o.u.uGnerlHep hdiGeneral HeIn hulGeeralfelp iilGenemlelp ~Y41Office HeIp I~'J1office HeIt L<.ReaiSalesHep ~ Hm ADMNITRTIE FC he HidHouse ASSSTNTAdonOntaelo z, Thîs as a permanent part-time position, 7lot M î PEIAIZNGN oao suitable for studento. General office duties in- fsson = N( i og, Drywal and Taping. No clude reception, invoicing, corresponidence mqoé r lob tou mal! 17 years exoe» picie ex. Baseouents, Additions, U U Wfiling, mail, etc. Oualified applicants must t.àoeMp sils to Hadwood Floor Refinisfh hav god usom r srvce kils ston oenf..so.s ie. Finish Carpnoioo Call houe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rctimr gdcutmrerceklloru c,.ond 416 566-0492. ciency cith MS Office. mone hong skis Pleaoe fax reoume includîng oalary fl . Join our om m u îtyexpectationo lui 905-877-9225 videc&on.oeO Your new Flamborough Walmart Supercentre Exerer.e MeHlDntspeiat etal is now hiring fuil-time, part-time and overnightLA ER associates in ai departments. At Walmart, we're proud of being a growing company that offers our associates: *10% Discount on ail purchases *One in every four weekends off *Competitive wages *Career development program *Local community involvemnent Apply on-fine at: www.you rwalIma rtca ree r.ca Or visit our hiring centre Iocated at: 7 Innovation Drive Suite 100, Flamborough ON. Monday to Saturday from 8amn to 5pmn, phone: 905-689-9273 San&Spa Help ___pSile kild& ep kle u saon P E Technîcal HeIp Technical Hel Tachnical Help OHAIRSTYLIST NEEDED 8Màffl2KT*i1i2Ui for~~~~~~~~~~ aBsSaoinGogtw Incentury City lookrg for a high leue hookkeeper fora ~ ~ ~ t BuySaossGoreoost00 an Account Manager somne af fie joh e- Cali Chrîs sponisibh ts ore occouns pouahle, accoun eevhe Srd ea e o c...e... 647-234-1846 Echu d55@vahus1 M ecncal ein M -7éhcal elp Full lime Groomer Wanted I am correnlly seckîng a fuîltlime groomer for the Milton area. Must ho an olt goîng isdîvîdual cho loues animal, conko coîl cîlfi olfior people and i able1 to coro îndependestly for my grscisg business. Musf toc able to wore Salurdays. Grosming diploma and work espesence is necesaary. Fer mare information please cail et 905-8064-63600. MILTON os carronlly looking for: AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Baoy oflop roqairoo addiliosol Lîcensed Techuicioos Si Aulomefivo Apprestices Contact Mr. David Steeîees Emnail: dsteeves140@hotmait.com Fax: 905-878-0180 Sensient Flavors Canada Inc., a leading manufacturer of tiavours and tood logredients, reqeires Candidate cull have af least a Refrigeration Operafor B certif icate. A millcright's cerfificate ail celding experience are considered assola. Saccesafal candidate must ho able fa read and tollow pninted istructions as cel as commanicate intormaion vrbally and in writing in Engtish. Work lakes place on rotafing shifts. Wage la $22.89 per hour. Please sufimit your application f0 the attsftion of the Plant Manager, qsoting "Maintenance Mechanlu" sn the aufijeut lise, by e-mail lu flavoir -miSsisaauga.recruiting@ sensient-lech.com or by fax 80 (905) 864-7642 We ihnk ail applicaoont o îoeir ereol, howeve, ony thoue oelected toroan interview oil ho cuniacted. SK AUO Ie .4 's Experienced Autobody Paloter Reqoirod for hoay Borfinglos collision Repoir Facilily. Please cuIt 905-634-2320, fax resume ta 905-434-2418 or eimait resume ta harlingloncas CALL CENTRE Deot Collectors FIT, Perme. No eop. Req. Must have good phose manner. OEW & Erin Mutas No Stuelents T: 905-855-0856 Ret#93 aenrd hvyae GeowreoLcOf o an uil- wt fiea temporaryg mrif leve) position Anpl- fcfed dartien abf osmne ear, otarfn oles tamid-JuI, 2009. pleriec and preal sotater Salary cummenoorale cîth esperience achin 132 ilSreety GeorgetownLa Offiafrî a7 206t Nome te phon(aem y inores, pst. An EsmdJuy 00.Eperienced foins real estatecei oalir oieEseniene with Conueyanicer, Pac acTeant msearchm an -Ote Emerne car multientaok anduwork1ceil n0a tea nurn met.Efeice ner yes 0110 a ausI, Slar clon&r Ascîtes Lpece 90-7-66Or fa 905-877-9725 Lecs lenat acu ct and o Ega ate-a * orinced soer aiOny tho ste aIfc ce in 111ctd. Warne loigfra idvda h ma dxeie esam ertyes tsplw o afi comn Olas taly em toi9:2 ieerellm on bel ieet j SUPRIO GOe eO K Leading manufacturer of cork glouco reqaires a For Mississaga, Oakuif le, Milton and Ail iton Sales calta are toi industriel facilities andoa distrihutor selcatls. Preference cll fie gîsen ta esperîenced sales peopl e vhl are cdll or- ganizcd, have good communication skifles, are selfstatersandcon orhwithlitle speri- sion. Base salary, commisso, companry car and espenses. Ie wi onl cotc .hs f neet al strateqies inc. 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