Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 2009, p. 23

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i assified Advertising Ad Submissions Received by: Fax: 905-632-8165 Tel: 905-878-2341 Email: classified@ haltonsearch.com For your convenience we accept: VISA, MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE, Ask UsA~bout.. Ill la,. workâpg 1 c'a/i 905-878-2341 1 garage sales Raising Money for thte Weekend lo S End Breasl Cancer. Broakvlle EstaIes is hav .ing il's Third Annual HUGE GARAGE SALE Sat. June l3th - 8am - Noon Guelph Line 'luit pani 15th Sidt Road Adjacent tn Brnnkvilie Schnti MILTON Yearly Plant Sale Fri Jute 12 - 3-7 Sai Junt 13 - 8:30-4 Sun June 14 -12-3 520 Woodward Ave. Hontus 2-$500 irciudea miniatures Aiso upeciul uuîiety and gerernisls ressruly ptîcud. MILTON LARGE 3 GENERATIONS GARAGE SUALE Sat June 13 8am 204 Elm Ave (N.W. correr of Wtotdward) Furnîiure, trys, mer's & wtmsr'n cisthirg, S-XXL o book Ou ad ar 905.88.34 IA) Calii-1 Appeaning every Frîday Apnil 1, 2009 tn Noseemher 1, 2009 WHAT cleans out your closets, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in the Milton Champion! Frrdav edrtror reaches 23,000 homes rn Mitor and your cast is as lrn as *$25.an + gst. i'termr & corditiors appivi For ino. and to place your ad in the Friday editron, just caii the Ciassrfied Dept. ut 905-632-4440, Mon-Fmi., 8:30 arn. ta 5:30 p.m. DEADLîNE for Friday edition ns Wednesdiay at 5 p.m. If yoar Garage Suie is raired out yos wvor't gvt sr.kedif yo byiî R,,,, Protectior for ar adoitorai $5. Notrfy oui office ard we'I iv run the same ad, wvith a date charge, ut vo charge wlthin the next 2 wveek period. Note: Your ad aiso uppeurs or lire ut haitossearch.rom A 000 J!Halton His Speech Centre i e M e ee Siapnr Spie LagéePr,,, g qFrtrrrr Cipomtm 'Tour Caring Partners..!» Northview Centre, 211 G;uelph Si., Suite 5, Ceorgetown (905) 873-8400 2 www.haltonspeech.com Q: 1 arn 40 years old and have hiadt a lisp most of my life. Until now it has not bothered me although il is rjuite noticeable at times. 1 have recently applied for a promotion that would involve more face Io face contacts and am worried thal my speech may be a factor in my snpervisor's final candidate selection. What con 1 do ta get rid of the lisp? Is il 100 late to change it? A: [s osr fast-paced world, firsi impressions are aiways important. The wsy that we speak offert gives others as impression of our background, edscation asd sometimes eves osr intelligence. That is why tl s important to ksow that tl s scver too [ste 10 change ose's speech. Hswever, the way me speak is like a habit. So, the longer that we have had a particalar "style' of speech, the harder tl wiii he to change tl, hst with motivation asd effort chasge is possihlc. First, i mould recommesd a crimpiete articulation (speech sosnd) evaisation hy a Speech- Language Pathoiogist. This evaluatios miii determise which sosnd or grosp of' sousds are sn error asd akso exactiy how the creor is being produced. Thes th e Speech-Langsage Pathoiogist wiii teach you the coîrrect placement of yosr longue and Ilom of air in order tu make as 's' and/or 's gronp" of sounds. After that, he/she miii give you 'driliwork"* to do; ihat is, sounds and/or mîrrds to repeat again and agais ustil they hecume more saturai. Together, huth of you wiii mork In chasge the production of the "s" or 's group" of sousds until you cant do tl ut conversatiosai level without thinking ahout [t I miii take effort and perseverance os yosr part Io stick mith tl but remnember, habits cas he brokes "speech therapy is not juat for kids." Fathers Day Feature Heather Salie Uns. Agency mnc. HEATHER SOLIE, AGENT '~,. 