bé -IFtMd0 Tro:Always Sorelnotig For Evormyono's liste At.... S .1 DAILY SPECIALS... MONDAY: I$5.00 appetizers (i. tame) (4pm to close) Ai You Can Eat Ribs e $11.95 (5 to 9pm) TUESDAY: 2 for 1 Fish & Chips 35< Chicken Wings & Riblets... Ali Day! WEDNESDAY: 2 for 1 lunch board FUATURES 2 for 1 Liver & Onions or dft Bangers & Mash THURSDAY: - 35e Wings & Riblets (ALL DAY) 2 for 1 Fajitas... Ali Day! FRIDAY: Rob's Feature Dinners SATURDAY: Prime Rib Dinner $17.25 SUNDAY: 2 for 1 Stir Fries Ali Day! Cefrating Thi ank You Milton! Your support made the -Gala a great successf l.Muton Distic Ho5pital Foundatîon slnoeoet aPPréciates the sMent auction donations from the following: Cead Bua Fighting Faction ioe's Wholesale Produce Tupperware - Melissa Reynolds Please join us next year on April 24th, 2010 for another vening Of funt and fundraising! For more information, please c 'ontact Anne Zujko 905-878-2383 ext.7173 or azujko@hatonhealthcare.on.ca Visit our website at w.dfc WOjKSUMMELSMR! Fastworkutsmono Iow p rice- Now for a Iimited time, sign Up and you'II enjoy Unlimîited Access Best alue for the summer! Milton 1030 Kennedy Cirde -.' .05-875-2545 f, tefren - e'oeere - 0yC2 S a ff r le - à