Councillors, staff to get 2.5 % pay raises in June By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Town council voted Monday to give themselves and the municipaity's 183 non-union staff, including managers, a 2.5 per cent raise at the start of June. The pay hike isn't a cost- of living hike but rather a .market adjustment, which is done annually and is based on comparable increases given to, non-union employ- ees at other similar munici- palities, according to staff. The Town's non-union staff have received an average 2.7 per cent market adjusted raise over the past three years, slightly below increas- es negotiatcd with unionized workers. Generally, such increases for white-collar municipal workers fly under the radar, but due to the economic recession the issue bas received more attention from the media. The City of Top 5 staff salaries and taxable b.eleits (&cm< public Secton 5041ry Désrioscre i ifs> Townl of Meltan H:lton Regino* H Iton OStoct Srhgol Board Halton Catholic Dsteict hchool Board Malton Mealthcare 5erlces-- 200 / 2008 %5 increase $708,770 $741,014 4 s $928:693 $988,185 fià4 $871,586 S909,18-1 3 .9 $743,091 $783,471 5.4 $1,55/,i5l Si,/9/,8t6 15,4 Toronto's Mayor David Miller announced recently that municipality would be freezing any bikes toi non- unionized staff and he, along with some other councillors, would be returning their own psy increases to the City Only one Milton council- lor decided to discuss the issue Monday night. Ward 3 Councillor Jan Mowbray responded to an e-mail she received from a local resident asking ber to vote against the council and staff salary increase. "I do believe we bave an obligation to approve tbis report because the unionized staff bave already received their raise in Marcb," said Mowbray, arguing she didn't want to create a problemn of inequity between the Towns workers. The councillor was refer- ring to, tbree tbree-year agreements recently bar- gained by the Town. The 29 unionized staff of the Towns fire department will receive annual 3 per cent psy hikes this year and the next two years. The 27 staff in the Intcrnatioiial Brotherhood oîf Electnical Workers negotiat- ed annual 2.5 per cent bikes over the same time period, as did the 37 library staff repre- sented by CUPE. Tim Foran can be reached at tforan@miltoncanadian- champion.comn. South v.iew Ue Ï t c. Dr. David Johnso Di' Loukas Papas Providing Dental Care in Milton since 1993 New PatÎents Welcome. 905-876-4701 AUTO BO0DY (ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. 15 Nipissing d. Mito (905 878272 *S Ooo~ot include salary ut the CAO es ho workPd in Catedon in 2007 **operator of Mlton, Oubsloe, Geogtown hospitais