,9ARINDALE &MAENS. 45 Martin St. Milton Ontaro JUDY CAMPBELL 905-693-8592 COMUNITY RELATPONS DIRECI0it Q.What do I need to know about retirement living? A: f'irstly know what is important 10 you. Is il a more relaxed lifestyle with less work? Someone to cook and clean t0 free up your leisure hours? The mposi important questions t0 ask when you tour a retirement residence should centre around pour current needs and wants as well as what may he required down the road should your circumstances change. Health care and the services providcd vary greatly between retirement residences as well as the costs associated with il. Ask specthic questions like 15 there an in-house doctor, is physio provtded, foot care etc. Tour the nurses' station and meet with ihe Dîrector of Care. Meet the sociai director tb Icarn atbout th rci n ouse ,îctis tics a,, wscIl as pc i outings witîhn the community, theatre, day trips etc. Always book a complimentary lunch and try the food. Thts cain be the highlighî ol your day.! Ask about special dietary concerns and the costs that could he assoctated with meeting your needs. This is the lime 10 have your accommodations just the way you want ihem. Make an înformed decîsion and enjoy! ?EEH ADIGCMearSEa5 Yvonne & Rua Oliv'eira 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton 905-875-3345 www.hearsay.ca Q: My chuld has car tubes, how do t prevent waterfrom gctting into his cars? A: tzEar tubes or'ventitation tubes'are commonty inserîrd înîo the eardrum by an Ear, Nose and Throaî doctor in order ic prevent the accumulation of middte car ttutd. This is ofien seen in children icho have cbronîc ear infections wbere the fluid -does n01 drain adequatcly and causes pain. Chttdren (and aduts) wîîb ear tubes need to be extra cautions in order to avoîd water entening their ears or getting îhrougb the tubes in ibeir ears. Their ears sboutd 001 be submerged in waîer as il can pass îhrougb and gel behind the eardrum wbîch can cause an car infection. Recent studies have shown thai infections are more tîkety to occur in cbîtdreo who swîm in chtoninatcd pools wtthout ear plugs parîicutarty when puîîîng their head underwater for exîendcd peniods of uie. tn the midsî of sommer, cbîtdren ofien spend a lt more lime swimming in ponts, swîmmtng ai the beach. and takîng swtmmng1 tesson tn order 10 ensure ibat waîer dors ot go îhrougb ibecar tubes it is ofien recommended ihat car ptugs be worn. Although many styles and types are avaîtabte, custom sî ptugs are consîdered 10 be the mosi effective ai prevcnîîng swaer Fromentenngthe ears. For older chitdren wbo swîm under water for exîended peniods of lime, an aqua-band (waîcr bead band) cao be used to cover the car plugs to kccp îbcmru in ptace and add extra protection. Custom swîm plugs requtre impressions of the cars su îbaî the car plugs van be made t fit every bump, and curve of the person's cars. A malteabte substance is syrînged loto the cars Io take i be exact sbape of the ears and enabte a perfect seat and maximum comfort. The impression is iben used lu fabnicaîe the cusîomn swimt plugs whicb arc avaîlable in a varîeîy of vibrant or neutral colours. if you bave any questions regarding swim plugs or aqua- bands please contact our office and speak witb une of the Audiologis. HomeInstead TOM CHIIIHMACH MILTON a OAKVILLE e BURLINGTON *04urawh 905.847.8433 ww.homeinstead.com New Research Sheds Light on Alzheimler's Q. With Aizhenwes a real thrsai for sonueonc laie mec who la pana 80, are titre cady suarning signi andl anyt.ung tai at e done ta lmelp people avoid the ramifjicatin.os of titis awfula disease? Sa far t arn in great heaiti, pluysically andl mntally. As a malter of tact, new research has sherd lighî on whaî vouud he ttc cartiesi warntng signs of Alzheimet's dîsease, wttich map topen ite duor lu hetpîng peuple tîghi havit agaînsi the disease. Eveit very carlv in Alzheimers dîsease, peuple hecome less efficien t ai separaîîng important frrnm less important infurmation, acarding t a siudy, publîshed in the May issue ot Neurupsychulogy Remcmhening whats mustitmportnti s central ta daily fle. tnt enample, if pou ment nu the groverp sîtore but lif yuur shopping tsit ai htome, puu'd ai leasi want ta remember tce millt and hread, il nul the jam, The rescarcliers asitcd participants, ta sîudy and teram nectrat wurds îhaî were randumly assîgned dîtterent point talues. Whrn asked lu recaîlthli items, participants were asked tir manîmîze the toal value. Att participants, coco ihuse mîlli Atzheimtets disease, recatîrd mitre hîgh- ratite than to%% -vait liitemus. Hou vir the Alzhvimrnrs gtou p. acre igii.vle, Il. i rî oo tnlîeîr tîe.ttthî tgv al utihî~ ,[iiittcoiltttg la lhiu %alit lhey speculaird îhaî Alzheimers disease mnaies tl hardet lot peuple to encode whaî îhev learo in a sîraîegîc wap Bevauserenv îdîng is the tîrsi sîep in lung-îerm memury tis affects iheir ahîlty lut remember thtngs avvtirding tir their vaine. This suggests the poîrnîtal for impruved memorp trainng. Peuple with carty-stage Atzhetmcrs înîghi remember important inftormation liciter lip learuîng to lie more staiegli and selectîve whcn encudîng hîgli value iuturmai.n, even îhuugh i conmes ai the expensu tf negieeîîng