîn. ,nutn cititîn snapdragiîtni. Ii Cecp thotu liahy andi comtpact. * Weed and water gardon liedn regufarly " Water and fertilize yîor hanging' liaskets. They dry tint nîtcli more qaiekly than gardoen plantn and tiCe mitre vulnerahle tii lin. * Sit liaok and onjoy the colonrs and artîman of yoar gardon! Cont e to Taylor Nurnery for ai yoar treen, nhrabn, planta, garden décor, soiin, niauleh and aggregalen. ...and helpfal adviee, (00! SRob Rubino, Ch. P. Stategic Wealîh, FCSI, CIM Anscînte Portfoio Manager 905 875-4871 65 Ontario St., Milton Buy and Hope Investing tost ltatîempt tîiprideonnme edcaiîncrevling aîînndîinccnîmoîtsand th netetidsr n bsb-otl oui Tocmaoy investors havte blindly placed their money osith a muturait fond salroprson, inourane agent or ins.estmrnt adotisor f Most calljng ihemsels Financial Planners> île învesîîng on ihete on îînty tc, he nhc ked il whnî has happitnidtiuer ficlant 2apnc Thesnvetîteîirent tieioniatmayhbc partialty reesponahlet but oltîmnîely tho "hocb' ntops uith yiu, the inccntite, Go and Iearn about investing and investmeot produco. Knîîm that pîtu owMabensure yîocr fIntmenl Aduinite tndistands mhat îou owni Talli iii ptue Incenîmont Ad'intr aboumhai in caOing yiiueînvenimentu iigiim andlurshnnb ByfIcarning tese factoiintlîy eeal tfîaiayu have brouduoing niay nthcsiîtahe Doifust accopt the expresnttiu.iieeniiog inuatlrowthPotcfîiit, tniislmotacoieropredtiahf and garaitte ori NiDT.guarniiee'd aîd shîîufd be lahtcled.t RISK incontinenîn Inenîng, ti a "Rinkotfoulili"doen't tiundthitexy îîrcrimbrîahie. 'Iberc iînît priihetmmith tabtng inh test calitituhai ifi. t'iclandtth c cicaet You'repaying yiur alt forit. Dtn't accepi'BPuy and Hld îîî"îîîthe lonug ronas an anuior. Doitnoiusrcearch mîten îîîîîc re to tneuiecioiy poputar Risk invurents bhat offer "giiacintees' Markets tend to shit into difterrnt paîtterns erery 15-25 years. Stock to be over-priced Corrective phases, oherr etint vliCn fi ici normal tir heloot normai eveto can Ctutiow Citr many pears. The boit market thrait began mn 1948 drove thr Dnow Jonrs to increane 1 0-foid op tinait 1966. Titen heinîren 1966 and 1982 itis market mnadr 0% treilr and ilis betorr inflation! Most markiets peaked recenîiy in 2000 and hierre ose are in 2009 far brioos thr 2000 terris! Titre oas a boit market ireai estate around the GTA tihat pralird in 1989. Pruperties raines tell for 6 earshy 20% t 40%. Il osasn't onutil 2002 dihai oe osent baîtu lui 1989 terris. Thene une greit ineenucuit opîftuniîîesno luti iiaIne actiiaagetLiltutitulne iiltitultuttetti Nolbttuiouog abouutîftnia 'in al at griit t i t t icî lioi ft i nxi unt le ti th titi' lt tînuîherîîn iiifti Fitiil i l tn trion e litii. i 1 h lc1,1ii -i lIl itrogh rilt>,whiu.ti w3wçiblbioîiçom f o1.v'al sugiiuifi) liii tuti irc tu ItuIt Ilyh Visit: www.robrubino.com a omintion nign up for our free monthly newsletter l . Securities ,i , lttit i ii ii u tt t titi tl ii Aii ti L 'i t ý. A i 'ii ttiii i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~f ti'ii, 4îtii.iuiî cîttttu yi itoy tuttil otiiîîuî 1.tituuittk,-i LA. iiiiit' tiiO'ii" I l'i'ttttii utcinttttti t'itt itit.p es wvr îe ncy iiPiy and are the critaon0 triiuhlesome infecions such as athletens floti fhetween the tocs tir iii the sole of the fet)ior evntrs n h oui n aiii nagina and oii flic vubva ). Each oif these iu caused hy a specific fîiigun. Fungal infect iins arc typicaîll chirac erized lie the fout wg sbier priihlemse *redness and irritation * wetting *tingling and itching *ftoouring hceii"i flic ltîiî'l'lie hiuii'.i' watiii'ieeilt-1 