Irs pfl>n trnel Street festival promises something for everyone DY 5teve Lel CANADIAN CHAM estivls gown eticîed g0 the T besrce Dontoe Since its 2007 inceptirt town'a l5Oîb anniversary, ti kick-off celebration has ba entertainers clamouring to tivities. "This year we bad over: applicants wanting t0 bc part of the festival. I bats afpretty good indication ofjust how big the event F 1 getting," said returning entertainment co-ordina- tor Donna Danielli, who Itbrougb her annual trips Music Week extravaganza Marcb bas developed ple "We've bad requests from pt world." Among those wîll be Par alternative ensemble fromnt will gel the Party rolling nei 6) as the opening act. 0f course thats juat the t as far as tbree-stage music the third annual festival, whi 3 ta il p.m. in the core. Headlining this years ev Those About to Rock, a AG'DC caver band thatîIl er the main stage at 10 p.m. Miltons own The Randal an Ontario Independent Mi year and are set for a U. K.t will bit the stage at 9 p.m. Before tbat there'lI be a wi ent, wiîb a total of 35 acts offe to please festival-goers witb Blanc musical taste imaginable. PION STAFF Said Danielli, "We've got crooners, folk and alternative rock, reggae and even a Celtic Milton Stre et fiddler. Basically theres sometbing for ever>'- g popularit>' isn't one. And 80-to-90 per cent of tbe banda bave crowds. members wbo eitber live in Milton, grew up n t0 celebrate tbe bere or work in town. Working witb tbe fes- te annual summer tival bas reailly opened my eyes as toj usi bow d banda and otber mucb great talent we've got bere." be part of tbe fes- And tbe festivals appeal is bardly limited t0 music. Along witb tbe Milton 300 Communit>' Resource Centres Fun 1 Fair - w îch will mun fro i 10 Pr - hsyeara street part>' 1promises more for its young M1o re.t FegtiVa1 b A rock-clîmbing waîî bas Mi fi t o n 9een added t0 te m ix , t0 tbe Canadian wbile a balloon launcber, in Toronto eacb clowns, face painting, possible BMX demon- ru>' of contacts. strations and a viait by Reptile Rob and bis tapIe ahl over the slitbery frienda will combine t0 keep kida and adolescents alike entertained. kdane, a mellow "We've even got a stilt walker tbia year. 0f ýouîb Africa tbat course at some point 1 guesa 1 abould warn t Saturda>' (lune bim tbhat Main Street is kind of an uphill walk," quipped Danielli, wbo expects allen- ip of tbe iceberg dance lobe on par witb tbe 15,000 wbo came line-up goes for out tbe past two yeara. cb will mun from Tbe street part>' will also, feature dozens of vendors - man>' from the areas arts acene ent will be For - as well as plent>' of scrumptious food to Toronîo-based savour. id tbinga off on Parking will be available aI tbe fair- grounds and Mary Street parking lots, but la - wbo won witb Maîtamy Homes once again providing usic Award laat free abuttle service, festival-goera are encour- our Ibis faîl - aged ta leave their vebicles aI bome. For a scbedule of events and abule serv- ide array of tai- ice limes, visît ring sometbing Steve LeBlanc can be reached ar jual about any slbacwitnaadacapo-CM ARTS w -I 2 0 z