Readers.! E-mail your letters ta ectanal@miltancanadhanchampî Health-care concérns addressed DEAR EDITOR: This letier is in response ta the Champions Ma>' 15 editorial entitled 'Mare cammon sense an way for health care.' Ontario's dociors will review the legîslatian introduced b>' the gavernment ihat will broaden the scope of practice for some healîh-care professianals ta ensure that patient safet>' îs pra- tected and that patients are receiving the best care fram the mast apprapriate health-care professional. We're pleased that many of aur cancernis that were raised during the consultation process were addressed. Pratecting patient safet>' is paramaunt and will he aur key consideration as we review the legislatian. Ontario's doctors are also pleased that the government bas commitîed ta continue ta focus an collaborative care, not health care provided in silos. Collahorative care models ihat hning health-care profes- sionals tagether have gone a long way ta enhance access ta services for Ontarians. Ioda>', mare than 630,000 patients who didn't have access ta a physician now do. We are currentl>' warking with the gav- ernment ta find anather 500,000 peuple a doctor. Howcvcr, the level of care that a doctor can provide should Plenty of assisaance progra tram ADDRESSING on page A6 and KidsSporn 1 these assistance avenues, as evidenced by ile Tow of Milton stallcd efforts ai the Rick jefire>' Kids Foundatian assistance progr; (, Judging by ta wbich was started about twa years aga b>' Shailene prnsdntk Papple as a tribute ta ber sparts enthusiast father. parets dont kbr Wbile receiving ample support from business- them. es and individuals since its 2007 inception, the Tassm founidation seems ta be in dry dock these days, bdh witb no requcats for help caming tbraugb in ba ht sparts recent months. The faundcation is mare than will- days. ing ta help youngstcrs play' in an>' sport, nat just But the bigg hockey being able ta ex~ And thaîs just anc af several pragrams oui because mom a there, witb Canadian Tires lump Start program little help. Many Miltonians willing to lend efront IF on page A6 maîtera, especiall>' wben a cbild is involvet. Even tbougb Skalski icît dis- îressed, she ma>' bave appeared ta have the situation under con- trol, and bier fellow shoppers didn't want ta, interfère. I was recenil>' asked for help b>' a fellow sbopper and 1 gladi>' gave it. l'm sure mosi people in Milton would do communit>' is fui fuI people, as is tIse many letter tIse Champian th ofien sirangera, tance in times ai TIse baîîom need help, ask think you will be As for Ska flot bc subsîiîutcd for expedien- e>' According ta a report released b>' the Institute for Clinîcal Evaluative Sciences, not baving a famil>' doctor leads ta more emergene>' room visits and hospital admissions for ihose who bave chronie diseases in Ontario. Thaî's why Ontarios doctors firml>' believe that it should continue ta be the goal of the goverfiment ta help every Ontarian who doesn't have a famil>' physician find anc. SUZANNE STRASBERG, MD, PRESIDENT ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ms available )ciing amnong the others. Bth the and lialton Region have their awn ams as well. lks with Papple, aiten its nat that 10w about these types af henefits, assed about îaking advantage of vhat undersiandable, and its toa are such a castl>' endeavour these er shame wauld be a child not perience aIl that sparts bas ta affer nd dad arc toa proud ta ask for a a helping hand the saine. Our remark, 1i hope wben those I ai kind, Iselp- people are in same kind ai pain evidenced b>' that nobody helps them,' does- spublishet in nit that displa>' the samne lack of anking people, caring shes complaining about? for their assis- As Gandhi said, 'We muai be need. tIse change we wanî ta sec in the line is if you world.' Lead b>' example, Ms for it. I don't Skalski. disappointed. BESS LILLICO lski's closing MILTON Public school struggling with age limit due to swelling enroliment 7Ture Capsules' are geins of infor - matian extracted front past issues of thte Champion and other