garag sales MILTON MILTON MILTON MILTON MiLTN MILTON Z AAE MliFmî ONOS MULT AIY 2FML GAAE Mli-aiy ONHUE'U AI _ AIY Grg eE GARMAE, S ALEn SALE GARAGE COMPLEX GRG AEGrg 8am - Noon Dr. Glass top stove furnîtsre & Sa! M ay 3 GGlass top setul homue &dcs 5. tbes. MILTN Sa May 30h gamri-lpm 10512 EMIRTONE RiaeSat May 5t MUTGI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sa! May 30 Samn - Noon Maiden Lane (off Commercial sosth of Mais S.> Toys, photo steif, TV&much more. SALE Sa!.* May 30 8am-lpm Ashbrook Court Somnethîsg for everyooeI MILTON Multi-Family Garage Sale Sa!. May 30 Samn-lpm 1185 Houston Dr. Fomitoos, baby items, vides, games, bikes & more. MILTON STREET SALE Sa! May 30 8am -l2pm Hayward cres. Fishing, computer, fumniture, and lofs of misc. ifems MILTON STREET SALE Sa! May 30 .8amn - Noon "No Early Birds' Freemnan Trail (Bebiod Metro) Fomîtore, îoys, clothîng, bousebsîd items & mscb more. .à 532 Hawthornel gCres: IChdress Tovs I items SALE Sa! May 30 7:30 - Noon McMullen Cres. Fomîtore, books, toys & toto of items, HUGE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 30 2009 - 8am - Noon BOYNE COMMUNITY CENTRE (Brntoonis Rd. & HWY 25) Presentedl By:- Omagh Presbyterian Church Bake Table, B50, Refreshmests, Ns Reasosable Offer Refuoed Saleable Items Weîcome CALL 905 878 8522 GiARAGE SALE Sa! May 30 88m - Noon Ran Date: S;un May 31 8am - NoonL miltoS GARAGE SALE Sa! May 30 Bam - Noon 611 Bennett Blvd. Hossehold items, bsby items, toys, golf clubs, fumitore etc. MILTON STREET SALE Sa! May 30 8am - Noon (No Earfy Biuds) M1oreau Lane (Intersection Thompoori Oerry) Sometin, fer Eryones Milton MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sait May 30 SAM -? 601 Woodward Ave. MILTON GARAGE SALE Sa! May 3 Barn - Noon 368 Kingsleigh Court Vanious lousehold items, books & clothing. Miton GARAGE SALE Sa! May 30 1:3Oam - 11:3Oam 805 & 809 Willow Ave. Hossehod Items, clothes, Dayoere cîosing - Toyo Sa! May 30 j8am - Noon ELMWOOD CRES. Hossehold items, Barbie Dols & tceoyis, burnktur J coes, ooksur, 1 Antique mîlk cans, pabio stones auid msch more.. MILTON GARAGE SALE Sa! May 30 8am -2pm 831 Merrili Dr. Lots of items for sale. ;MILTON Sa! May 30 &31 Barn- 2pmi 31 Dilîs Cres. Lois ofsfmitre, Antique buffet, dreosers, chairs, fridge. dishes, beddiirg & moch mnore! baie Sa!. May 30 StMy3 lam-lpm Sa!Ma 30? 32 Uflprecedenied Garage Sale Event Coxe BIvd. in Clark communel Anfiques and Mc0uaig & Thompson olher goods. Clark Communlty Coordinaled Dy. WahidAhlm ILTONI Sales Represenlatlve ISTREETI ReAtfaX fleaIY Spoidalla c. Brokeraga 1 SALE I 055.44suprwhdc MOVIMG/ CONTENT SALE Sa! Ma y 30 9amn - 2pm 388 McNabb Cres. Elivismeemorablia, everythtingmusisgo. MILTON MUlti-Famnily Gara ge Sale Sa!. May 30 8am-llam 667 Auger Terrace toys, baby items, hsssewares and more MILTON GARAGE SALE Sa! May 30 7:30 -ý Noon 130 Manley Lane lmhompson is Oprucedaiel Misc. bossebold items, ji0 sw puzzles, books fumîtore & more. e.ô ex 90 e S865ý Appeaning every Friday April 1, 2009 thru November 1, 2009 MILTON NOJUNK GARAGE SALE In support of The Milton Relay for Lite Sa! May 30 615 Lyons Cri. Barn - Noon Something for Everyone; clothing for ail ages, toys, books, baby items. Don't Miss This One Yard Sale/ Bake Sale Sa!. May 30 8amn - 2pmn S!. Stephen's Anglican Church 1480 Steeles Ave. (Between Wîostso Churchll Blvd. & Trafalgar Roadi ET-SALE WHAT cleans out your closes, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in the Milton Champion! Friday edition reaches 23,000 homes in Milton and yosr coso is as Iow as 1$25.00 + gsi. For info. and to place your ad in the Friday edition, just cal> the IClassified Dept. at 905-632-4440, Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. DEADINE for Friday edition is Wednesdlay at 5 p.m. If your Garage Sale is rained out yos mon't get soaked if you bsy osr Rain Protection for an additonal $5.! Notify Our office and miell1 re-run the same ad, with a date change, at no charge within the next 2 week period. Note: Vour ad also appears on-line as gaae se. adcl Crbtkes, RVs, auto repatr servtces, boats, electrontcs, pet supites, anttques, collecttbles, home furntshtngs, jewelry, sporting goods, musical instruments, personal servtces, real estate, travel packages, employment and busîness opportunttes, personals, public notices and *much more ..Pick up your copy today. .095m878m2341 j Milton GARAGE SALE Saturday May 301h 8am-12pmrr 859 Anderson Ave Lots of toys and hossehsld items MILTON GARAGE SALE Sa! Ma v 30 8am - Noon 1126 Davis Lane