Family got dog at six weeks old Support doesn't end when *ý f rom SEARCH on page Ai stdt thiat attrn on w l liter notting. Sie went w om n ea e op P ac Cu Avenuc and Ontarto Street - bas bccn calimng t'.ery vet sliopptng tround noo nd bue shi rettîtl tc a ..l.. a e o e l c c: tn tusstîn cvery second day, along with arca shetiwrs. hours; later, Tcddy was gone. >; ledidy ts mwo-and-a-haif years oid and ail whitc. She The witness said the man took, the dog at about with * fmm ON Sorti pge ASci t1tepu ora tutn e stb h -'0 bias iived with the lingieys since she was six wceks old 2:30 p. i. a dctox aity"W Sytkeayrtor h c: and the famiiy - which includcs two' two-ycar-oid lingiey said bie assumed leddy had gottct ut and aciy eaeinitnsvWct n say ita as' yark tu t'y ha 0) grandkids - is heartbroken. run away until hie spoke with the resident about what yegg nitnictet n fi us' uk u ,m a lm Tngley said leddy must have foilowed bis wife otut- she had seen. ment, Iearnitîg tî put their livcs yuur misery back,' Ntcbui says. 2 'When 1 liadtht was kind of heart-broken, back together, and wtork on lorgtv- She points out tberc's nu 'tyl ElTbecause whcn (somne bas taketi) bier, yuu'rno ing tters and themseives. Sincc cal" clitent. be hak. r en lMost of thc ssumcn arc tnhrs Whtie slhc \vas raiscd i ,t bmtts 1 He supet theS otanin citie watc edyorbi theres a particular shamc about btîw btîld wbcre shc sttil luiius'ed zown famiy or stole the dtîg tn ortîcr to seil it. their actioins havec afîected their chtl bier mtîtîiers footsteps. uthi O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Det. Sgt. Murray Drmtîkwaitcr tf Halton police said deNctiepan.wîcîcte'rtisistip 1 Mffl cases itke this are cxtretîîeiy rare. Downstairs theres a huard plts- [aieis. "If anyone knows aityone who recentiy came into possession of a dog ike this, please contact us," hie said. The man is described as a young, black maie. Cal police at (905) 825-4747, ext. 2415, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-lips. Stephanie Hounscil can bce reachcd at sthiessenCami/î- toncanadiantchampion.con. tered with photographs of babies and kids - ail photos sent by moth- ers after thcy've left Hope Place. "Thank you for heling my mommy save hier life so she could give me mine," is written across one. Once women leave, they're con- nected with foiiow-up care and are Wednesday, june I 7th, 2009 7:00 to 8:3Opm at Living Arts Centre, Mtssissauga Seating is Limited. Secure your spot today! 416.640.7526 Ext. 240 or IL LW Investment -Planning Counsel* PC INVESTMENT CORPORATION tr vc 'i- c- in cr ,In the casc uf a 78-\'cr-oid hoard mnember who wsihs tu remain anionymnous. it vasn until licr ftfttes that she startcd cirinktng tuu otucli. 1i donit knuss wby 1 5vas angry, but i was angry and bouzc hielpcd," she says. After retiring, she had morc titîte on hier hands tu drink. i iived in nîs bcdrounî ws'th tny boule," she says, adding .tlthuugh she and hier husband didn't talk about it, be mnust liasc knuwn. "F\,er\ dasy 1 %\ uld ývakc Il anud s,ti wasn't gottîg tu drtnk likc thiat again and every day i'd fail tnto bcd senseiess." Someone recommended Hope Place and 15 years ago at the age of 63, despite bier misgivings - "i was a properiy brought-up Engiish lady What was i doing in detox? What wouid my mother think?" - she checked herseif in and successfuiiy compieted the program. Hope Place Centres Executive Director Jacqie Shartier says she looks at what she does more as a cailing than a job. "I reaiiy believe we're doing God's work here. So many lives are transformed." For more information, visit Stephanie Hounseil can lie reached at sthiessenCamiltoncanadianeltampi- oncom. CORRECTION NOTICE The Lego Batties for Nintendo DS game (#527938.) advertised in our current fiyer (endingJune. l2th) wiII flot be avale. We apologizefor any inconvenienoe this may have caused. CORRECTION NOTICE The 1,500 PSI Pressure Washer (#1012229.)- advertised in our current flyer (endingjune l2th) will fot be available. We apnlogizefor any inconvessimSo this may have eaused.