publications in aider ta pwovide a windaw into Miltan past. Explanatary comment is sametimes pravided ta place thte situa- tian in cantext. April 1913 On account af want of room in tbe infant department af the public scbool, instructions were isaued some time ago tbaî no pupils less tban six years of age abould be accepîed, but tbe age limit fails ta meet presenit conditions. Every seat in the infant depariment is naw occupiet and, wiîbin a sbort time at least 12 cbildren bave been turned away, some of tbem over seven years aId. Last Monda>' two cbildren, new- comers wbo bave been attending seboal elsewbere, were rejected. One ai îhem* is over seven years aId. There are 120 pupils in tbe depart- ment, tao many for anc teacher. A considerable increase in population is expected this year and prompt action to meet tbe situation is neces- sar>' it is suggested tIsai a new build- ing for tbe infant classes be erected and tbat its site be central, so tbat tbe youngsters of tbe'south end will not bave ta walk as far as tbey do now Yesterday Miss Spearman comn- pleted tbe wark ai cataloguing tbe books ai tIse public librar'. Sbe is tbe official cataloguer sent out by the Ontario governimenî. Sbe bas intra- duced the new card system desired in aIl libraries for uniformit>' and ta facilitate full and correct returns ta thç governmrrent, wbicb pays balf of the expense. Out ai tbe 417 libraries in tbe province Miss Speannan bas done tbe cataloguing, in about 100 and there are applications for ber services fmom 66. Under tbe card sys- tetu aIl books are an classified and arranged that an>' book desired and on tbe shelves can be banded out at once. Tbe card system had a great Mtiton ime capsules advantage over the printed catalogue, inasmuch as it is always completel>' up to date. Miss Spearman says that our library compares ver>' favorably witb tbose of most of the towns that she bas visited, the books being par- ticularly well selected. Few, she says, have anytbing like our supply of the best of reference works. She was sur- prised ta hear that tbougb the ratepayers of tbe town bad carnied a vote for a Carnegie librar>' more than two years ago, notbing bad been done towards carrymng oui their man- date. Miss Spearman's work was great>' expediîed b>' volunteer help kindl>' given ber b>' ladies, wbo bave still somne work to do, so thatit ais flot likel>' that the librar>' will bc reopened before Saturda>' l9th. As the work of tbe librarian in giving out books will be greal>' expediîed under tbe new sysiero and as there are many enîries ta, make after it bas been finisbed, tbe directors bave shortened tbe open hours. in future tbey wilt be from 3 ta 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Tbursdays and Saturdays and from 7:30 to, 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Wardens of counties bave been asked in a circular issued from Ottawa ta say wbetber or flot tbey approve of old-age pensions, said pensions ta be given ta thse deserving aged and poor onl>', flot ta the inîem- perate or immoral, or ta ibose wbo bave criminal convictions recorded against tbem. Thtis material is assembled on belbalJ of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills, who ean be reaehed througb the saciety ait (905) 875-4156. "Home ofthe Famous sù1ie4~ ~6àVàzWally Burger" DIVISION 0F WAL> 'S M EAT S LT D. E AST. 1 9 61 HOURS: TuesWed: 8am - 6 pm'Thurs/F: 8 am - 7Pmi, Sturday 8 m -6pm, Sunàay 8am -3 Pm We are Milton 's Oldest Butcher S/top, serving the community since 1961. We pride ourse/ves as being the finest. Our beef is naturally dry aged for 21 days, thte same way we have been doing it for the past 48 years. No me 1, 11WIIff toCook? AkkmCra L &Or a10 ftI1r110-lNo* IW4*MWz SIN BWWI "Mm"% »y7 Our Ifn-Houqe kitchen.. y~-ft*»cb Se"The Best Take-out In Town! 8im Lunch 113 arnm 2: pm lbieday to Frlday BestIn Twn Sish-e-Bo'sI Dinner: 5 pm - 7 pm Thursday and FrIday Bet. Ikn. Town Lm S is tae. usîro lxdVeeab Order pour Fresh Turkey for Thanksgiving & Christmas 55 Mai Stee Eas *.ex to .arcad 90 -789 2 Cuto :aern **ial o edng cain