tiigilofitîiiiigiIiltii. lu fii * keep skin dry * dry ohmn thoroughly after bathing. nhowering. or swimming " wear 000se fitting. aire clothing preferably made of natoral fibres, etipecially collent " applii' an aiiiterspircint lit thI it.liooi. ild boo a, offiiiert~ pa toflict tieci ii vl change our nicks tileur. ince ntia l fihres are more ahtih Iti ol ciitoiiniiocks, preiocahl v whîite, fîîr hestabsonirpiîtin Allowo' tîîe lo dri' iîînpleiolc heio'ee'ise ifo posibile dctif %vîti flic saintesbires nt conneetitive diyn. Ciîder uliriihlng aiîiîurga iiîiîder it ie shoc There ire seyerai anifîîîîgal priidu.tsn ite m rarkbet, bhî o'th unr withoutî a prescription. Symptîîmrs typiuallv imprime arier a fco' dia i s f therap. Thcrapy. hîîwever shîîuld ho Ciintinued foîr 2-4 weehn ti ilutahe sure that the fui are cii îptetety elirninated. If the iceaitient ns disciintinued prenîaturel. the reniaininîg fugt mu t nait i i muii tpty again and the infection witl reiur. Yiiae HealthWatcb Pharmacist cani belp îou hsetees rdcfo oan ee otuyu hia if ovrtecuie rdcsfi ofxtepolm 9 -PLPP 1ci cari Llsipite anct rcîit tu tr tii ti n When shîînld I stant trainn my puppy? ()ite tbetý hue ai ieit iîtiii'rn bthibare rc.tdy fît tititig bu niî t r tt atininîg tou it itpyan soutu an poinutlii il, a%îî hati1 titi itt Whai should 1 do fient oshen 1 hriitg my pnppy home? t, b it tt gtit, t iy l It ito t tt t tî utittilici titt cl ut i ît itt ic iii tbe icil tîtiigut N\'l U,,1 i fil ( RAiF t1tiR i NNInMI NI i 1IL ftI " Iiii l(I( îîîîîîîîî i îî lî î.îd, Ub li tl-tii g tJ it i ý 111 t oii cliii i l tit ti ilii rin i l il fi l ý Lý g li ii ,Ja l v l i i ii ttil, I .II'lu i , iliq t, t iti titi lliIbe l ili a titi , cb'lik tii tttttuitg iii an' l gît tit i il i itii'li tii' L% cuîîî F i iii ntitani tut pl 'nati lte ,t unî 1 ti ti 'i t/a c .îîî tt, t,ý 1 ,ý jII) 0 1 c iînd "I l, t ,tti ng o u b it i tte i ii laitc tînt . it iii îi nt [hre tînit\, îi îtriti i te o\ eu all tir tiiiid ý cg eî i flc p p I t)bedten lc tlnest itlab ie egînnt gou mer l rotne ilîh( >i rla Ie, nbl lut det\aîn ecng iri , o fa d If Doctoo sn pjjý lisnr ofl lite tery eic e 550 Ontario Street South, Milton <Pizza Hut Plaza) DellbI Hawkins Phone (905) 875-6888 . Sic., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 GIARDIA Giardia is a parasite that infects the Iining of the intestine antd causes gastrointestinal disease with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite in dogs and cats. 1 have also known il to cause death in very young puppies and kittens. le also can infect human beings. Its nickname being 'beaver fever" that a lot of diehard campers would be familiar wvith. Giardia is found ta reside in high moisture and Stagnant areas. let can reside in the soil, puddles and ponds. it is also carried in the feces of wild mammals and that can infect the sou] in our back yards. Dogs that have a tendency to eal other mammals (such as rabbits) feces are at high risk for infection. Gardial infection can be diagnosed by performing a rectal umear and looking under the microscope undcr very high power for the prcsence of gardial cysts. Once diagnoscd, it is vcry straight forward to treat, however, animais tend not ta develop immunity as a resuIt tft infection, hence can be reinfecîed over and ovcr. Four picts that lît it this calegory il s highly rccornmended that they reccive an annual vaccination against giardia. By vaccinating wc can stirnulate the immune systtcm ta produce antibodicu ta that, if exputsed ((i the parasite, thc pct will not develop ilîness. * M