frOrn DATELINE on page 814 Contact Tammy at (905) 87 from I to 3 p.m., Scrable from Il120 ext 2-5 ERIC RItHL / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION GET11NG MOVING: Student Christopher Sinden runs under a parachute held by his teammates during the annual Energy Challenge at the [.C. Drury complex last [riday. The event promoted physical activity through various events. noon to 3:30 p. m., bingo [rom 1:30 to 4 p.m. and table tennis [rom 2:30 to 4 p.m. The cost [or each activity is $2 for both mnembers and non-members. The centres adviso- ry board bosts the free Senior' Month Coffee and Chat [rom 2 to -3:30 p.m. And evening bld euchre is held from 7:30 to 10 p.m. The cost is $2.50. Cati (905) 875-1681. Wednesday june 3 Hope Place Centres holds the 2009 Swing For Hope Golf Classic with CFTO sportscaster Joe Tilley at Granite Ridge Golf Club on Dublin Line. Att proceeds go to the centrels [acility expansion. Tickets cost $175 per person or $700 per foursome. Dinner tickets cost $85. Registration takes place at il arn. and dinner is at 7 p.m. Thie De&k drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rcar entrance), invites students [rom Grades 6 to 12 to stop by between 2:45 and 6 p.m. to play a game of pool or just bang out. Visit Milton District Hospital bolds a one-on-one breastfeeding cllnic with a certified lactation consultant [rom noon to 4 p.m. To make an appointment, catI jIti Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holds its vol- Untee drop-in [rom 10 a.m. to i p.m. to help sort and pack food at the [ood bank or help prepare for other community progranis. CatI (905) 875-1022 or e-mail rob@khicommunitycom. GreenCart Acceptable Liners lt's up to you whether you uine your GreenCart or not. If you choose to line your GreenCart, here are the acceptable liners: q " Newspaper/flyers " Paper towels " Cardboard " Paper bags " Paper food wasîe bags " Certified compostable bags with the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) logo: SCOMPOSTABLE Bags that display the BPI logo are designed to compost quickly and safely when composted in a commercial composîing facility. For a list of GreenCart acceptable liers and where they can be purchased, visit GreenCart materials in the following bags will flot be collected: " Plastic shopping bags " Plastic garbage bags " Green plastic recycling bags " Oxo-biodegradlable bags By excluding these plastic bags, we supply the composting facility with a dlean material, resulting in a higher quality final compost product. More Blue &t Green fora Beter Planet Pilot Rain Barrel Sales Events Diverting water from your downspout into a rain barrel allows for rain water capture and storage. This is an excellent source of water for your garden. Residents of Halton Region may purchase a rain barrel for $45 (cash only), at any one of the four sales events scheduled for: Saturday Jun 63 H alton W alst M anagment Sie, 5400nH il 8:00 arn. to 12:00 p.m.ReinlRa#2,Mto(aspsicd Saturday May 30 GadrpAla off l event Cnte Saturday June 13 Oaklle Wos Yardem140 Suth, Servic 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Road West (between Third and Fourth Line), Oakville *Limit of one per household/per purchase, while supplies last *Must provide proof of Halton Region residency (such as Driver's License) *Cornes equipped with mosquito screen *Downspout adaptation and mosquito prevention instructions included with purchase For more information visit www.halton.caIwaterconservation. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds bil- Ilard fro ni 9 a rn. to 9 p.m .,' con- bact bidge rom 9:15 to 11:30 -2 ar. and Mexkca tran dlomainoca rom 1 to 4 p.m. The cost for cach activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Its Weely <o LUnch Couter is also held, fcatcr- ~ ing a hot meal for $6. Sign up in0 advance. A semlinff entitled'Living c: Weii with Diabetes' runs from 12:45 tu 1.30 p.m. To register, caUl (905) 875-1681. And the Milton Lisure Centre on Main Street holds drop-in volleyball [rom 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. [or $3.50. Cati (905) 878-7946. Milton Transit celebrates Seniors' Month by holding free co)nventonal bus service al day for aduts aged 65 and older. Cali (905) 815-2020 or visit wwmi- 8-