lbhe business that considers ilseH Immune to the n.esslty for advertlsing sooner or later finds itseif immune to business." Drbriy Brown Dateline Tbursday June il Morrs Supporting Moms in Milton -a support group for mothers struggling with postpar- tum depression and/or anxiety - meets at Halton Kids West Milton Huh at Our Lady of Victory School, 540) Commercial St., [rom 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call Janet Siverns at (905) 825-6000, ext. 2927. The Deck drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. -(rear entrance), invites students [rom Grades 6 to 9 'to stop by between 3:30 and 6 p.m. to play a game of pooi or just bang out. High sehool students are welcome hetween 7 and 10 p.m. Visit www. thedeckmilton .com. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one breassfeeding clinie witb a certificd lactation èonsultant frons 6 to 9 p.m. To make an appointmcnt, caîl Jîli Hicks at (905) 878-2383, cxt. 7610O. Big Brothcrs Big Sîstcrs of Iliaiton hois aî volunitccr informa- ilion scssion ai ï p.11 ai tilt, agcncy s ncw Milton office ai 69 Main St. E., unit 4, for anyone intercstcd in mcntoring a local child. Caîl (905) 878-8840 or vîsit The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., bolds fine dancing from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Tbursday Afternoon Movie [rom 1:30 to 3 p.m featuring Bride Wars, contract bridge from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., clogging from 2 to 3:30 p.m. and table tennis from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The cost for each activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-mem- bers. The book club is held [romn ili a.m. tu noon and the walking club runs from 10 a.m. to noon, weath- er permitting. Bid euchre is held [rom 1:30 to 4 p.m. for $2.50 for memb ers and $4.50 for non-mem- bers. Caîl (905) 875-1681. Thursday lune il - 30 The Town of Milton celebrates Recreation and Parks Month with daily activities including free fit- ness classes, skates and swims, and a chance to wîn prizes. For a calen- dar tof events, visit oir caîl (905) 878-7252, cxi. 2211. Tbc Milton Scnîiors' Activiiv (-.cntrc, 500 C biids Dr., holds Seniors'MNonth atiiviics iîîciîîtllug I icu ttc iio ttli ii ,and iiiii' ttiis andit spcciai droli n piograis 'tist tir caîl (905) 875- 1681. Fridayjune 12 Tbis is the lasi day to RSVP [tir tbe United Way of Miltons 26tb annual general meeting, wbicb is beld June 23 at 6:30 p.m. at tbe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., witb guest speakers Stewart Pbillips and Halton Region's Dr. Shelley Lothian, speaking on 'The Cbanging Milton.' Reserve a spot hy calling (905) 875-2550 or e-mail office@mniltonunitedwayca. The Deck drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear enîrance), invites students frîîm Grades 6 tii 9 tii stol) hy heîween 3:30 and 6 p.m. îo play a game of pool tir just bang oui. Higb scboîîl siudcnts arc welcomc hetweeiî 7 and i1 p.m. Visit www.tbedcckmilttîn.con. Milton District Hospitl btîlds a drop-in breast[eeding group witb a certified lactation coînsultant frtînî 10 to 11:30 a.rn ai (Xi- L ady oii Victory Scbitîl, 540 Coimmeîrcial Si., wiîlî informîationu shared anti Iiabies ss ciglied. Prcgiiani usiiîci arc sctiîCal ,îiili filitEs ,i (Q05) 878- 2383 t'\ cm. t1) N ipissing Rld. tunit 3, litilts il, , Nol- unteer drop-in frîn 10 iii i p.m. iii bcip sort auid pack foiod ai tbe foîod lian tor bcli prcparc l'or tîther cornîîîuniiy progranîs. C ail (905) 875-1022 oir c-mail rtih@khicoinnunity.conî. Blue on the, solid gold on the inside. Sure, a lot of things corne to your door, but theres one local business and community directory you should bring in and keep available. Gold Book's neighbourhood listings out-perform. In the front of the book there is a wealth of community information, maps, restaurant menus and exclusive features such as entertainment and attraction guides that will help \ ou day after day. ýRecycle the rest; just keep the best. lt's solid gold. lui, Of,, È1 w0 F,.,,, 0,ý~ jokt Ê. e ~ Eu CT