MiW enealHel eerap pchnical fhlp TiI hnical I/olp Il~ ~ÂUA .~ .s <7 i -ATTENTION RETAIL ~UVU1V1etroIaflci SERVICE TECHNICIAN SLSEPE À( S T M E D i A G, R 0 U P We are the fastes! growing automotive !Earn a great living and have a great lime do- ls Isoking for dealerohip in our region. We are looking for an ing il! Work in a team environment. Learn experienced licensed techoician to join oar trothfe bec! in the buaines. POCKET FEEDERS great team. Hyundai eoperience preferred. V* Ep-dno flot necesaary for automatic inserhsng machine Excellent wages & trenefito. *Slrong commission plan For overo ghf ohifts i 2am f0 8am Fomward resume: Parts & Service Manager Company demo1 Alty i n persan witts resumne Friday Fax 90)5633-8815 *Willing f5 train the right individuels gy 22nd between 11 am & 2pm l ornait: aduch@burlingtanhyundai.ca *Eoceptional relatnahip building and com- 5 00 Harvester Rd, Burlinglan munication skills J1 rey e *aiem kr Sff molvation wfth an individoal dmie to POITON e * LBL req uired at busy Please emaif resume Georgetown woodworking ocriog-QÇQMPiord.c 1 or fax 905-873-3309 firm. Email resume: CONCEPTFORD i nfo@ ispagro up.Corn 361tGuelph StreetGeorgetoan or fax 905-702-2773.-.- ----- - Lot Attendant & Detailer 90e are csrrently seekîng applicants for the above positions. If you are a hard worker, team player and take pride in ysur work, ce cani f0 heur from yos. Must have a dlean valid driver's lcense and tre strie 10 drive standard. Please apply in confidence ta Bob Darston Fixed aperatians Mtanager Milton Tayota Fax 905 8751516 Ernaît kbrstn@rintytanîyaacr I Large Daycars Centre in Georgetown IPs as faxsoumelol 92~05t2t51 GENERAL MAINTENANCE Fuil-Time position uvailahîs for hîgh nse apartment truilding in Burlington and Oakoîlle. Must tre cîlling fa work at trsth locations. Esperience in drywall and tils repaîrs an asset. Own transportation heipu.Slr commensurate with esperience,'hours 8am-, 4:3Opm. Must be fluent in English and enjoy working in a team envîrooment. Fax resurne ta: 416-364-6087 W9e are lookng for an enthusiaaticmaurel rcrera for part-Ume pas trn. Hai Buid a career startng day anc. 850 Main Street East, Unit 6 Milton " trourly wage plus commissios " excellent bt-st-its package " full and pars stase positions " flexible working bous " equipmens provided " advanced training progranni " no dliet-otle reqsired Cuit Erin ut 905-693-0421 www.frrtchoice.com Welcome ... to a warld of choice SALES CONSULTANT We are the faslest grswing aulomotive dealer- shîp in Our region & we are sspsnding sur sales team, If you are a recognized sales con- sultant corkîng for a dealership that is not pro- viding yos with the tosîs & traffie ysa reqairs to sscceed, forward s copy of yosr resame to our Generat Sales Manager ernait: ndeaaaza@burtingtanhyundai.ca Healfh Benefîts, demo/car alo wasce, Ltunuss & mare for the rig/rf candidats. (Must tre OM V/C cerfied> Hatal Asstscla )nti SAE lRP equesi Front Desk Needed for 'Receptn ' flooring sfore fl-ie - er in Milfon, soperisocs must Please e-mail somte evenings resumes Io: & weekends. refalOmiyideal o Fax resume ta: 905-451-45660- EM eiDtl nal - ii ilfor s,,very tru sy Oph - h o ffice. I4daays/ week (P/T)I M st riabe to mut-ak uthave godcomputer akîlîs and a plessant telephone mannier Prevîsus medîcal office exp. an asset. Fax resarne la: 905-84g-6990 e adical, Dental Permanent! position for for rukswltri 0EETO $8p/h and up. Must oakvttle fit-ai ae havedrivr's ic-J looking for pet-aoc tools. wlth exceltent ematil. titaf@ communlction sot imparts.cern skIffs. Muet be campufer fitteralte and speaks fluent IJfrsIIlm~ Englicti Ti Play ful benebfts anii ecel lent apports- nity. Fas recume: Ofie8ep 95-336-0272. ReceptionlCustamer Service Permanent part-fime requîred for busy glass & mrror showroom. Must have saceptionul com- munîcutvon okilîs, As pari of our team you must tre srganîzed and dîaplay attention to detuil.« No computer okîlîs necessury. This position is roi sîtable for otudents Pinase appty witb resurne, ia persan ont y between garn - 3prn, Manday - Frida - akvie Glass & Mirrar 550 Branle Rd., Gakvttte Ontarla.- SALES PROFESSIONAL A leading Canadian manufacturer of chemical solutions to the automotive indeofry, retaîlera and wholesale dist ributors acroso Canada and the United Statea and global esporto s sesrching for the conaummate sales professional to service Our exsitng accounîs and to identîfy and oeil f0 05w marketa. Csrrenlly, the compuny specializes in aufamotise DEM, pedormsnce-enhancing fuel additives, ail additives and heasy-duly clecnems and degreasera, along with oit and grease labricanta and appearance praducla, aucb ao glaaa, vinyl and labric cleaners. Mcny new prodact applications are being deseloped la pravide the organization with exanded opportunihies in new markets. The preferred applîcant muat be self- malivated, hase the ability bo worb independent of a spereor, must have excellent presentation, negolialing and clsing akillo. Esperience in self ing automolise producta wsuld tre un asacl. vite off er a compelilise salary, car allswance and bealthb trnsfila package, along wilh the Oppotunily to become an inlegral pst-t of c dynamic company. Plasse subetut recurne wlth yau- sales accamptisbrnents ta: Human Recoarces Manager hrrnanager.sci@grnail.carn *o bokii u ca ee i.otniycl t&M t-LEANtNG- Wr oii clean vous house/apasit ment, residesSiai commer cial, second clearure S20 off. reasonabie rares. 41,6-870-2611, s.mcieanirsrvceoecors 32 VEAR oid maie, Coliege Oegree, 10 vears of expenience in font and dve and troublrshoing. Hisisy moialrd excelent computer skiis, trausabir Current!y in nigt school to Cali 416-709-7819. IIeerovents SPECIALtZING IN Fsanr ssg. Osyrsal andi Taping. No oS 100 snsall 17 vears exP. easemesrs, suririons, varuwood Fios Refiish ine, FinsScsesy al ..........4Z - 730n CARPE tN5TLLE2 ,Father's Day Feature z *0 CD Progressive Docnoac BuinqtonDental Practice as looking for an outgaîng Asistant woeoyafatpaced ensîrooment. Muthave excellent organizationa skîlls and s 11mmof 2ymshandsjne1î.ncldn, Implants & Major Restorafise Dentiatry. Please sendi resarne ta Barli ton Post 5040 Malnway Unit #1 IL Burtingtan ON L7L 7G5 Bas 4445 ht1 b elImtacrant i f51/ restaurant Bur stagia Mito ~ h I nn~i NOWl DIIO Fr. Mlor n am 5pi inT pie ke eran:1/ 3 eBBIiilng C ook Ca5lir 2Fa ron 0B-B sgB 90-84-9833