less- important informaion. lor mitre informationî alsout Hume lnîîead Servîot Cure, contact Tomn Chavhmavh ut Scoujîhntîtn ai 905.847.843 ta stt 11 wwwhomeinstdtd m Marilyn J. Samuels, BA, BPHE, U, LLM Lmwyer 1 18 Fit ine, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Marmlyn J. Salisais Fax: 905-854-5211 Q. 1 ana separating frona my hîasband. What should 1 Jnnovi about oar finances? A. Wben tL ci-rles 10 divotre, wtt oid adages are wîtrth remembening Knowledge is powier, but ignotrance 15 oi blîss. The vital firsi si ep iii a fînancîally-fate divorce is lto gel organtzcd as scion as possible. If you kow uitile about your lamily's mnoney situation, yitu must galber information and take oibcr impotant tînanviai steps: " Copy and undersîand tovome tax returns and invesîmeot reports " Reviese carrent pay sîubs wîîh deducîtons, bonuses, and expense reimbursemenîs * Fsîablîsb a credît historp in pour own namne * Order a vopp of pour joint credît repont " Research and verîfp the owoersbtp of ail assets (e.g. stocks, bonds, annuttes) and how îhep are regîstered * Reviese fle, medical, and diuabiliy insurance polîctes * Understand emplopre benefts sumrmanies, montgage terms vin the famîiy home, vacation and rentai propenrs * Clanifp the terms of pension and profîî.shaning plans. * Value pour matrimonial home This level of organîzaîton wiul help pour iawper be more efficient with pour lime and map save pou money in the lîog term. il alsît wiul bein the process ut empîîwerîng pou wîîh financiai devisions and ailoe you 10 ctîro pou divorce. Belte spliîîng pîtur assets, pîtu should îbînk about sehat pou need: pîu must create a budget, tdentifp, whîvb assets iîli help ensure pîtur financial secunîp, and negîtte for titis. Wben pou undersîand the finances pourseli, pîtu are better equîp cd tb be objective. This saves lime, whîvh leads 10 vosi savîogs. ~f pou dot pour fînanctai homework, pou seul be able lu recognize a fuir olfer raîher than settiing for fîo utile or rejectîng a reasonabie offer. Àii PARTNERS IN PLANNING til FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. 2 Fnancial Plannig 0 2 n R v P*s l lai: (fi> 870-0120 Faxi (905) 870-2034 ai 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Mullian Milton, Ontario LOT lP9 ,111, nni, Ec Question: What are the new chaniges Io te Canada Pension Plan ail about'! Answert Usnaiip guvemînent petîgrares sach as the Canada Pension Plan are considereli lotte basic nnchangtng andi guarantecli lio bc there. Yîîu puy VD inc the Canada Pension Plan whitc pou mort and yîîn especi to collect trom il when pou relire. On May 25th. the provincial and federal Ministersiof Finance anniounccd proposais te, niake scccpîng changes Lut the Canada Pension Plan for ai Canadians who have nul pet retireli. he changes aie broad baseli andi will meus ibai many people cili need lu re-thînk their future reûrement plans. Depending upon pour virumstances, lthe anscer lu basic retire- ment planning questions van be différent tronm hetire. - Il pou retire ai age ho, pour pension miii decrease tty 36%k raiher tItan 30%. * If pu dclay retiremeni until age 711. pour pension ciii increase by 42%/ raiber than 30e/ - If pou reîum lu 'tort white recîvîng CPP pu ciii ttc able lu increase yuur future CPP pension heneit. - Poe icachers, nuises, ttrefighicrs. police and others in l)eltied t4encfi Plans, caris relîremeni oîptionîs wiii ttc affevrd hy thec cvbauges - [livre aie tisa orttet coditsiatiîtt, tvg.iriit eligîbultt foi u1\S andî IS reitjs White in the pasi. the-shouild 1 tave CPPcearly- devîsîtîn înay have secnied fîurip straighi forwani. these nec changes miii require a nccassssien. The vusi tof taiting CPP carlier miii ttc higher and tbe benetit tif dclaying CFP wîli ttc grenier. These changes do nul affect carrent CFP reciplents. Thep cîll affect pou if pou apply for CPP after 20112. 21X)9-2012 is a -grep area- scrume map ttc liciter tiff hp appiping for CFP soumet. nihers ciii henelit miore by dctaping their appication until aller the changes laite effeci. Do pîîn cani lu know more about hîw lihns ciii affect youu Poe yîînr copp ut the "Informnation Paper un Fraptiscl changes iii the CP'. contact Parînces in Planning ai 905-876-0120. AeFILoxun mini PunTNERv IN PLANNING INnatîsE SERVICES INC. ABSOLUTELY! Pre- planning your funeral is one of the .kindest most caring things you can do for Wyour family. Pre-arrangement plans reflect your expressed wishes regarding funeral arrangements. Upon death there are seemingly endless numbers of details that need attention by your family. You can provide for them by making your selections in advance and save your Ioved ones frm having to make difficuit decisions at a stressful and emotional trne. Simplify your life by taking care of everything in advanoe. You can be assured that you and your loved ones will expeiienoe "peace of mind" knowing that your wishes have been recorded. Please caîl us at 905-878-4452 to set up an appointmient at the funeral home or in the comfort of your own home to discuss your wishes with one of our funeral director professionals. Get answers to aIl of your questions, learn about various options available and create a detailed record of your wishes. -\î1 o