420 Brontu Street Suth, Suite 210 www.healhersolie.cnrm Bus: 905-593-1400 Fan: 905-693-1403 Email: heather@heatherseile.cem tIKE A GOOD NEIGIIBOUR STATE FARM IS'THERE»" Steer Cleaa P'rogram: State Farmn Young Driver Discount Each year yousig people hegin Iearnisg the art ni drîving. State Farm usderstands yaunig driversaure chalienged hy interna and externai factos an they are drivisg an the raadmays. To heip themn tear more about driving, State Farm han designed the Steer Citar program ta stress hom experience asd amarenes make a saler driver. The Steer Clear progrnm's purpose nis heip young drivers be aware af their surroundingu, give them insight inia their driving styles, heip thein reviem their drivinig skilis asd become a mare amare, stress'iree driver. The csmpietion of the Steer Clear program cas resuit sn up ta a 15 percent discount an the driver's auto innurance. Drivers under tht age of 25 are eligihie for the discount; tht pragram takes arsund 60 days ta campiete. To hegin the prsgram, drivers muni meet mith their State Farm agent ta receive the Steer Citar kit. Abter meeting miih their agent, drivers muai csmpiete the iaiiaming activities pravidef in tht kit: match an 11'-minute video, read the Steer Cieur magazine asd compiete a driver's lsg. In compieting tht Steer Clear Driver's Log, participants under sgt 18 muni campiete 30 driving trips mith at leasi 10 supervised trips iasting s minimum ai 15 minutes. Participants 18 years ai age asd aider muni campiete 20 driving trips iasiing a minimum ai 15 minutes. Lastiy, the participant muni compiete the quiz ut tht end ni tht driver's log. Once a driver bus campieted these activities, tht participant muni again meet mrth their State Farm agent and returs their driver's log sn order ta receive tht discount. This prsgrum mas devtiaped by State Farm ta encourage young drivers in buiid sait and raadmsrthy habits thai miii heip thtm ta make mare respansibie decînions mheni driving. For mare informnation about tht Steer Cieur prsgrum, contact Heather Saute, ysur local State Farm" Agent. MILTON THERAPEUTIC iiatiy the warni weaîher is he re and whaî cornes uiong mith tire green grass aud fiowers? Yes, of course, GARDENING! And uioug mith gurdening cornes those unforgetabie aches sud pains tront using muscles we haven't used since fast surnier. A few tips you cas rry niocrder tir retieve the "day airer" garderng pais: *Stretch betîrre sud atter your rrutdorvr uctivities. *A retsxing bot bath cus be very beipfut sn sorrthrug miusce tension. *MUse prîrper ergoniomics oîr bordy positirrning durrsg gardeuiug, curîing the tawn or mheu building yrrur dreaur deck. Try rot irr pui too mucb stress on the neck, shiruiders sud tîrmer huck. *Tuke breaks when you fret you couid use orne. *Massage Tberupy is as excellent muy Ir ruke cure of rreck pain, shouider discomfort, trrwer huck siiffiress, sud tep crainpîrgîu. Be gond tri yrrursetf sud ynrur bordy! Milton Therapeuric mouid tîke tir take ihis îrpprrrtunity to introduce Reiki Master, Lînda Marre Wallace tnr the ciinic. L Reiki is a rrruch rherapy techirrquen. irir s prîrvei trr reduce stress sud rehrrisnne enn.rgy therrughirn the bordy. iKaMehl- Lindr Marre rs a very gitted heaier urrd rs accegtrrîg nem clients ut the ctruîc. Milton Osteopnthy rrrr trrxriing patientis ut the chonie. Cail 905-878-0800 1 7 75 Main St.,Ste. 10 Milton Medica Buidings 0(RC~ wca ii îo Chi H.uS: Mou._Ir. 8_8 * SUt. 10-2 e Closed Sunday To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 - Eniail: classified@,haltonsearch.com - Fax 905-632-8165

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