Firefighters take on yet another suspicious blaze , By Stephanie Hounseli sbouldnî' jusi spontaneously conmbusi,- sai(l0 CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Halton Regional Polices Sgt. Duncan Taylor.r Due to the extcnt of the damnage. [-Ilis said> Fisc suispicionts lires to ,bandonedl build- il isn't Possible iu localte \,s here the lire stari- 3 îngs ini lis iunînhs. A Vs'ednesdlas' morning cd., neyer mincI the cause. Oz blaze ai anl old barni ou Ntnth In lu is respon- lit cligh ters reniai ncd at ie sccene i tot ie sîble for thai round numiber. aliernocon Wedniesday to put out flot spots. Cresvs lrom the Milton [ire Departieni They baitled a simiilar [ire tb an aban- responded to the firc beisseen Dcrry and donedl barn on Nînîth LUnecApril I. Britanniia roads jusi alter 3:30 ar.ii. taking -This is one area thai scemrs to hc a bit of over for the Mississauga lire departinent, a locus,- Ellis said. wbich arrived fîrsi on the scenie. Situations where the Mississauga fire veitla nu occupants, there wasn't imuch tu be donc but donse il witb watcr, said the Milton Fire Departments fire prcs'ention inspector, Steve Ellis. ,,if it looks like its abandoncd and theres nobody living there, ils flot worth taking the risk to get inside," Ellis said, adding. [tl (the harri) was prctty mucb gone by the tirne we got there.' Adding to the reason for the defensive approacb was the fact the harn was slated for demolition by a developer, Ellis said. As with the other four fires s I-air this year to abandoord or nnoccupied buildings, the cause of the blaze is nndetermined. But also as wîtb the other buildings, thîs one was without clcctricity, pntting the Iire in the "suspicious" category, Ellis said. Police are investigating. "If's an abandoned structure that really for the Milton Fire Deparîment, since Milton is billed for the necighbouring departmets services, [luis said, part of an established agreement that goes botb ways. There have been taîks between the Milton Fire Department and the Town of Milton to- address the possibility of baving abandoned buildings demolished sooner than later to help reduce the frequcncy of these types of Iires, Ellis said. Tcrry Kay, the Towns chief building offi- ciaI, said the Iire departmcnî eontacted the Town to look at has'ing some vacant build- ings - particularly those around Ninth [mne - deemed unsafe under the Ontario Building (ode su ibey coulcl be removed. "(Ifs a) gîoup effort to look at (the situa- tion) to sec what we can do," Kay said. Stephanie Hounsell can be reched at B ody S oI1e 5500Ontaio St. MiIon sp0a > Pizza Hut Plaza At Dery &Ontaulo GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Milton f ire prevention inspector Steve Ellis (front) and technician Brett Hill survey the aftermath of a fire that destroyed a Ninth Line barn Wednesday. TAKE NOTICE that the Halton District Sehool Board passed an Education Developrnent Chage By-law on the 20th day of May, 2009, under Section 257.54 of the Education Act: ANID IAKE NOTICE thai any person or organi.'ation mnay appeal the By lwt h nai Municipal Board under Section 257.65 of ihe Act by filing wîth the Secrctary of ihe I-aIton District School Board on or before the 29th day of June, 2009, a notice of appeal setîing out the objection to the By-law and the reasons supporting the objection. The By-law cornes int force on June 8, 2009. The education development charges irnposed by the By-law are as follows: * $1,.755.00 per dwelling unit in regard to residential development * $0.49 per square foot of gross floor area in regard to non-residential developrnent The education developrnent charges are imposed on aIl developrnent of lands in the Region of Halton. Accordingly, a key map showing the location of the lands subject to the By-law ia not provided as part of this notice. A copy of the complete By-law is available for examination in the offices of the Board located at 2050 Guelph Line, JW Singleton Education Centre. Burlington, Ontario, during regular office hours or on the Board website at Notice of a proposed by-law amending the education development charge by-law or passage of such an arnending by-law is not required to be given to any person or organization. other than to certain clerks of municipalities or secretaries of sehool boards. unless the person or organization gives the secretary of the Board a written request for notice or any amendmcnts to the education development charge by-law and bas provided a return address. Daied at the City (if Burfingion this 2Jsi day of Maýy 2009 jj Halton Di Bruce Jones, Chair of tie Board W H-lton District Sehool Board strict School Board Wayne Joudrie, Director ofEducation H-lton District School Board S~SP * o s:*& S 905 87 050 e- I e.ý eýçýrrÇ- 1 &.M -bWg I-