~II~% ~Ç' Recreation & Parks Month Calendar Use this calendar (available at www.milton.ca) to find a variety of activities to help you get active every day! Visit the Recreation & Parks Month booth at the Downtown Milton Street Festival from 3:00 - 7:00 pm. 1- . I Free Fitness Fridays The Town of Milton is offering free fitness classes at the Milton Leisure Centre every Friday in June. Get active and come try something new! Activity Punch Pass Pick up your Activity Punch Pass (at the Leisure Centre, Sports Centre or Seniors' Activity Centre) and get it punched every time you participate in any physical activity program at Town facilities in June for a chance to win cool prizes. You may also submit a summary of your activities (at a Town facility or elsewhere) at www.milton.ca. Get Caught Walking and Wheeling if you are caught walking or wheeling by a Town staff member or volunteer, you will win prizes such as free activity passes to Town facilities and more! Free for Father's Day - June 21 (Skate: 1:00 - 2:50 pm, Sports Centre) (Swim: 2:00 - 3:30 pm, Leisure Centre) Dads skate/swim for free when accompanied by a paying child. Free Special Needs Skate (June 15, 2:00 - 2:50 pm, Sports Centre) Join this skate exclusively for persons with disabilities and their families/caregivers. Summer Skating (Visit www.milton.ca for skate times) Keep cool indoors while being active with summer recreational skating at the Milton Sports Centre. Spray Pads Enjoy the spray pad at Rotary Park from June 6 to the Sunday following Labour Day; all other spray pads open in May. (Refer to the Community Connections Map at www.milton.ca for spray pad locations.) Trails & Bikeways Guide Walk, bike or roller blade through Milton's many parks and trails with family and friends all month long with the help of the Town's Trails & Bikeways Guide. (Available at www.milton.ca and Town facilities) ZONING BY-LAW - NOTICE OF PASSING TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Milton passed By-law Number 073-2009 on the 25th day of May 2009 under Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. This by-law amends the Town of Milton Zoning By-law #144-2003. The applicant listed below applied for this amendment and as per legislation, as a neighbouring property owner, you have the right to appeal this by-law. If you choose not to appeal this by- law, no further action is necessary. SHOULD YOU WISH TO APPEAL this by-law, you may appeal to The Ontario Municipal Board by filing with the Town Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Milton. A copy of the appropriate appeal form is available from the Ontario Municipal Board website at www.omb.gov.on.ca or by contacting the Town Clerk's Division at 905-878-7252 #2131. Please choose Appellant Form (A1). This form must be accompanied with $125.00 payable by certified chaque or money order to the Minister of Finance and must be filed with the Clerk's Division of the Town of Milton, at the address listed below, not later than the 18th day of June 2009. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to The Ontario Municipal Board. A Notice of Appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a Notice of Appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. EXPLANATORY NOTE By-law 073-2009 amends the Town of Milton Comprehensive Zoning By-law 144-2003, as amended. The purpose and effect of this housekeeping amendment is to provide additional permissions and requirements relating to residential driveways and landscaping, to clarify wording and intent, and provide additional parking requirements for specific land uses. Please contact the Planning & Development Department for inquiries regarding By-law Number 073-2009 at (905) 878-7252 ext. 2398. DATED this 29th day of May 2009 Troy McHarg, Town Clerk Town of Milton NOTICE OF SURPLUS LANDS Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Milton has declared certain lands on Bronte Street as surplus to the Town's needs. Further details on these lands can be obtained from staff report ES-026-09, which is available on the Town's web site (www.milton.ca). The general location of these lands is shown below. These lands were purchased for the construction of Fire Station #3, however plans for the location of the Fire Station have changed, and the property along Bronte Street is no longer required by the Town. If is staffs intention to offer this parcel of land back to the previous owner. This notice is provided in accordance with Town of Milton Property Disposal By-law No. 34- 95. Further information with respect to the aforementioned Notice may be obtained from the Deputy Clerk, Town of Milton, 150 Mary Street, Milton, Ontario (905) 878-7252, extension 2109. Dated at the Town of Milton this 29th day of May, 2009 Troy McHarg, Town Clerk - Town of Milton www.milton.ca 905-878-7252. ext. 2211 The Corporation of the lrown of Milton 905-878-7252 TTY: 905-878-1657 1-800-418-5494 e Rockwood/Guelph a www.milton.ca 1