z - ~WflUTh~3 "r ELEMENTI Summr rgisraton cceted um atc I ~O9 -luiie 27th, 2009 Sem"io#1 j.ly l3eh -.Juiy l7t ses"ien1 JoIy 2Oeh- jIy 24ih ses" #2 Aug. lOds- Aug. 141h H Ses" #n2 As.. 17th - Aug 21at S179.O0/Week t $40Oday Uti Imdudied $100.00lWeek t, S30.OOIday pai ieded Combining dance wilii aiu & cralis, liai Extrerne Arts Dance Our Pre-Sehool Camp is a must for ait young princes and Camp s lte best fail-day camp for daecees &1t2yeae wilth a princesses uses 2 1/2 -5 years. m7is oee week peogrm combination of Acro, Jazz, HipHop & Tep yoar cld je ua- itoae ieyugs acrbbieju e, aateed te have a greal dime. Ibis camp elso incuires deily arts rdcsteyunetdne oblltjztp n and crafis amd a movie too! If ltais ext enoagh t o ge yu ecro elong tiith anls & crafis liroagt lte week. Our blooli paaipiau, titis fen filel week inclades an afiemoon of espeneanceli TDE insteuctoes are sure 10 giVC your child water gemes aie aiearity park! lte attention ltey eeli t0 develop a love for dance. And Abut Our irfot & Aller Ceam Pnommee le * Gutar* Dums* VcalONTARIO FPUM @uiar, Drms@ oo>clÀCADEMY 0F Corne Rock Out & Learn About This Exciting Prograrn! LVAII/ ~r LCCELY E'AiriLiAIP¶LL F For Kid 6 Years Porm Sclture Paditl Avallable July 6th te Drawlng, Crattb hWiWs witi a Variety Th'eon HUe ef Materials are Gloal Explorers Explored ta Croate Earih WInd Fire Waler Artwork of Quality Manga, Super Heimes, and Charml n ati ICelebrating our l8th Season! Artiste Allycla APeter UJccello 905.8540511 1 Visit aur webeIte for details: www.artcamp.ca >%It 1 s 1) ( ý -%,gtý-, 6 - 12 .% x gt-, 2 1/2 tý;t i-ý